Goerge Will - The Fairness Doctrine Strikes OUt

The last time it "reared its ugly head" was in 2004 when a Democratic beck-bencher proposed a bill to reinstate it that didn't even get the majority support of her caucus.

It's a non-issue. It's one of those issues that the wing-nuts keep alive because they are out of ideas and have no agenda. Instead of focusing on things that actually matter they dream up these horseshit fantasies about the evil liberals that don't exist.

Notice that George Fucking Will doesn't identify a single "liberal" in Congress that has actually proposed a bill to reinstitute the measure. Surely if there was a powerful reactionary liberal cohort that we should all be afraid of because George Fucking Will said they want to steal our RushHaninityO'Reilley he could name at least one of them and maybe even identify a piece of legislation designed to reinstitute the doctrine. He didn't' because he can't.

As I said above, the last time a vote was taken on affirmatively preventing the FCC from reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine (and Congress could have said nothing at all since the FCC wasn't going to reinstitute it anyway) it was overwhelmingly supported.

And the reason it died before and seems to have no support now? Its because people talked about it, bitched about it, and it became one of the pieces of legislation that no one wants to touch again.

And I have no problem with it never being touched again.

But there is no harm in a thread about it. We either want to make sure it stays out of the picture or we just want to talk about the topic.

But, in my humble opinion, the discussion of topics is not restricted to ONLY immediately relevant items.
What are you 2 on about? Pelosi has said (this year) that Yes she supports a return of the Fairness Doctrine, she is the house speaker so obviously the right is concerned and would be talking strongly about and against it.

It's not tilting at windmills but quashing something before it grows.

What about Harry Reid? Obama?

If the speaker doesn't think it will pass, she won't bring it up. Pelosi is, admittedly, way to the left of her caucus, but she's politically savvy. She hasn't been talking about it and it's not on the agenda. Conservatards may dominate old media like radio but liberals and progressives dominate the internet.
And the reason it died before and seems to have no support now? Its because people talked about it, bitched about it, and it became one of the pieces of legislation that no one wants to touch again.

And I have no problem with it never being touched again.

But there is no harm in a thread about it. We either want to make sure it stays out of the picture or we just want to talk about the topic.

But, in my humble opinion, the discussion of topics is not restricted to ONLY immediately relevant items.

Or because no one really supports it in the first place. As I said, this is an issue that conservatives pretend liberals support because it is easy to defeat something that nobody wants. Then you can run around claiming victory when there wasn't even a fight.

Hazzah conservatives!

Worse yet, the Will column is a retread of something he wrote for Newsweek back in May of 2007. At the time the boogeyman liberal was Howard Dean. This time around he doesn't even bother to name a single person that wants to bring it back. I suppose we can just wait year for Will's next rehash of this same column.

Here's the 2007 effort by Will:

Dung, you have posted 5 times telling us that this is a none-issue.

Do you have a problem with someone discussing the issue? I mean, you certainly seem to be throwing a lot of effort into stopping any discussion. And its all because you don't think its relevant.

Ok, we get that you don't think its relevant and that its not up for a vote or on the agenda for anytime soon

Now relax and let people chat about shit. I don't see you on this rant on the threads; Fiat Money = Violence, or The Rapture, or the debate about what is the oldest religion. Sometimes people just talk about whatever is on their mind.
Dung, you have posted 5 times telling us that this is a none-issue.

Do you have a problem with someone discussing the issue? I mean, you certainly seem to be throwing a lot of effort into stopping any discussion. And its all because you don't think its relevant.

Ok, we get that you don't think its relevant and that its not up for a vote or on the agenda for anytime soon

Now relax and let people chat about shit. I don't see you on this rant on the threads; Fiat Money = Violence, or The Rapture, or the debate about what is the oldest religion. Sometimes people just talk about whatever is on their mind.

NO.......you couldn't possibly. Why would someone talk about what is on his mind? I can't believe it.
Dung, you have posted 5 times telling us that this is a none-issue.

Do you have a problem with someone discussing the issue? I mean, you certainly seem to be throwing a lot of effort into stopping any discussion. And its all because you don't think its relevant.

Ok, we get that you don't think its relevant and that its not up for a vote or on the agenda for anytime soon

Now relax and let people chat about shit. I don't see you on this rant on the threads; Fiat Money = Violence, or The Rapture, or the debate about what is the oldest religion. Sometimes people just talk about whatever is on their mind.

I don't really care what people talk about. I guess it just really bothers me that some hack like George Will recycles a column he wrote in the Spring of 2007 (that he had no supporting evidence for back then and his case is worse now) and it runs as a syndicated column across the country and people get all incensed about some non-issue. Meanwhile, we're mired in the longest recession since the 1970s and the recession just got declared last week. It seems to me that there are more important things in the world and George Fucking Will ought to be ashamed of himself.

