Good time to implement universal healthcare?


Abreast of the situations
With all this talk of billions of dollars of bailout for the auto companies perhaps it makes sense to talk about piloting a universal health care for the employees. After all the reason American companies cant compete with Toyota or Honda is because there cost per hour is in the 80's when you include all the ridiculously bloated health care benefits they are given versus a Toyota worker making 30's.

Perhaps some level of care is piloted employees from the auto companies sort of like for veterans and then we do away with the UAW.
With all this talk of billions of dollars of bailout for the auto companies perhaps it makes sense to talk about piloting a universal health care for the employees. After all the reason American companies cant compete with Toyota or Honda is because there cost per hour is in the 80's when you include all the ridiculously bloated health care benefits they are given versus a Toyota worker making 30's.

Perhaps some level of care is piloted employees from the auto companies sort of like for veterans and then we do away with the UAW.

Did you watch Rachel Maddow last night? She had the Steelworkers' union president (I think) on and he addressed this very issue. He said that auto workers in every other developed country have universal health care and so this cost is not carried forward in the cost of the vehicles they produce.
Did you watch Rachel Maddow last night? She had the Steelworkers' union president (I think) on and he addressed this very issue. He said that auto workers in every other developed country have universal health care and so this cost is not carried forward in the cost of the vehicles they produce.

No didnt watch but it just makes sense. How can we compete when right from the start we are down 2000 on a car.
With many more americans expected to lose healthcare duinrg the next few months and beyond it is the perfect time to implement it. From a good for the people perspective.
With many more americans expected to lose healthcare duinrg the next few months and beyond it is the perfect time to implement it. From a good for the people perspective.

fuck it. we spending shit loads of money anyways. the rich will still get better care by buying private supplements.
With all this talk of billions of dollars of bailout for the auto companies perhaps it makes sense to talk about piloting a universal health care for the employees. After all the reason American companies cant compete with Toyota or Honda is because there cost per hour is in the 80's when you include all the ridiculously bloated health care benefits they are given versus a Toyota worker making 30's.

Perhaps some level of care is piloted employees from the auto companies sort of like for veterans and then we do away with the UAW.

The right-wing hard-on for destroying the UAW is sickening. I didn't hear peep about the hundreds of billions of dollars of bailout (really trillions with all the bells and whistles) for the non-unionized finance guys. Horseshit.

Having said that, any time is a good time for universal healthcare and I think you will see the business community gradually coming around to supporting universal insurance so that they don't have to provide it anymore.

Lastly, your unquestioned acceptance of right-wing talking points that are at best half-truths (suggesting that current workers enjoy total compensation packages of 80 bucks an hour) bothers the shit out of me.
No didnt watch but it just makes sense. How can we compete when right from the start we are down 2000 on a car.

Alternatively, instead of scrapping the union at GM, what's wrong with making is easier for the workers at Toyota to unionize? You know, leveling up instead of down.
Lastly, your unquestioned acceptance of right-wing talking points that are at best half-truths (suggesting that current workers enjoy total compensation packages of 80 bucks an hour) bothers the shit out of me.

Why. when you have to support 3 retired workers health care for every one worker that cost needs to be added somewhere.
Alternatively, instead of scrapping the union at GM, what's wrong with making is easier for the workers at Toyota to unionize? You know, leveling up instead of down.

Unionize for what? There are no unions in professional jobs. Unions are not necessary anymore. All that can be achieved with laws such as minimum wages.
They cause nothing but trouble. We have well established legislative branches now that can make the laws that protect people as opposed to needing unions to do it.
Unionize for what? There are no unions in professional jobs. Unions are not necessary anymore. All that can be achieved with laws such as minimum wages.

LOL, what you been smoking. Let them eat cake :clink:

Minimum wage jobs do not buy much and our economy is 2/3 consumer spending based.

Look beyond the end of your greedy nose man.
Unions are and will always be necessary if you want a society to have a decent blaence of power.

Treat your employees right and they wont want to unionize.
The union healthcare costs are not why GM can't compete. The foriegn car makers have become domestic car makers. The ones doing in GM are mostly made in the USA. Those workers have health benefits. At least they do in the plants in Alabama. Surely the rest of the nation is more forward thinking than we are.
No one in their right mind is doubting that GM got themselves into this mess primarily by making shitty cars no one wanted at prices no one could afford.

But the unions, and to a lesser extent GM's obligation to provide health insurance have also undeniably been contributing factors.
The union healthcare costs are not why GM can't compete. The foriegn car makers have become domestic car makers. The ones doing in GM are mostly made in the USA. Those workers have health benefits. At least they do in the plants in Alabama. Surely the rest of the nation is more forward thinking than we are.

Promises made to retirees is the main problem.
Just cut the old farts off and show america how much corporations can be trusted.

If they cut em off I am in for boycotting GM.