Good By

Embrace the inner you.

why do you think the inner him looks like the outer you?......
Haha, I wish I looked like that. Assuming I have washboard abs and perfect hair is hardly an insult... posted the picture in the first place because you wanted to accuse DY's inner self of having washboard abs and perfect hair......we figured that out already......
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It strikes me as hypocritical. Unless they refer to its slang (gay=dumb, stupid, boring, etc). And then they complained about that use . . .
You meant it in a degrading manner, or at least to envoke a reaction in a negative way, either from him or towards him.
You meant it in a degrading manner, or at least to envoke a reaction in a negative way, either from him or towards him.

I'm seriously trying to help him. I was a flower girl as a child, and it helped me deal with my complex arrays of feelings. Maybe he should try it.
I'm not using gay as an insult. I'm just pointing how how you really feel... trying to help you cope with these new emotions.
Actually you did use it as an insult- very telling on how you really feel about that orientation.

"Indifference" is not an emotion.