Got Pets?

He always gets very energetic and starts running and jumping around whenever I take my camera. I don't know why
he likely thinks its a new toy

that baby in my picture is the one whos now 90lbs of tall long lean dog

be careful giving your pets name on the internets though

it would be wise to go back and erase that name
he likely thinks its a new toy

that baby in my picture is the one whos now 90lbs of tall long lean dog

be careful giving your pets name on the internets though

it would be wise to go back and erase that name

Nah, it can't bring any misfortune I think. That's not even his official name, just a nickname I gave him, so it should be alright.

But I will definitely try not to give any names over the internets from now on haha
he likely thinks its a new toy

that baby in my picture is the one whos now 90lbs of tall long lean dog

be careful giving your pets name on the internets though

it would be wise to go back and erase that name

Also, I wanted to say that your dog is extremely cute! Awwwww
I have two cats which I adopted before and they currently stay at my parents house because apparently, my apartment's landlord does not allow pets :(

I only get to see them every weekend. I am so sad :(

but you still saved them and gave them a good home
I miss my achilles. I had to euthanize him last fall due to nasal cancer. He was one of the most awesome dogs i'd ever had in my lifetime.
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I'm so sorry to hear is one of the hardest things that we have to do...
RIP know he's pain free now and in good hands.
I'd like to share something with you that our rescue groups often pass along to our friends and family and at times, strangers we're just chatting with...when they lose a beloved pet....A message from your angel:
"Before humans die, they write their last will and testament, give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask. To a poor and lonely stray I'd give my happy home , my bowl and cozy bed, soft pillow and all my toys, the lap, which I love so much, the hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice that spoke my name I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when i die, please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand". Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy hope and give my place to hims. This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind..."
Author unknown....
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I'm so sorry to hear is one of the hardest things that we have to do...
RIP know he's pain free now and in good hands.
I'd like to share something with you that our rescue groups often pass along to our friends and family and at times, strangers we're just chatting with...when they lose a beloved pet....A message from your angel:
"Before humans die, they write their last will and testament, give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask. To a poor and lonely stray I'd give my happy home , my bowl and cozy bed, soft pillow and all my toys, the lap, which I love so much, the hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice that spoke my name I'd will tot he sad, scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when i die, please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand". Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy hope and give my place to hims. This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind..."
Author unknown....

I'm familiar, being in rescue myself. thank you very much. :clink:
Dogs and cats hold a special place in our hearts. They become like children to us. Our home has toys all over the house just as if the kids were still little.
This looks exactly like the Wolf Hybrid that we raised from a pup.


I'm 6' tall and when he put his paws on my shoulders, he towered over me.
At his prime, he weighed 165 lbs.
I use to go to the slaughter house and buy him cow leg knuckle bones.
He would lay there, turning it over and over in his mouth, until he got it "just right" and then you could hear the knuckle shattering.
He would consume every bit of it.

When I went to see the pups; he was the only one that wasn't running around and instead just sat there, looking at me.
I knew right away that we were meant to be together.
We named him Sasquatch.

We raised him as part of our pack (family) and he knew he was low dog on the totem pole and that even the kids held a higher place then he did.
Never once challenged any one of us.

He'd be in the front yard and hear the kids open the back door, to hang up the laundry, and he would walk to the back and lay there, watching them until they went back inside; then he would go lay back down in the front yard.

We live about a mile from the river bottom and some nights I would sit out back with him and we could hear the coyotes yipping, by the river.
He'd sit there for a while and when he got tired of them, he'd sit up and let out this really long howl.

When he laid back down, I swear he was smiling.
No more coyote noise, for the rest of the night.

He got older and developed a real bad hip joint problem, that we couldn't do anything about.
I held him in my arms and cried like a baby, when we had to have him euthanized.

We buried him in the back yard, with his blanket and leash.
Sometimes, during the summer, when I'm outside and the coyotes start up.
I lean back and howl like he used to.
Still shuts the coyotes up.
This looks exactly like the Wolf Hybrid that we raised from a pup.


I'm 6' tall and when he put his paws on my shoulders, he towered over me.
At his prime, he weighed 165 lbs.
I use to go to the slaughter house and buy him cow leg knuckle bones.
He would lay there, turning it over and over in his mouth, until he got it "just right" and then you could hear the knuckle shattering.
He would consume every bit of it.

When I went to see the pups; he was the only one that wasn't running around and instead just sat there, looking at me.
I knew right away that we were meant to be together.
We named him Sasquatch.

We raised him as part of our pack (family) and he knew he was low dog on the totem pole and that even the kids held a higher place then he did.
Never once challenged any one of us.

He'd be in the front yard and hear the kids open the back door, to hang up the laundry, and he would walk to the back and lay there, watching them until they went back inside; then he would go lay back down in the front yard.

We live about a mile from the river bottom and some nights I would sit out back with him and we could hear the coyotes yipping, by the river.
He'd sit there for a while and when he got tired of them, he'd sit up and let out this really long howl.

When he laid back down, I swear he was smiling.
No more coyote noise, for the rest of the night.

He got older and developed a real bad hip joint problem, that we couldn't do anything about.
I held him in my arms and cried like a baby, when we had to have him euthanized.

We buried him in the back yard, with his blanket and leash.
Sometimes, during the summer, when I'm outside and the coyotes start up.
I lean back and howl like he used to.
Still shuts the coyotes up.

you made me cry this morning with this

it was nice to like you for a second
I got both a cat and a dog and they are real friends to me. My cat Daisy is a British shorthair and Bono is an old lazy bulldog. They are friendly to each other but sometimes those tricksters can make a real mess together. Once upon a time they even smashed my TV, but I still love them :)
Having a pet is a great responsibility. If you want to have a pet you should be ready to difficulties, just like that flea infestation a couple of months ago... Daisy is ok, but there are scars on Bono's skin left from the flea bites. I tried all the tips I could to cure them as soon as possible but it was still very hard...
We have parrots, five of them, all "used" when they got here. Have also had dogs and cats. I agree with you about animals vs humans.

Phoenix (on left) and Harley (right).


Dash (green) and Koko (in the bag)


Years ago I lived with a woman who had a blue & gold macaw. Brilliant animal. I miss the bird.