Good News About Baby Boomers

I didnt know Reagan was a boomer?

the Kock brothers ?

The first boomer president was bill clinton you dweebs and He gave us the best peace economy and deficit reduction.

It was the generation befor the boomers who fucked us up.

Then Bush who was their "return" to reagan days dream candidate who really finished the job while on the end of the Cheney puppet strings.

and what does the little sociopaths in training do?

herald the deaths of people who had their lives ruined by the republicans.

gee you guys are really special.

Im glad you young cons are so few and far inbetween.

It must suck to have to tell a girl your republican just to see her walk away from you huh?

Lol, okay, can't burn us, we will pollute the air? Disposing of us like nuclear waste is the only solution.

Nuclear waste is far more useful, and less dangerous.

I figure the only use for the Boomers is to fire them into the Sun.
Nuclear waste is far more useful, and less dangerous.

I figure the only use for the Boomers is to fire them into the Sun.

Well....go use your 2nd Amendment solutions to get rid of us....actually, I was born in ', technically... I'm on the fence if Boomer/Genx...but can throw me in with the Boomers....after all, I am a public sector would probably put me high on your Kill list too.
Well....go use your 2nd Amendment solutions to get rid of us....actually, I was born in ', technically... I'm on the fence if Boomer/Genx...but can throw me in with the Boomers....after all, I am a public sector would probably put me high on your Kill list too.
Boomers aren't worth the cost of ammo.
Claim X, it is vastly superior. Think of it like a tourist in Europe keeping the locals pacified by claiming to be Canadian.


No....I identify more with the least the boomers before they stopped believing in peace, love and know....the true message of Christ?
Nope. My ma was part of the....well whatever generation is between the Boomers and the 'greatest'.

no such thing.

greatest generation was from like 1920-1940
boomers 1940s-1960's
Generation X - 1960's-1980s
Generation Y/Millenials (us) 1980s-2000s

We (the mid-late 20 somethings) are actually the oldest of the millennials, I could have almost been a generation x'er, and been in the same generation as darla. Thankfully, I made the cut :D
no such thing.

greatest generation was from like 1920-1940
boomers 1940s-1960's
Generation X - 1960's-1980s
Generation Y/Millenials (us) 1980s-2000s

We (the mid-late 20 somethings) are actually the oldest of the millennials, I could have almost been a generation x'er, and been in the same generation as darla. Thankfully, I made the cut :D

I thought the Boomers was 1950-70.
you might be thinking 70's though because boomers still had the biggest influence on the 70's to some extent. Generations go by birth year, so the oldest of the gen x'ers were only about ~5 years old when the 70's started, whereas the boomers were anywhere from 7-24. Just like we were born in the 80's but the full force of the millennials hasn't really come into being until recently.
oh billy i think i missed a generation, so you were right that there was one between boomers and the greatest... the silent generation. hm.
No....I identify more with the least the boomers before they stopped believing in peace, love and know....the true message of Christ?

Don't forget drugs, atheism, abortion, narcissism, no fault divorce, and free sex. Also messages of Or Lord and Savior, no doubt.