Goerge Will - The Fairness Doctrine Strikes OUt

sorry, but tripe from the New Republic doesn't count as a newsource or a credible link. The Speaker of the House said she is in favor of bringing it back... but I know... you will continue to ignore that point as long as you can.

I see. Source the Pelosi quote for me then. Once you do that please explain to me why the source of the Pelosi quote (or George Fucking Will for that matter) is credible whereas TNR is not.
I see. Source the Pelosi quote for me then. Once you do that please explain to me why the source of the Pelosi quote (or George Fucking Will for that matter) is credible whereas TNR is not.

sorry, I am not going to re-hash this with you. You have already been referred to Google. Put in Pelosi and Fairness Doctrine. You will get her quote.
sorry, I am not going to re-hash this with you. You have already been referred to Google. Put in Pelosi and Fairness Doctrine. You will get her quote.

Actually, what I was most interested in was your explanation as to why TNR does not count as a news source or a credible link whereas HumanEvents.com, the "Headquarters of the Conservative Underground," is the Bible truth. I don't believe we have discussed the matter before.
Actually, what I was most interested in was your explanation as to why TNR does not count as a news source or a credible link whereas HumanEvents.com, the "Headquarters of the Conservative Underground," is the Bible truth. I don't believe we have discussed the matter before.

I was mocking you for routinely dismissing articles and their points based on the source of the articles.

The reason Humanevents.com matters is they have a direct quote from Pelosi. It is not an opinion piece. It was an interview. But I know, they probably just made up her quote... right?
I was mocking you for routinely dismissing articles and their points based on the source of the articles.

The reason Humanevents.com matters is they have a direct quote from Pelosi. It is not an opinion piece. It was an interview. But I know, they probably just made up her quote... right?
TNR is no more or less credible than The Nation or the American Spectator.
What's the significance of whether George Fucking Will posted this on JPP? He's getting it published in the Washington Post and as a syndicated column across the country such that people like H20 and others read it and believe it. I already wrote a letter to the editor as the WaPo in the hopes that his tripe will be rebutted there.

I'm being the anti-Will. I'm not necessarily telling people what to talk about, just letting them know that they should save their outrage for things that are real.

Dungheap, I am too the left of you.
TNR is no more or less credible than The Nation or the American Spectator.

yes, I know, as I stated lawyer man.... I was giving dung a hard time. Over the last few days he has routinely dismissed stories based on the website they came from or the author. Didn't bother to discuss the topic, he just attacked the author or site.

comprehend it now lawyer man?
yes, I know, as I stated lawyer man.... I was giving dung a hard time. Over the last few days he has routinely dismissed stories based on the website they came from or the author. Didn't bother to discuss the topic, he just attacked the author or site.

comprehend it now lawyer man?

Can you back that up? I recall attacking stories based on the inaccuracies in the stories themselves but I don't recall attacking stories solely based on the sources themselves.

The one example I can think of where I flatly attacked a source is the Wall Street Journal op-eds, but even then I attacked the "facts" contained therein.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
yes, I know, as I stated lawyer man.... I was giving dung a hard time. Over the last few days he has routinely dismissed stories based on the website they came from or the author. Didn't bother to discuss the topic, he just attacked the author or site.

comprehend it now lawyer man?
Your lawyer envy is showing again.