Greetings from the new guy


Well-known member
I'm no stranger to political boards, but new here. I am not a sock, I think creating sock puppets is a waste of time. Things I believe in (with a nod to Bull Durham):

Global warming, social safety nets, social distancing, single payer health care, that Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, American Thinker and all the sites like them are not journalism, but the NYT, WaPo, the Economist and NPR ARE real journalism. Most importantly, I believe in facts. If you state something as fact and you can't independently establish it, then it isn't really a fact, is it? I believe that there have to be some new nicknames for people who are like me. Snowflake, commie, libturd, nazi, or demonrat are like threadbare tires.

I don't live in my Mom's basement, I'm not a fry cook at McDonalds, I don't live off the government, and I am not part of Antifa. Those insults don't even leave a mark. I may be wasting my breath, but for the record :). Let the fun begin.
Don't fuck up, and remember that we're all doomed. Life is meaningless and nothing we do can change that.
I'm no stranger to political boards, but new here. I am not a sock, I think creating sock puppets is a waste of time. Things I believe in (with a nod to Bull Durham):

Global warming, social safety nets, social distancing, single payer health care, that Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, American Thinker and all the sites like them are not journalism, but the NYT, WaPo, the Economist and NPR ARE real journalism. Most importantly, I believe in facts. If you state something as fact and you can't independently establish it, then it isn't really a fact, is it? I believe that there have to be some new nicknames for people who are like me. Snowflake, commie, libturd, nazi, or demonrat are like threadbare tires.

I don't live in my Mom's basement, I'm not a fry cook at McDonalds, I don't live off the government, and I am not part of Antifa. Those insults don't even leave a mark. I may be wasting my breath, but for the record :). Let the fun begin.
Welcome, read the rules, especially 12b and enjoy
Hi Concart, we know each other! Friend not foe. If you are a smart as I know you are it will take you about 3 posts to guess.

Clue, the podium.
Croeso/Welcome, Concart. The thing to get used to here is that, just as people sing 'amen ' after hymns in church, the two-headed monster called The Earl of Havana will post groans after anything senible. A thousand of them add up to a medal for sanity!
I'm no stranger to political boards, but new here. I am not a sock, I think creating sock puppets is a waste of time. Things I believe in (with a nod to Bull Durham):

Global warming, social safety nets, social distancing, single payer health care, that Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, American Thinker and all the sites like them are not journalism, but the NYT, WaPo, the Economist and NPR ARE real journalism. Most importantly, I believe in facts. If you state something as fact and you can't independently establish it, then it isn't really a fact, is it? I believe that there have to be some new nicknames for people who are like me. Snowflake, commie, libturd, nazi, or demonrat are like threadbare tires.

I don't live in my Mom's basement, I'm not a fry cook at McDonalds, I don't live off the government, and I am not part of Antifa. Those insults don't even leave a mark. I may be wasting my breath, but for the record :). Let the fun begin.

Are you a sock of Bull Durham?
You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of TRUTH and REALITY but also of FAKE NEWS and Conspiracy Theories that boggle the mind. A journey into the lunatic fringe whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the JUST PLAIN POLITICS FORUM

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of Political Hatred, a dimension of REVENGE POLITICS, a dimension of Political Spin. You're moving into a land of both Right and Wrong, of Trolls and Political Hacks. You've just crossed over into... the JUST PLAIN POLITICS FORUM.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call THE JUST PLAIN POLITICS FORUM!
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Hello and welcome Concart,

The following is a standard message I strive to make newcomers aware of about my style of posting:

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.

Hopefully that is reasonable and acceptable, and we can have many stirring discussions.

I'm no stranger to political boards, but new here. I am not a sock, I think creating sock puppets is a waste of time. Things I believe in (with a nod to Bull Durham):

Global warming, social safety nets, social distancing, single payer health care, that Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, American Thinker and all the sites like them are not journalism, but the NYT, WaPo, the Economist and NPR ARE real journalism. Most importantly, I believe in facts. If you state something as fact and you can't independently establish it, then it isn't really a fact, is it? I believe that there have to be some new nicknames for people who are like me. Snowflake, commie, libturd, nazi, or demonrat are like threadbare tires.

