Greetings from the new guy

Do you recognize me?

I believe so. I was there during the time of Parkav, Mayberry, Jeep, the crazy Boston Doc, Bill Cosby, Dave, gobear, OldMercsRule, BlackasCoal. If you are the person I think you are, we jousted because you had a libertarian slant, but your arguments were well reasoned. Those were fun times, but eventually someone got all of my personal information and had a field day with it. I stuck around, but it got a little ugly there. I learned my lesson!
I don't have a 'normal' vote. I'm fiscally moderate..... socially liberal. I voted for a Republican once for President. But my votes for Governor, Senate, and House have been much more split, with lots of my votes going to Republicans and Independents. As for the next election, I won't vote for a Republican for dog catcher. The party and the sycophants who make up that party need to be punished with extreme prejudice for their enablement of the Donald. Every one of them has to go.
Understood but what's your opinion of The Russia Hoax Mueller investigation , the Kavanaugh - Feinstein - BallseyFord fiasco and impeachment over a phone call?
Hello Concart,

Would you care to explain the significance of your chosen name?

I came to talk about politics, so I am Poli - Talker.

It's a play on my kids names. And hopefully not easily identifiable. The con refers to neither my political slant nor my ability to scam people. :)
Understood but what's your opinion of The Russia Hoax Mueller investigation , the Kavanaugh - Feinstein - BallseyFord fiasco and impeachment over a phone call?

I think the Mueller report laid out clear evidence that Russia assisted the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, and the campaign welcomed that help. The fact that it didn't rise to the level of a criminal indictment doesn't change that. It also laid out several clear obstruction of justice charges, and clear campaign violation charges. The same is true with the impeachment, which was triggered by a phone call, but went far deeper than that. Romney was right. And his vote reflected that. Others SAID the right thing but lacked the moral courage to back up their words. So if you are asking whether I believe Trump has committed offenses that disqualify him from office, the answer is an easy yes. He should have been removed a long time ago. I think that will be taken care of in November.
I believe so. I was there during the time of Parkav, Mayberry, Jeep, the crazy Boston Doc, Bill Cosby, Dave, gobear, OldMercsRule, BlackasCoal. If you are the person I think you are, we jousted because you had a libertarian slant, but your arguments were well reasoned. Those were fun times, but eventually someone got all of my personal information and had a field day with it. I stuck around, but it got a little ugly there. I learned my lesson!

It's possible you weren't around much longer after I got there. But you're right I have a libertarian slant. Like you ,fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I'm also a strict constitutionaist.
E.g., I personally consider gun ownership a responsibility, not a right, and am in favor of the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
But as long as that amendment survives I believe we have the right to install dual 9mm Gatling guns on our vehicles, front and rear .
I think the Mueller report laid out clear evidence that Russia assisted the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, and the campaign welcomed that help. The fact that it didn't rise to the level of a criminal indictment doesn't change that. It also laid out several clear obstruction of justice charges, and clear campaign violation charges. The same is true with the impeachment, which was triggered by a phone call, but went far deeper than that. Romney was right. And his vote reflected that. Others SAID the right thing but lacked the moral courage to back up their words. So if you are asking whether I believe Trump has committed offenses that disqualify him from office, the answer is an easy yes. He should have been removed a long time ago. I think that will be taken care of in November.
What about Kavanaugh?
It's possible you weren't around much longer after I got there. But you're right I have a libertarian slant. Like you ,fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I'm also a strict constitutionaist.
E.g., I personally consider gun ownership a responsibility, not a right, and am in favor of the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
But as long as that amendment survives I believe we have the right to install dual 9mm Gatling guns on our vehicles, front and rear .

Actually, you are refreshing my memory. I was at DCJ before it was DCJ (hint: The Podium). I don't remember if you were there or not. When it closed down, everyone went to DCJ. I may have departed before you did from there.
What about Kavanaugh?

In my opinion, it was overblown by the Dems. It was however, HIGHLY entertaining to watch Kavanaugh put on a show for the boss. At the end of the day, I think Kavanaugh may turn out to be a relatively centrist judge.
Actually, you are refreshing my memory. I was at DCJ before it was DCJ (hint: The Podium). I don't remember if you were there or not. When it closed down, everyone went to DCJ. I may have departed before you did from there.

Then you don't know me. Never heard of The Podium. My first board was the Bill Maher board when GWB was president. I have known McSlawber a long time though. He hates me. DCJ was kinda fun. Several good food fights there.
Then you don't know me. Never heard of The Podium. My first board was the Bill Maher board when GWB was president. I have known McSlawber a long time though. He hates me.

I still think we might have been at DCJ at the same time though. Your name was the same. You actually were nice enough to give me a heads up that my avatar would give away my identity. I appreciated that greatly. I'm pretty sure that was you.
I still think we might have been at DCJ at the same time though. Your name was the same. You actually were nice enough to give me a heads up that my avatar would give away my identity. I appreciated that greatly. I'm pretty sure that was you.

Ah yes. Now I know you. Welcome! I retired last November 22. You may have known me as aloysious.
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Ah yes. Now I know you. Welcome! I retired last November 22. You may have known me as aloysious.

Yep, that was it, but you had a moose as an avatar, right? Anyway, congrats. I am retiring in less than two months. Have been through many changes in the last few years, and I'm ready to move on.
Have known him for years. He is probably the most intelligent poster on this board, based on my past experience with him. I have absolutely no reason to doubt his credentials. He talks the talk and walks the walk. But I guess you knew that.

hardly....we consider him a fuckwit and a liar.....

He is probably the most intelligent poster on this board

odd comment from someone who has been here for only 48 many posters have you become acquainted with in that time?.......
I don't have a 'normal' vote. I'm fiscally moderate..... socially liberal. I voted for a Republican once for President. But my votes for Governor, Senate, and House have been much more split, with lots of my votes going to Republicans and Independents. As for the next election, I won't vote for a Republican for dog catcher. The party and the sycophants who make up that party need to be punished with extreme prejudice for their enablement of the Donald. Every one of them has to go.

Nuff said.
You must've known AK Gandy. I miss him. He was the punching bag for dcj. Fun guy.

If my memory serves me correctly, he was a punching bag for racist white men because he spoke the truth about you racist fucks.

I believe he lost his wife and you all applauded.

disgusting fucks you are.
hardly....we consider him a fuckwit and a liar.....

odd comment from someone who has been here for only 48 many posters have you become acquainted with in that time?.......

A few, but he isn't one of them. I've known him for ten years, maybe more. Is your radar up? Are the wheels spinning?