And George Fucking Will isn't talking about what is on his mind, he's mailing in a retread of a shitty piece he wrote a long time ago because he's got nothing better to write. Like all the other right-wing "intellectuals," he's just plain out of ideas.
And I highly doubt George Fucking Will is posting this on JPP.

But of course you must be right. We should all abandon ANY topic that will not be addressed by the President or Congress in the next 30 days.
And I highly doubt George Fucking Will is posting this on JPP.

But of course you must be right. We should all abandon ANY topic that will not be addressed by the President or Congress in the next 30 days.

What's the significance of whether George Fucking Will posted this on JPP? He's getting it published in the Washington Post and as a syndicated column across the country such that people like H20 and others read it and believe it. I already wrote a letter to the editor as the WaPo in the hopes that his tripe will be rebutted there.

I'm being the anti-Will. I'm not necessarily telling people what to talk about, just letting them know that they should save their outrage for things that are real.
What's the significance of whether George Fucking Will posted this on JPP? He's getting it published in the Washington Post and as a syndicated column across the country such that people like H20 and others read it and believe it. I already wrote a letter to the editor as the WaPo in the hopes that his tripe will be rebutted there.

I'm being the anti-Will. I'm not necessarily telling people what to talk about, just letting them know that they should save their outrage for things that are real.

I just save mine for the folks who are outraged about what people post.

We all need a hobby, I suppose.
If that's a dig at me you missed your mark. I'm not outraged at what anyone posted. I'm mildly annoyed that George Fucking Will exists.

No, I don't waste time with little digs. If I wanted to insult you I would have done so.

I was just giving you a hard time for the theme of your string of posts on this thread.
Dung, I think that actual freedom of speech is an important issue, even if you disregard its importance.

This inane Newspeak version of 'free' simply isn't.
Dung, I think that actual freedom of speech is an important issue, even if you disregard its importance.

This inane Newspeak version of 'free' simply isn't.

I have zero idea what you are talking about. Are you criticizing me for criticizing Will or are you criticizing me for criticizing Will for pretending that people actually want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

Short and concise posts are good. Short posts that are confusing are not. What is "this inane Newspeak version of 'free?'" I don't get it.
I have zero idea what you are talking about. Are you criticizing me for criticizing Will or are you criticizing me for criticizing Will for pretending that people actually want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

Short and concise posts are good. Short posts that are confusing are not. What is "this inane Newspeak version of 'free?'" I don't get it.
Ah, I see. So you aren't supporting the 'Fairness Doctrine'. Cool.

It is definitely a valid topic though, saying that nobody supports bringing it back is a bit silly.
Dung, you have posted 5 times telling us that this is a none-issue.

Do you have a problem with someone discussing the issue? I mean, you certainly seem to be throwing a lot of effort into stopping any discussion. And its all because you don't think its relevant.

Ok, we get that you don't think its relevant and that its not up for a vote or on the agenda for anytime soon

Now relax and let people chat about shit. I don't see you on this rant on the threads; Fiat Money = Violence, or The Rapture, or the debate about what is the oldest religion. Sometimes people just talk about whatever is on their mind.

yes, he has a real problem with others discussing this. His panties are so tightly bunched that he cannot fathom why anyone would discuss anything other than what HE wants to talk about. So he persists in telling us via 100 posts how irrelevant this topic is.

Side note... he obviously has a very low opinion of the current Speaker of the House. Apparently her comments don't mean much. Her stating she thinks the Fairness Doctrine should be re-implemented are not worthy of discussion. Its all just a right wing conspiracy.
What's the significance of whether George Fucking Will posted this on JPP? He's getting it published in the Washington Post and as a syndicated column across the country such that people like H20 and others read it and believe it. I already wrote a letter to the editor as the WaPo in the hopes that his tripe will be rebutted there.

I'm being the anti-Will. I'm not necessarily telling people what to talk about, just letting them know that they should save their outrage for things that are real.

WHO is 'outraged'.... water posted something he wanted to discuss. The only one here displaying 'outrage' is YOU.
I have zero idea what you are talking about. Are you criticizing me for criticizing Will or are you criticizing me for criticizing Will for pretending that people actually want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

Short and concise posts are good. Short posts that are confusing are not. What is "this inane Newspeak version of 'free?'" I don't get it.

Tell us Dung, since you seem to continue ignoring this point.... how is the Speaker of the House stating that she thinks it should be reinstated.... "pretending"???

Just because there haven't been any bills put forth doesn't mean she doesn't want it reinstated. But as you said, she doesn't have the votes to do it. But again, as long as the person with the MOST POWER in the House wants this to occur, then it is a legitimate topic for discussion. By George Will or by posters on a message board.