"GOP, the elite's Party"


"It's the Stupidity, Stupid!" by Solomon Hakim

"The elite, the most powerful, influential, and wealthy individuals among us, have essentially succeeded in creating the most important element in sustaining their perpetual control: eternally loyal, anti-thinking, slave-followers, fundamentally hostile to any kind of meaningful thought, perhaps as much as eighty percent of the world's population. For the purposes of keeping this article short enough for publication, my comments here are limited to Americans.

That half of you Americans are considering voting for a ticket whose VP candidate supports creationism, in this 2008, who opposes abortions even in the case of rape or incest, and who has literally boasted of her foreign experience primarily because Russia shares a border with her state, simply boggles the mind. Yes, let's forget Reason, forget common sense, forget science, forget critical thought which without progression, technology, modern civilization, wouldn't exist, and let's vote for a creationist! And a female one to boot! Your cant is beyond frightening. If Hockey Mom's values are that precious to your hearts, or if it's her gender that blows your whistle that much, why do you even bother, for example, going to the doctor when your kid is sick? Just go to church or a feminist group meeting instead! You stupid seventy million plus neurologically diseased Baptist Americans! Even God Himself would struggle to make you see! Didn't Jesus profess that truth is better than untruth? How is it that you care so little about wisdom, about truth, about humaneness, about the most meaningful values there can be in this life? Is it because you are simply awaiting, as your Holy Bible describes, the next one? Do us agnostics a favor and take the trip already!"

How exactly does Palin represent an elitist. I can easily see how you can call McCain, one, but Palin? Belief in Evangelical Christianity, one of its most populist and democratic strands, is far from elitist. One reason I don't like it, I guess.
How exactly does Palin represent an elitist. I can easily see how you can call McCain, one, but Palin? Belief in Evangelical Christianity, one of its most populist and democratic strands, is far from elitist. One reason I don't like it, I guess.

It is truly incredible how an ultra-radical 15% of the population can hold so much influence over the most powerful nation on Earth.
It's the truth. You'd be critscizing us for talking about truths like the horror of slavery in 1850 too Epi.

And yes I seriously would have if I were your strategist.

That would have been an absurdly illogical political position for a viable contender in 1850. I would have advised you to say nothing of it.
How exactly does Palin represent an elitist. I can easily see how you can call McCain, one, but Palin? Belief in Evangelical Christianity, one of its most populist and democratic strands, is far from elitist. One reason I don't like it, I guess.

A religious philosophy based upon "the elect" is fundamentally elitist. Ever notice how evengelicals refer to themselves as "I'm a Christian" like the rest of us are a sack of shit? Evengelicals are not only elitist they are the gravest single threat to traditional American liberties in our nations history.
A religious philosophy based upon "the elect" is fundamentally elitist. Ever notice how evengelicals refer to themselves as "I'm a Christian" like the rest of us are a sack of shit? Evengelicals are not only elitist they are the gravest single threat to traditional American liberties in our nations history.
Just because you believe you are a saved "elect," does not make you elitist. The Puritans were not elitist, and neither are the Evangelicals, even though both are a product of John Calvin who was very elitist. Besides, I say "I'm Catholic," like you are some sack of shit, so what's the big deal. Personally, I'm proud to be an elitist - don't go trying to let those filthy Evangelicals in through my club door...
Just because you believe you are a saved "elect," does not make you elitist. The Puritans were not elitist, and neither are the Evangelicals, even though both are a product of John Calvin who was very elitist. Besides, I say "I'm Catholic," like you are some sack of shit, so what's the big deal. Personally, I'm proud to be an elitist - don't go trying to let those filthy Evangelicals in through my club door...

Three, by definition, the fact that you hold yourself to be one of the "elect" meams you believe yourself to be an elite.
Three, by definition, the fact that you hold yourself to be one of the "elect" meams you believe yourself to be an elite.
One is elitist because of their attitude towards society. Besides, religion is a poor measuring tool because it is rejected by people on the left. Now, I think liberals are all screwed when it comes to the afterlife, and that the Catholic Church has it right when it comes to Christianity, but that's not what makes me an elitist. I am an elitist because I think Southerners are retarded and leftists are degenerates. I am an elitist because I look down on the majority of Americans, am spiteful of Jacksonian Democracy, and stuff like that. Evangelicals really do represent "common" people, and it shows.
They don't represent common people. They represent 15% of America. They represent YOU, and YOU may as well be one of them you piece of scum.
One is elitist because of their attitude towards society. Besides, religion is a poor measuring tool because it is rejected by people on the left. Now, I think liberals are all screwed when it comes to the afterlife, and that the Catholic Church has it right when it comes to Christianity, but that's not what makes me an elitist. I am an elitist because I think Southerners are retarded and leftists are degenerates. I am an elitist because I look down on the majority of Americans, am spiteful of Jacksonian Democracy, and stuff like that. Evangelicals really do represent "common" people, and it shows.

Well thanks for making my point for me. There was a little something there to offend just about anyone. What about Northern Yankee's and Inuits?
They don't represent common people. They represent 15% of America. They represent YOU, and YOU may as well be one of them you piece of scum.
To begin with, 15% is a lot of Americans. In the second place, they share a common culture with a broader group of faiths, such as Baptists, many nondemoninationalists, sects of more mainstream faiths (i.e. Missouri Synod of Lutherans), etc. Basically, the folk who live in flyover country may not all be Evangelicals, but they have a lot in common culturally, including much of what they preach about God.

Well thanks for making my point for me. There was a little something there to offend just about anyone. What about Northern Yankee's and Inuits?
Why, thank you! Northern Yankees have really fallen in the postwar. Used to be a noble people, but there's hope for them, I suppose...
And the Inuits - white Natives? get real! (j/k) They are good people, although I'm not fond of cold temperatures.
Compare the party nominees over the last few decades and you'll see how full of crap this guy is.
Review the actions of the present administration for the last 8 years and you'll see just how right he is. They have supported a man who believes;

Creationism is a science.

That if you give enough money to the very wealthiest people and do not regulate their activities all will benefit.

That Iraq was a smoking gun and the central war on terror.

That we could invade a nation with out knowing or appreciating their history, culture or religion and they would greet us as liberators.

That said war would pay for itself by oil revenues.

That paygo was a tax increase.

That Brownie was doing a helluva job.

The reality however has been;

Our national science institutions have been co-opted by political cronies while our students lag behind the rest of the developed world in science and math.

That our economy is in shambles and those responsible are not being held to account.

That Afghanistan is returning back to a hot bed of Islamic radicalism.

That we are despised in Iraq as foreign invaders.

That we have over extended our selves financially and are borrowing billions from China to pay for the Iraq war while gas goes up to $4/gallon.

That after eliminating paygo we turned budget surplusses into 500 billion/year deficits. 5 trillion dollars of debt in 8 years!

That if you place political cronies into important positions based on party loyalty and not proven competence the price may be watching a city drown.