Good By

Shame. Always a reminder you don't know the people here. [sub][sup]Unless of course, they let you get their last names.[/sup][/sub]
If I am not mistaken, Rune mentioned once on this forum that he has heart failure. Shitty way to go. No cure other than heart transplant but that is really trading one disease for another.
By the way, based upon what I'm seeing in Rune's posts about his personal life, I'm guessing it's something serious. As, such, despite our trivial sniping, I do hope that one of you who communicates with him will convey to him my best wishes.

Thanks 3-d. I always liked you too.
Is there any other kind? Redundant, redundant, redundant.

Yeah, faggot doesn't have to mean homosexual. It's been used as a perjorative for the poor, the old, the mentally disabled, and now gays. Can easily be a fag without sucking a single dick, and conversely you can suck 1,000 dicks and not be a fag.
Yeah, faggot doesn't have to mean homosexual. It's been used as a perjorative for the poor, the old, the mentally disabled, and now gays. Can easily be a fag without sucking a single dick, and conversely you can suck 1,000 dicks and not be a fag.

It's also a bundle of sticks, a cigarette, and meatballs made from liver and boiled in beer.