GOP will be blamed for Government shutdown


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Washington is reaching a consensus: the government will shut down in 10 days — and Republicans will bear the brunt of voter disgust over it.

With House GOP leadership on Wednesday again showing little progress in moving a stopgap funding bill to prevent a shutdown, officials have begun a two-pronged effort to prepare for a shutdown that seems less avoidable every day.

There is the official side of government, where the Biden administration’s Office of Management and Budget has been working with agencies to make contingency plans for when funding runs out. And there is the political arena, where party operatives are focused on a different goal: inflicting maximum pain on their Republican adversaries and seeking to pin them with blame for an interruption in federal services and paychecks for government workers.

There is little optimism in most quarters for a last-minute rescue plan. And Republicans are feeling a keen sense of apprehension that their party will suffer badly should a shutdown transpire.

“We always get the blame,” said Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), a senior appropriator. “Name one time that we’ve shut the government down and we haven’t got the blame.”
Washington is reaching a consensus: the government will shut down in 10 days — and Republicans will bear the brunt of voter disgust over it.

With House GOP leadership on Wednesday again showing little progress in moving a stopgap funding bill to prevent a shutdown, officials have begun a two-pronged effort to prepare for a shutdown that seems less avoidable every day.

There is the official side of government, where the Biden administration’s Office of Management and Budget has been working with agencies to make contingency plans for when funding runs out. And there is the political arena, where party operatives are focused on a different goal: inflicting maximum pain on their Republican adversaries and seeking to pin them with blame for an interruption in federal services and paychecks for government workers.

There is little optimism in most quarters for a last-minute rescue plan. And Republicans are feeling a keen sense of apprehension that their party will suffer badly should a shutdown transpire.

“We always get the blame,” said Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), a senior appropriator. “Name one time that we’ve shut the government down and we haven’t got the blame.”

Nobody cares. You syphilitic cunts always blame the repubs. One thing I've always noticed with you idiots you're never responsible for anything. It's fascinating. This is a tired tune you're singing.
Washington is reaching a consensus: the government will shut down in 10 days — and Republicans will bear the brunt of voter disgust over it.

With House GOP leadership on Wednesday again showing little progress in moving a stopgap funding bill to prevent a shutdown, officials have begun a two-pronged effort to prepare for a shutdown that seems less avoidable every day.

There is the official side of government, where the Biden administration’s Office of Management and Budget has been working with agencies to make contingency plans for when funding runs out. And there is the political arena, where party operatives are focused on a different goal: inflicting maximum pain on their Republican adversaries and seeking to pin them with blame for an interruption in federal services and paychecks for government workers.

There is little optimism in most quarters for a last-minute rescue plan. And Republicans are feeling a keen sense of apprehension that their party will suffer badly should a shutdown transpire.

“We always get the blame,” said Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), a senior appropriator. “Name one time that we’ve shut the government down and we haven’t got the blame.”

They seem determined to let the Democrats win in 2024.
Nobody cares. You syphilitic cunts always blame the repubs. One thing I've always noticed with you idiots you're never responsible for anything. It's fascinating. This is a tired tune you're singing.

Sweetie pie, it's the Congressional majority, the Republicans who are tasked with crafting a bill. They have failed and will be blamed for any shutdown. Its that easy!
Nobody cares. You syphilitic cunts always blame the repubs. One thing I've always noticed with you idiots you're never responsible for anything. It's fascinating. This is a tired tune you're singing.

Care to make a wager the American voters will care in November 2024, Yak?

FWIW, I favor balanced government since I dislike the agendas of both the Democrats and Republicans. Therefore, best if they are evenly matched. At this rate, the Republicans, specifically the MAGAts, will be handing complete control of Washington to the Democrats late next year.
What does this have to do with a government shutdown?

It doesn't. Yak is just yakking again with standard Trumpian bullshit. I'm curious if he'll be taking to the streets to kill Americans when the Republicans lose bigly in the election.
Nothing because I don't give a fuck about a govt shutdown you dried up ignorant whore. What I care about is everything costing more money.

I am sure the millions of people affected by a shutdown, will give a fuck about it come election time.
I am sure the millions of people affected by a shutdown, will give a fuck about it come election time.

I don't care. The thing is you fuckers are entirely prepared to fuck America up the ass. Fuck your feigned concern for millions of people. Democrats care less about people than Hitler did. All you fucktards care about is the narrative. Stfu you smelly cunt
I don't care. The thing is you fuckers are entirely prepared to fuck America up the ass. Fuck your feigned concern for millions of people. Democrats care less about people than Hitler did. All you fucktards care about is the narrative. Stfu you smelly cunt

Your kind is losing one election after another. When are you going to wake up?
Your kind is losing one election after another. When are you going to wake up?

Irrelevant. I'd rather lose doing the right thing than to win if doing so destroys America. This post of yours tells us what we need to know. You don't give a fuck about America you cockroaches only care about control. You're so fucking stupid I almost feel bad for you but then I realize how downright evil you pricks are and my compassion vanishes.
Nothing because I don't give a fuck about a govt shutdown you dried up ignorant whore. What I care about is everything costing more money.

If you care about things costing more money then you should care about a government shutdown since it costs billions of tax payer dollars to shut the government down without any savings from a government that is shut down.
If you care about things costing more money then you should care about a government shutdown since it costs billions of tax payer dollars to shut the government down without any savings from a government that is shut down.

The shutdown is a symptom of the problem not the problem. If you could figure that out it would go a long way in helping all of us but im not sure if you wont or can't.