Good Luck With That Appeal

Bring the whole bunch! This place is in dire need of more intelligent, sane, rational, witty, and fun LWers. We're over-blessed (if you want to call it that) with the other kind. lol
I think we have a great mix from what I have seen. Even some independents which I honestly enjoy reading from. I have been welcomed here unlike the last place that I was at for like a week. It was comical to see me come in and the entire forum had a cow. I interrupted their maga circle jerk.

Trump suggests his mug shot and indictments appeal to Black voters

Black conservatives, Trump told the crowd gathered for the gala hosted by the Black Conservative Federation, “understand better than most that some of the greatest evils in our nation’s history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and to deny them their rights. You understand that. I think that’s why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what’s happening to me happens to them.”

So a convicted felonious ̶o̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ white guy is exactly like all Black people when it comes to discrimination. Oh, and if he gets sent to prison, he'll be just like Nelson Mandela. :laugh:
I think we have a great mix from what I have seen. Even some independents which I honestly enjoy reading from. I have been welcomed here unlike the last place that I was at for like a week. It was comical to see me come in and the entire forum had a cow. I interrupted their maga circle jerk.
I do hope you washed your hands afterwards.

Where were you previously? I came here from the now-defunct discussion forums, along with several others -- Mason, Jade Dragon, Eagle Eye, Toxic TOP, RB60, Flash, and a few others I can't recall at this moment. And yep, we had the exact same reception when we landed. One of the residents *still* whines constantly about the "Amazonerds."
I do hope you washed your hands afterwards.

Where were you previously? I came here from the now-defunct discussion forums, along with several others -- Mason, Jade Dragon, Eagle Eye, Toxic TOP, RB60, Flash, and a few others I can't recall at this moment. And yep, we had the exact same reception when we landed. One of the residents *still* whines constantly about the "Amazonerds."
I was over at PH for many years until I dared question a mod about his self proclaimed "recovery". I was thread banned by him then he banned me for like a month. When I went to sign in it said I had a secondary account which I actually never created. I went over to another forum and blasted PH for this shady behavior which the PH admin did not take kindly to. LOLOLOLOL

Before that I was a mod for years at Delphi forums. I left after a fellow mod who would get drunk and change people's settings and ban members for no reason.

I originally got started chatting politics over at cafemom way back in the day.

I joined here and tpf around the same time. That is who I was talking about in the above post.
I was over at PH for many years until I dared question a mod about his self proclaimed "recovery". I was thread banned by him then he banned me for like a month. When I went to sign in it said I had a secondary account which I actually never created. I went over to another forum and blasted PH for this shady behavior which the PH admin did not take kindly to. LOLOLOLOL

Before that I was a mod for years at Delphi forums. I left after a fellow mod who would get drunk and change people's settings and ban members for no reason.

I originally got started chatting politics over at cafemom way back in the day.

I joined here and tpf around the same time. That is who I was talking about in the above post.
Is TPF the one with a mod named Trinity?

We had a poster here named Rev. HellHound who came from PH. He was nuts.
Is TPF the one with a mod named Trinity?

We had a poster here named Rev. HellHound who came from PH. He was nuts.
No the other one. They do bitch a lot about this trinnity person over there. I don;t know what she did to them but damn they are butthurt. I have heard about that Rev person but he was after my time at PH.
On what basis? What does it have to do with questions of constitutional law?
It has nothing to do with law of any kind, Owl.
It has to do with Republican presidents seating justices with perverted values and depraved character.

Elections matter, and thanks to the electoral college and our federal system,
the republic is in serious peril.

We also had a Constitution which allowed this to happen
and which offers no functional remedies.
No the other one. They do bitch a lot about this trinnity person over there. I don;t know what she did to them but damn they are butthurt. I have heard about that Rev person but he was after my time at PH.
You didn't miss much.

There's been rumors here that after J6, Trinity/Trinnity had to really lock down her forum because there were a lot of users who apparently made threats against Biden and in favor of the insurrection. I'm not there so have no idea but it was quite a gossip item here at the time.
It has nothing to do with law of any kind, Owl.
It has to do with Republican presidents seating justices with perverted values and depraved character.

Elections matter, and thanks to the electoral college and our federal system,
the republic is in serious peril.

We also had a Constitution which allowed this to happen
and which offers no functional remedies.
Absolutely true. This is going to be a summer of important, far-reaching decisions. I have a feeling that most of them are going to go against the American people and our wishes.
Actual appeals won’t happen till after Election Day and if Trump doesn’t win this case will be the least of his legal troubles

He will win. Americans have indicated they are sick of the malfeasance, incompetence and divisiveness of this douchebag president

Of course, low IQ mental cases like you think things are awesome. Stock up on your meds halfwit.