"GOP, the elite's Party"

Really? Reagan began the slide for the middle class, Bush and Rove brought back a situation similar to the time of the great depression. Carter suffered through the stagflation of the Nixon Ford years and Eisenhower pretty continued the new deal. When the key tenet of your political philosophy is the government is the problem it makes governing impossible. But it does allow friends to rape and pillage as Cheney and his so called energy policy allowed.

Wow you missed the point along with the other liberal. Here's a clue: Al Gore, John Kerry: both elitists, both stupid beyond belief.
Out of curiosity Southern Man, how come only since 1865? And were you really proud even then?

I agree about the forcing banks to make bad loans, though.
Banks were eager to make bad loans. They lobbied for it.

they could not make enough money to suit them on good loans.
And everyone "knew" that home values were going to keep going up at fast rates....
Wow did you miss the point.
Oh your just another clueless wingnut that thinks anything slightly to the left of Attila the Hun is damned liberal.

You've supported one of the worst, least effective and probably the most incompetent President in US History and you have the balls to call Gore and Kerry stupid?

Sorry buddy.....your heros Hitler and George Wallace are dead.....and so is your reactionary ideology.
Out of curiosity Southern Man, how come only since 1865? And were you really proud even then?

I agree about the forcing banks to make bad loans, though.
That's the year that the Constitution became whole (December 6). It's also the year that my ancestry arrived to bless these fair shores. :clink:
Oh your just another clueless wingnut that thinks anything slightly to the left of Attila the Hun is damned liberal.

You've supported one of the worst, least effective and probably the most incompetent President in US History and you have the balls to call Gore and Kerry stupid?

Sorry buddy.....your heros Hitler and George Wallace are dead.....and so is your reactionary ideology.
Nice of you to expand on the liberal mantra from "stupid" to cite Hitler. :cof1:
That's the year that the Constitution became whole (December 6). It's also the year that my ancestry arrived to bless these fair shores. :clink:
What's wrong with the Constitution being only part of a whole? Honestly, I am not a unionist. Shitty states should be allowed to secede and then kept out via amendment. My only concern is that a moral principle was at the heart of the matter.
This Republican thinks that socialism sucks and the swastika is aesthetically unappealing.
No, Republicans think that government aid to anyone but business owners, investment bankers and farmers is creeping socialism and should be banned......but bail outs and farm subsidies are ok.
No, Republicans think that government aid to anyone but business owners, investment bankers and farmers is creeping socialism and should be banned......but bail outs and farm subsidies are ok.
I think bailouts and farm subsidies suck too. Along with government aid in most forms. They are both mentally and aesthetically unappealing, like the current meaning that a swastika brings to mind...
What's wrong with the Constitution being only part of a whole? Honestly, I am not a unionist. Shitty states should be allowed to secede and then kept out via amendment. My only concern is that a moral principle was at the heart of the matter.

You misunderstood me. It is my assertion that the Constitution was not "whole" due to the status of African immigrants and their decedents. The 13th Amendment corrected the unfortunate, but necessary, compromise with the Southern politicians of the day.

Also, it is not the Southern States who were "shitty", but the wealthy landowners and their Democrat politicians. The majority of white southerners had no political influence and many of these opposed the Confederacy.