Great interactive US election map

I'd hate to see an avalanche take out Colorado and have no one come to the rescue because no one cares!

typical delusional CA response. An avalanche big enough to take out the state? LMAO...

CO takes care of its own. We are not namby pamby California "everyone else help us" types after all.
It's certain people in Texas that want to sucede not the state as a whole. Those who want to sucede generally come from an area South of the state.

Yup. And their population is growing every year. They could possibly get a majority of the vote on the issue and then what?

I'll tell you what!

no more TX governers will be sent to the WH. Everyone wins.
typical delusional CA response. An avalanche big enough to take out the state? LMAO...

CO takes care of its own. We are not namby pamby California "everyone else help us" types after all.

It's called an act of God doing the world a favor by first eliminating Boulder and just taking the rest of the state with it. Sorry to lose you pal.
Yup. And their population is growing every year. They could possibly get a majority of the vote on the issue and then what?

As SF said, they will get their *sses kicked if they truly tried to secede. Plus I have to think there are a decent number that came to Texas from Mexico to get away from Mexico, not to join up with it again.
As SF said, they will get their *sses kicked if they truly tried to secede. Plus I have to think there are a decent number that came to Texas from Mexico to get away from Mexico, not to join up with it again.

That's what they want you think.

Pretty soon Texas will be mexico!!!!!! And w slavery will begin~!!!!!!!

mwah mwah mwaaaaaaahhhhhh

As SF said, they will get their *sses kicked if they truly tried to secede. Plus I have to think there are a decent number that came to Texas from Mexico to get away from Mexico, not to join up with it again.

Oh absolutely!! As a teacher I see the ESL classes grow every year and it's now almost a requirement to be a bilingual teacher here. These people are definitely looking for a better life.
It's called an act of God doing the world a favor by first eliminating Boulder and just taking the rest of the state with it. Sorry to lose you pal.

Physics my good sir. There is no way an avalanche could wipe out the state.... though there are some nuts in Boulder, so maybe hitting them wouldn't hurt too much. Though it would ruin some good biking trails.
Physics my good sir. There is no way an avalanche could wipe out the state.... though there are some nuts in Boulder, so maybe hitting them wouldn't hurt too much. Though it would ruin some good biking trails.

apparently SF doesn't believe in God. God can do anything.
Eventually some parts of the US will secede and some will be added. Just like it always does with big powerful nations thu out history. I have a feeling tho we will add a state before we lose one.