Goodwill Stores Reflect on One of America's Biggest Issues, Pay Equality

And merely by having the same skills as a toddler (the ability to talk and walk) they should be given a better wage?

You were given the ability to post on forums. So there are similarities.

Are you stating that they don't deserve minimum wage or are you stating that they are too uneducated to know they deserve minimum wage kid?
You were given the ability to post on forums. So there are similarities.

Are you stating that they don't deserve minimum wage or are you stating that they are too uneducated to know they deserve minimum wage kid?

Anti-Party, what would it cost me to have you post during the week under this name on current events? Whatever it costs i'll pay it. If your figure is to high Topspin/Dude will cover it so you are taken care of sir. We would love your presence. Can you do it?
Government, government, government....that's all I ever hear from you morons....if "Gubmint" is making billions(which I highly doubt)....what in the fuck do you think corporate America is making off "da poooo folk"? After all, they are the ones buying that legislation that benefits them, right?

Who the fuck ever claimed that government was ”making” anything? The bastard BIG government doesn’t make money it steals money from productive people. BIG bastard government isn’t rich, its bankrupted and 17 trillion $ in debt.

BIG corporations don’t steal a thing from the pooooo. BIG corporations are responsible for making profits for their investors many of whom are working middle class citizens with 401K’s Goober. BIG corporations couldn’t buy favorable legislation if there weren’t any crooked fucking politicians. BIG bastard government is full of bastard crooked politicians.
Let's probably hate organized labor,

No! I hate BIG government being in bed with organized labor. I hate it when leftist government sucks organized labor’s tit and agrees to contracts with excessive health and retirement benefits for government workers that bankrupt States and rape State taxpayers. I hate the stupid idea that government workers can’t be fired without great difficulty.

you probably hate any kind of minimum wage,

Minimum wages only cause unemployment. They’re simply just more BIG government authoritarianism and another vote buying scam by leftist politicians who’s only claim to fame is their ability to bribe votes from fucking idiots.

you probably hate welfare of any kind, and I know you hate any kind of affirmitive action.....face it dumbfuck....they have you snowballed right into their greedy little hands.

Actually Goober I’m a very strong supporter of VOLUNTARY private charity welfare for folks that actually deserve welfare through no fault of their own. I deplore FORCED government bribery welfare. through the extortion of productive folks money that guarantees the end result of keeping poor folks in the slavery of reliance on government and robbing them of their self-worth-, self-reliance and incentive to pursue the American Dream.
Anti-Party, what would it cost me to have you post during the week under this name on current events? Whatever it costs i'll pay it. If your figure is to high Topspin/Dude will cover it so you are taken care of sir. We would love your presence. Can you do it?
Hey I'm saving up to live in that paradise state you live in!
Do you know how few Cajuns are in the Bay Area!
You "Classical Liberals" talk all the time about your superior "critical thinking" skills...a gem of a term that is awash in right wing media talking points....but you can never seem to use those skills on anything that the right wing media endorses or approves of.

The right-wing media is little to no different than the fucking left-wing media. Neither endorse constitutionalism, both endorse militarism, both endorse the unconstitutional Drug War, both endorse interventionist foreign policy, both endorse the American World Police Force, both endorse and adore BIG fucking government. Right-wing & left-wing media is nothing more than the duopoly Republicans & Democrats displaying their lock-step ideologies in all matters of any real consequence.

C' Fuck....I guess those of us who are middle.class or lower aren't allowed to speak...because we don't have enough money to have our voices heard. So much for the "all men are created equal" bullshit.

Yeah right Goober. That’s how unions contribute millions to political campaigns and political TV adds. That’s how AARP donates millions to political campaigns and political TV adds. Not to worry Goober, both right and left have their fair share of billionaires & special interest groups. Besides, both right and left have their national media propaganda cartels shouting out your voice for ya.
I would like you to tell me what "poo folks" perspectives were created by the Government and not by common sense......:)

The fucking welfare state Goober that guarantees millions of pooooo folks subsisting on the vote buying bribery of BIG fucking government.

Of course that’s “common sense” to you moron leftist. You love the idea of a slave owning BIG government. You’re Bigots of the worse kind.
Hey I'm saving up to live in that paradise state you live in!
Do you know how few Cajuns are in the Bay Area!

I like to visit, but I not think I would live there. I haven't lived in hurricane country, yet. I have done tornadoes, hail, ice storms, below zero, volcanoes, and earthquakes and am now ready for hurricane country!
Who the fuck ever claimed that government was ”making” anything? The bastard BIG government doesn’t make money it steals money from productive people. BIG bastard government isn’t rich, its bankrupted and 17 trillion $ in debt.

BIG corporations don’t steal a thing from the pooooo. BIG corporations are responsible for making profits for their investors many of whom are working middle class citizens with 401K’s Goober. BIG corporations couldn’t buy favorable legislation if there weren’t any crooked fucking politicians. BIG bastard government is full of bastard crooked politicians.

"Big corporations don't steal a thing from the poooo."

Basic political ignorance.

I started to explain but I don't want to do your homework. You wouldn't listen anyway because I'm not Fox News..
The fucking welfare state Goober that guarantees millions of pooooo folks subsisting on the vote buying bribery of BIG fucking government.

Of course that’s “common sense” to you moron leftist. You love the idea of a slave owning BIG government. You’re Bigots of the worse kind.

I love how easy you are to debate! :truestory:

So tell me kiddo. What is more important to you? The wealth of American CEO's and Corporations or the Social and Environmental costs that come with that profit?
"Big corporations don't steal a thing from the poooo."

Basic political ignorance.

I started to explain but I don't want to do your homework. You wouldn't listen anyway because I'm not Fox News..

Oh! So I’m supposed to believe you won’t provide a rational argument because you don’t want to do my homework? You’re a funny little clueless fellow there Junior Goober.

Of course you can explain just what it is that the pooo have to be stolen by big bad corporations, but you just don’t want to enlighten the morons, huh?

Your twin brother Dude is waiting for you in the sand box Junior Goober. Go pound sand up each-other’s ass!!!!
I love how easy you are to debate! :truestory:

So tell me kiddo. What is more important to you? The wealth of American CEO's and Corporations or the Social and Environmental costs that come with that profit?

“Debate?” When the fuck have you ever provided anything resembling a fucking debate??? You’re a clueless absurd little juvenile.

I, unlike you, believe in the free market place. I unlike you believe in the constitutional rule of law. I unlike you believe that environmental justice and the free market are NOT mutually exclusive, one of the other. Of course that’s beyond your juvenile intellect.