Good By

Thanks Billy. Since Rootbeer left, the elections are over, and my personal problem, I just haven't been interested lately.

Don't think of me as leaving, think of it more as a sabbatical.

You have the bug. You won't be gone long...
Don't go!

Rana, you know what is going on too. My heart is literally broken, I was in the cardiac unit for 5 days last week.

I don't have much to offer this place right now except vitriol and there is more than enough of that here already. I will be back, and I'll be popping in and out too, just to piss off that little asshole, 3-dweeb.
Rana, you know what is going on too. My heart is literally broken, I was in the cardiac unit for 5 days last week.

I don't have much to offer this place right now except vitriol and there is more than enough of that here already. I will be back, and I'll be popping in and out too, just to piss off that little asshole, 3-dweeb.

Take care, get better! So very sorry.
wow, first Dude, now Rune.....if Howie would just stay away I wouldn't even need 'Ignore' any more.....

LOL this place is so warm. Well,you know, into each life a little rain must fall...maybe next week you'll get distracted by a ball of twine and wander in front of a bus and then you won't need the ignore button either. I mean, this could play out in a number of diffferent ways. You never know.
Thanks Billy. Since Rootbeer left, the elections are over, and my personal problem, I just haven't been interested lately.

Don't think of me as leaving, think of it more as a sabbatical.

Yeah, shit happens man. Take it easy.
JPP confirmed not good for the heart.

3d doing his best at the bad cop routine to keep people coming back. We work all the angles.

Rune is the first person leaving in a year that actually matters. Good thing it's because he is in poor health though and not because we did something wrong.
Thanks Billy. Since Rootbeer left, the elections are over, and my personal problem, I just haven't been interested lately.

Don't think of me as leaving, think of it more as a sabbatical.

I'll miss you. I hate it when intelligent people leave and hope it's just a sabbatical, and you'll be back when everything gets straightened out. Don't forget about us!

I'll miss you. I hate it when intelligent people leave and hope it's just a sabbatical, and you'll be back when everything gets straightened out. Don't forget about us!


Thanks, I'd never forget about you anyway ( my first love at JPP), but God willing, I will return.
JPP confirmed not good for the heart.

3d doing his best at the bad cop routine to keep people coming back. We work all the angles.

Rune is the first person leaving in a year that actually matters. Good thing it's because he is in poor health though and not because we did something wrong.

Meeting you is on my bucket list dude, we live so close.
By the way, based upon what I'm seeing in Rune's posts about his personal life, I'm guessing it's something serious. As, such, despite our trivial sniping, I do hope that one of you who communicates with him will convey to him my best wishes.