Greetings Good Posters. Anybody up for Civl Discourse of Politics?


Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello good people at JPP.

I come in peace to discuss the issues facing the USA. I offer manners and respect for you, and a promise that I will never tell you off, or be mean to you.

I respectfully ask for the same in return. Actually I require it. If you share my values this should represent a welcome diversion from the common immaturity seen here.

I am into civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Anyone who flames on me will be placed on my Ignore List. My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT. I never take anyone off Ignore. If you like to call other posters names and you want to blame me, vent on me, etc, please identify yourself by flaming on me promptly so I can add you to my growing Permanent Ignore List.

Anyone can tell me off one time. If I accept that and do nothing I invite more of the same; I become the enabler for this type of unwarranted aggressive behavior. I am not going to do that. I know it is quite common around here, but I am not going to put up with it. I could. I simply choose not to. That's what an Ignore List is for. I feel like if I take part in that kind of tit for tat, that I lower myself to do that.

I fully expect to have a very large Ignore List quite rapidly. This is my strategy for having respectful conversations about our national issues. In order to enjoy what I seek, I must filter out ALL of the trash talk. I don't care what form it comes in. It can be accompanied by a very intelligent post, very articulate. That doesn't matter. If it includes being mean, saying mean things about me, I will add that poster to my Ignore List. I don't say mean things about other people, and I am not going to lower myself to those standards.

Many will not understand this. Some will think I will have nobody to talk to. They are wrong. There are good people with manners who are tired of the trash talking. Not as many as the trash talkers here, but that is not a problem. There is too much activity on this site to keep up with it all anyway. So I am going to build a nice little group of friends here who want to be polite, like they really care about one another. That's what I have in real life, and that is what I will have here. That means I am going to have to make some examples out of some people and show that I mean exactly what I said in my Signature. I refuse to be the target of such venting. Nothing personal at all. I simply choose to remain above that. You can do that too, you know. We all can. I choose to.

Also, it does not escape me that when people are unable to argue their positions solely on points of merit, and feel they must resort to putting down the opposition? When people act like that, it usually means they are not really confident enough in their own position to simply state how they feel and let it be. As if they don't think their own position is strong enough to stand on it's own merit. A position is actually more convincing if you stick to facts, and point out where other posts deviate from facts.

I know there are many on this planet who have a genuine love in their heart for fellow humans. I know they exist because I find examples of it constantly. Sadly, there are also some who are filled with rage and frustration. They are just looking for someone to direct it towards. When we enable one another to do that to us, we perpetuate the grief and hatred. I am not going to do that.

All we have to do is find that love in our hearts for humankind and look for it. It is out there. It is inside all of us. We are intelligent beings, but we are creatures of habit. We Americans have some bad habits. Lately one of them is being mean to others on the internet. Very similar to being mean, dangerous, and overly aggressive as drivers, something which has existed long before the internet, but something which has become worse over time. I have to chuckle when I think that some of our worst posters here post like some of our worst drivers drive, but it's sadly true.

Habits can be changed if you try hard enough. That is a very powerful lesson in life. Do your habits control you? Or do you control your habits... Any habit can be changed or established by simply consciously acting differently for a period of 2-3 weeks. After that time period, it becomes second nature. Then you don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally. It is your new habit. Very powerful for self-improvement.

If you are not proud of your habits, and there is a small part of you, a nagging feeling, that it is not right? Listen to that. You can change your habits. Let it begin with enjoying a mutually respectful and long lasting exchange of ideas with me. You never have to worry that I am going to tell you off. I don't do that. I argue on the basis of merit. If you can do that too I believe you will find your credibility will be very high.

Welcome to a new era at JPP. Let that begin with me, and with you. Thanks for listening; thanks for being kind. Be kind to yourself; be kind to others.

Let's have some fun learning, exchanging ideas, and finding out what makes the other side tick as we get better informed and better able to be responsible citizens!

Hello good people at JPP.

I come in peace to discuss the issues facing the USA. I offer manners and respect for you, and a promise that I will never tell you off, or be mean to you.

I respectfully ask for the same in return. Actually I require it. If you share my values this should represent a welcome diversion from the common immaturity seen here.

I am into civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Anyone who flames on me will be placed on my Ignore List. My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT. I never take anyone off Ignore. If you like to call other posters names and you want to blame me, vent on me, etc, please identify yourself by flaming on me promptly so I can add you to my growing Permanent Ignore List.

Anyone can tell me off one time. If I accept that and do nothing I invite more of the same; I become the enabler for this type of unwarranted aggressive behavior. I am not going to do that. I know it is quite common around here, but I am not going to put up with it. I could. I simply choose not to. That's what an Ignore List is for. I feel like if I take part in that kind of tit for tat, that I lower myself to do that.