I don't live in my Mom's basement, I'm not a fry cook at McDonalds, I don't live off the government, and I am not part of Antifa. Those insults don't even leave a mark. I may be wasting my breath, but for the record :). Let the fun begin.

You sound like a breath of fresh air in this very dank place. I'm glad you found us. I hope you have a mature plan for dealing with the immature posts here, of which there are so many. If you do, and you can move beyond those nuisances, there are some very thought-provoking discussions to be found. I would guess about 95% of what is said here is thoughtless BS, but the remaining 5% makes it worth while.

I am a part of the '99%' in America, and I am here for the 5% of good posts.

Thanks for joining in.

I hope it works out for ya.

Hello Geeko Sportivo,

You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of TRUTH and REALITY but also of FAKE NEWS and Conspiracy Theories that boggle the mind. A journey into athe lunatic fringe whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the JUST PLAIN POLITICS FORUM

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of Political Hatred, a dimension of REVENGE POLITICS, a dimension of Political Spin. You're moving into a land of both Right and Wrong, of Trolls and Political Hacks. You've just crossed over into... the JUST PLAIN POLITICS FORUM.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call THE JUST PLAIN POLITICS FORUM!

Right on!

Hello and welcome Concart,

The following is a standard message I strive to make newcomers aware of about my style of posting:

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.

Hopefully that is reasonable and acceptable, and we can have many stirring discussions.

You sound like a breath of fresh air in this very dank place. I'm glad you found us. I hope you have a mature plan for dealing with the immature posts here, of which there are so many. If you do, and you can move beyond those nuisances, there are some very thought-provoking discussions to be found. I would guess about 95% of what is said here is thoughtless BS, but the remaining 5% makes it worth while.

I am a part of the '99%' in America, and I am here for the 5% of good posts.

Thanks for joining in.

I hope it works out for ya.


As I mentioned, I am no stranger to this type of discourse, so I think I'll be fine. I guess the namecalling is cathartic for some, but that's not what I'm here for, and I avoid those long flame threads like the plague. I hope I can be included in the 5% :)
Hi Concart, we know each other! Friend not foe. If you are a smart as I know you are it will take you about 3 posts to guess.

Clue, the podium.

I think I may have seen a couple of familiar faces from way back in the day. I might need a hint. Advanced age and all :). That was a crazy crew.
I think I may have seen a couple of familiar faces from way back in the day. I might need a hint. Advanced age and all :). That was a crazy crew.

I'm packwolfdt. To my knowledge Gobear, Dave3504, parkav97, and your best friend Gaza Gary the defrocked shrink, are not present. :) This place has exactly zero moderation and so Nazis abound
and they will not desist, so don't even bother trying to enforce morals and decency here. Your game will play well here, and you will most definitely attract
heavy fire. I hope you stay for a while. Team sanity can always use more soldiers.
I'm packwolfdt. To my knowledge Gobear, Dave3504, parkav97, and your best friend Gaza Gary the defrocked shrink, are not present. :) This place has exactly zero moderation and so Nazis abound
and they will not desist, so don't even bother trying to enforce morals and decency here. Your game will play well here, and you will most definitely attract
heavy fire. I hope you stay for a while. Team sanity can always use more soldiers.

That would have been my first guess, wonderful to see you. I miss the first two names you mentioned, the last two...not so much. Last couple years have been transition for me, so I've only recently gotten back to this. I spent some time at Breitbart, but I was kicked out of the cult for criticizing Dear Leader so I ended up here. Me and my 'non-existent' portfolio are retiring in less than two months, so I might have all kinds of time :). Dr. Gary. Man that was fun.