Good News About Baby Boomers

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

Suicide rate rose dramatically among middle-aged Americans

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday that the annual suicide rate among people ages 35 to 64 increased a startling 28.4 percent between 1999 and 2010. For people in their 50s, the number of suicides doubled in that period.
The findings highlight the need for suicide prevention geared specifically toward middle-aged populations, according to the report.

The Boomers are finally realizing what a bunch of colossal fuck-ups they are, and offing themselves in dramatically increased numbers. And people wonder about the value of keeping guns legal, making drugs legal, and increasing adult access to hard liquor?

Ahhh....yes....I've heard the "Blame the Boomers" chant before.

Let it be noted that debt was not an issue until Reagan said "deficits don't matter".

That was the start of the Corporatocracy in this country. Labor was marginalized, corporations were deified. It paved the way for the offshoring, the legalized tax evasion, the banking problems.

Before that, tax rates were high enough and wages were high enough to not only pay for shit...but to actually build and keep what we have in good repair.

It's all gone to shit since then....but do ho ahead and blame the boomers.
Which, if true, does nothing to shift the blame away from the Boomers.

Spoiled....that's what it comes down to you were spoon fed your whole lives... which coincidentally.... explains the devotion to FoxNews. Your parents tried to give you the best life they could, you know.
Spoiled....that's what it comes down to you were spoon fed your whole lives... which coincidentally.... explains the devotion to FoxNews. Your parents tried to give you the best life they could, you know.

Remind me again which of us was the first generation raised on the television?
I didnt know Reagan was a boomer?

the Kock brothers ?

The first boomer president was bill clinton you dweebs and He gave us the best peace economy and deficit reduction.

It was the generation befor the boomers who fucked us up.

Then Bush who was their "return" to reagan days dream candidate who really finished the job while on the end of the Cheney puppet strings.

and what does the little sociopaths in training do?

herald the deaths of people who had their lives ruined by the republicans.

gee you guys are really special.

Im glad you young cons are so few and far inbetween.

It must suck to have to tell a girl your republican just to see her walk away from you huh?
Ahhh....yes....I've heard the "Blame the Boomers" chant before.

Let it be noted that debt was not an issue until Reagan said "deficits don't matter".

That was the start of the Corporatocracy in this country. Labor was marginalized, corporations were deified. It paved the way for the offshoring, the legalized tax evasion, the banking problems.

Before that, tax rates were high enough and wages were high enough to not only pay for shit...but to actually build and keep what we have in good repair.

It's all gone to shit since then....but do ho ahead and blame the boomers.

Reagan never said "deficits don't matter". Cheney said that.

As for the OP. Boomers are the most narcissistic, self absorbed generation this country has ever seen. They can't die off soon enough for me.
I didnt know Reagan was a boomer?

the Kock brothers ?

The first boomer president was bill clinton you dweebs and He gave us the best peace economy and deficit reduction.

It was the generation befor the boomers who fucked us up.

Then Bush who was their "return" to reagan days dream candidate who really finished the job while on the end of the Cheney puppet strings.

and what does the little sociopaths in training do?

herald the deaths of people who had their lives ruined by the republicans.

gee you guys are really special.

Im glad you young cons are so few and far inbetween.

It must suck to have to tell a girl your republican just to see her walk away from you huh?

Most Kaboomers were eligible to vote for Reagan. Only the ones born after November 1962 couldn't vote in 1980, and I think it's a stretch to call them Boomers, anyway.
Clinton, oddly enough, inherited his economy from Reagan and Bush Sr. Then Bush Jr., a fellow Boomer, came along and effed it up.
More Americans now die of suicide than from car accidents, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a disturbing statistic that some experts say points to the true depths of the US economic crisis.

In a letter to The Lancet medical journal, scientists from Britain, Hong Kong and United States said an analysis of data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that while suicide rates increased slowly between 1999 and 2007, the rate of increase has more than quadrupled since President Obama was elected to the Presidency in 2008, Reuters reports.

Citing the nation’s severe economic recession as having a direct connection to the rise of suicides, Aaron Reeves of Britain’s University of Cambridge, warned that politicians are partially to blame.

“The increase does coincide with a decrease in financial standing for a lot of families over the same time period.”
In 2010, 93% of all pre-tax income gains went to the top one percent of the American population, which in that year meant any household earning more than $358,000.

Meanwhile, preliminary research suggests that the risk for suicide will unlikely subside for future generations.

“The boomers had great expectations for what their life might look like, but I think perhaps it hasn’t panned out that way,” said Julie Phillips, an associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University. She warns that the number is actually even higher. “We know we’re not counting all suicides… It’s vastly under-reported.”

In 2010, there were 33,687 deaths from motor vehicle crashes and 38,364 suicides.
Although suicide has been traditionally viewed as a problem among the youth and elderly, the recent study, published in Friday’s issue of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, shows a marked rise in the number of suicides among middle-aged men and women.

This may be connected to the fact that middle-aged individuals who find themselves out of work find it severely more difficult to find employment than their younger counterparts.

The suicide rate for men aged 35–64 years jumped 27.3 per cent, while the rate for women increased 31.5 per cent, from 6.2 to 8.1 per 100,000.


Way to go Obama, your failures are driving people to suicide.
Since the crash and recession happened before Obama was elected, it looks like Dubya's got some more blood on his hands.
Spoiled....that's what it comes down to you were spoon fed your whole lives... which coincidentally.... explains the devotion to FoxNews. Your parents tried to give you the best life they could, you know.

Yes, the Boomers have given us so much. Such wonderful gifts as...

11 years of war without end
The Great Recession (whose supposed recovery isn't felt by us Millenials)
Getting our balls groped when we try to fly
The highest gas prices in American history
The highest college tuition in American history (which can no longer be claimed in bankruptcy)
The lowest dollar value in American history

Yes, with gifts such as that, it's no surprise we have such stellar trust in the government.
Since the crash and recession happened before Obama was elected, it looks like Dubya's got some more blood on his hands. shit....I read a story on FB about a husband going to the hospital with his wife.... her cancer was back...he already mortgaged himself to the hilt paying for it the first time, sold most of their possessions paying for her monthly medications and he had nothing left. He took his wife upstairs..dressed her in her nicest nightgown, shot her in the head and then killed himself.

Now....this is probably one if those bullshit FB stories....but the reality is that this happens all the time...and I'll tell you what....if you have a Christian bone in your should be terribly ashamed of yourself.
Yes, the Boomers have given us so much. Such wonderful gifts as...

11 years of war without end
The Great Recession (whose supposed recovery isn't felt by us Millenials)
Getting our balls groped when we try to fly
The highest gas prices in American history
The highest college tuition in American history (which can no longer be claimed in bankruptcy)
The lowest dollar value in American history

Yes, with gifts such as that, it's no surprise we have such stellar trust in the government.

Well, a few more years and you guys can just truck us off to the Solient Green processing plants.
Ahhh....yes....I've heard the "Blame the Boomers" chant before.

Let it be noted that debt was not an issue until Reagan said "deficits don't matter".

That was the start of the Corporatocracy in this country. Labor was marginalized, corporations were deified. It paved the way for the offshoring, the legalized tax evasion, the banking problems.

Before that, tax rates were high enough and wages were high enough to not only pay for shit...but to actually build and keep what we have in good repair.

It's all gone to shit since then....but do ho ahead and blame the boomers.

Interesting article