Good By


I called every winner in the last election, I am retiring with a perfect score. So long, you know who you are.
Thanks Desh. Most people don't want to go where I am going.

I love this site and Damo is the best but it never moves fast enough for me.

I love nothing more than to be hashing it out early in the moring to get my brain flying.

One site is never enough for me and whimpy site runners end up banning me for a day here or a week there when I kick thier asses tooo hard.

I stomped one guy yesterday and he insulted me for the effort so I told him to bite the back end of a mnoose you clown and he banned me.

they can insult but your not supposed to "hey stay classy cons".

I always need new sites to visit.

Funny though they never out right ban me, I bring in too many hits to the sites