I fully expect to have a very large Ignore List quite rapidly. This is my strategy for having respectful conversations about our national issues. In order to enjoy what I seek, I must filter out ALL of the trash talk. I don't care what form it comes in. It can be accompanied by a very intelligent post, very articulate. That doesn't matter. If it includes being mean, saying mean things about me, I will add that poster to my Ignore List. I don't say mean things about other people, and I am not going to lower myself to those standards.

Many will not understand this. Some will think I will have nobody to talk to. They are wrong. There are good people with manners who are tired of the trash talking. Not as many as the trash talkers here, but that is not a problem. There is too much activity on this site to keep up with it all anyway. So I am going to build a nice little group of friends here who want to be polite, like they really care about one another. That's what I have in real life, and that is what I will have here. That means I am going to have to make some examples out of some people and show that I mean exactly what I said in my Signature. I refuse to be the target of such venting. Nothing personal at all. I simply choose to remain above that. You can do that too, you know. We all can. I choose to.

Also, it does not escape me that when people are unable to argue their positions solely on points of merit, and feel they must resort to putting down the opposition? When people act like that, it usually means they are not really confident enough in their own position to simply state how they feel and let it be. As if they don't think their own position is strong enough to stand on it's own merit. A position is actually more convincing if you stick to facts, and point out where other posts deviate from facts.

I know there are many on this planet who have a genuine love in their heart for fellow humans. I know they exist because I find examples of it constantly. Sadly, there are also some who are filled with rage and frustration. They are just looking for someone to direct it towards. When we enable one another to do that to us, we perpetuate the grief and hatred. I am not going to do that.

All we have to do is find that love in our hearts for humankind and look for it. It is out there. It is inside all of us. We are intelligent beings, but we are creatures of habit. We Americans have some bad habits. Lately one of them is being mean to others on the internet. Very similar to being mean, dangerous, and overly aggressive as drivers, something which has existed long before the internet, but something which has become worse over time. I have to chuckle when I think that some of our worst posters here post like some of our worst drivers drive, but it's sadly true.

Habits can be changed if you try hard enough. That is a very powerful lesson in life. Do your habits control you? Or do you control your habits... Any habit can be changed or established by simply consciously acting differently for a period of 2-3 weeks. After that time period, it becomes second nature. Then you don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally. It is your new habit. Very powerful for self-improvement.

If you are not proud of your habits, and there is a small part of you, a nagging feeling, that it is not right? Listen to that. You can change your habits. Let it begin with enjoying a mutually respectful and long lasting exchange of ideas with me. You never have to worry that I am going to tell you off. I don't do that. I argue on the basis of merit. If you can do that too I believe you will find your credibility will be very high.

Welcome to a new era at JPP. Let that begin with me, and with you. Thanks for listening; thanks for being kind. Be kind to yourself; be kind to others.

Let's have some fun learning, exchanging ideas, and finding out what makes the other side tick as we get better informed and better able to be responsible citizens!


That approach is great, but it doesn't work very well here. I've tried this, but wasted my time. You have tons of right wing haters here, that openly speak their prejudices. They use the c word, and the n word enough to make a saint want them to fuck off. I'm sure some are trolls, but some may well be legit sickos as well. Here's a group of the Stormfront type sickos. Text Drivers Are Killers, Praisekek, Volsrock, hvilleherb, The Ugly Truth, Q-Tip, Ooda, CFM, Rob Larrkin
That approach is great, but it doesn't work very well here. I've tried this, but wasted my time. You have tons of right wing haters here, that openly speak their prejudices. They use the c word, and the n word enough to make a saint want them to fuck off. I'm sure some are trolls, but some may well be legit sickos as well. Here's a group of the Stormfront type sickos. Text Drivers Are Killers, Praisekek, Volsrock, hvilleherb, The Ugly Truth, Q-Tip, Ooda, CFM, Rob Larrkin

Hello and greetings Jade Dragon,

Thanks for the hello. My pleasure to 'meet' you. Thanks for the short list. My Ignore List already contains several of those.

I fully understand my stringent standards will filter out most of what is said here. That is my intent. It is pointless to talk to people who are only looking for a target to aim their frustrations at. I hope that by filtering out the garbage I will reduce my time here to the most intellectual posts. I'm sure that won't work well for taking part in most of the posting.

But hey, look. You thought you were alone in this approach. Now there are two of us. I bet there are more. I believe the true waste of time is talking to those who are only looking for a place to vent.
not listening to everyone leads to a certain kind of blindness

I insult people because it is incombent on a society to shame publically the people who refuse to accept facts and spew lies

if they are not properly labeled as liars some will believe them

they destroy anything mankind can build
That approach is great, but it doesn't work very well here. I've tried this, but wasted my time. You have tons of right wing haters here, that openly speak their prejudices. They use the c word, and the n word enough to make a saint want them to fuck off. I'm sure some are trolls, but some may well be legit sickos as well. