GOP will be blamed for Government shutdown

I suspect that some Reds are pushing for a shutdown to justify sending no help to Ukraine. Then Russia will win and they will be happy.

They want Putin to win because they hate the West, they hate NATO and they want the US government to collapse.

Wait a minute, you don’t care about a shutdown, but, supposedly care about things costing more, ah, are you aware that a shutdown could reduce America’s credit rating thereby increasing the cost of things, duh

Yuk is a MAGATs. He is not bright enough to understand such complex things.
If you care about things costing more money then you should care about a government shutdown since it costs billions of tax payer dollars to shut the government down without any savings from a government that is shut down.

maybe you should accept spending cuts......then the government wouldn't shut down.....
Have you seen anything since Biden was elected to indicate insanity? I mean, other than #TRE45ON and his cult, of course.

It's not the person, it's the party.

TBH, compared to the Party of Trump, the Democrats are the saner group. However, they haven't always been that way. The Party of Trump is clearly insane as their followers on JPP prove daily.

Let's be clear though, there are a few LWers on JPP who are clearly insane too.
Republicans at all levels seem pretty content to self immolate. First, it was nominating horrible Trump-backed candidates in 2022, then it was their complete misread on abortion and now this.

Apparently winning takes a backseat to dogmatism.
it's shut down before and no one suffered....
can you prove that?
Pmp is a minion of Satan, the Father of Lies. All he has is hate and lies. OTOH, he might just be a Russian employee spreading lies for Putin. Tough to say for sure.

Regardless, he's lying again as this report proves:
The FY2014 Government Shutdown: Economic Effects
The FY2014 shutdown directly affected the labor force through the furlough of non-excepted
federal employees.17 According to the Administration, 6.6 million federal work days were lost to
furloughs caused by the shutdown, peaking at 850,000 (equal to 40% of the federal workforce) at
the beginning of the shutdown and declining over the course of the shutdown.18 On October 7,
2013, the Department of Defense (DOD) recalled almost 400,000 furloughed employees to
work.19 These figures compare with total employment of 144 million, making the 850,000
estimate equivalent to about 0.6% of total employment. In addition to federal workers, private
firms with federal contracts furloughed or laid off an unknown number of workers as a result of
the shutdown.2
Republicans at all levels seem pretty content to self immolate. First, it was nominating horrible Trump-backed candidates in 2022, then it was their complete misread on abortion and now this.

Apparently winning takes a backseat to dogmatism.

Apparently so does loyalty to the country, which they're dragging tied to the bumper.
It's not the person, it's the party.

TBH, compared to the Party of Trump, the Democrats are the saner group. However, they haven't always been that way. The Party of Trump is clearly insane as their followers on JPP prove daily.

Let's be clear though, there are a few LWers on JPP who are clearly insane too.

What, specifically, is "insane" about the (D) party's platform? We could contrast and compare with the Republicans' platform, but what platform?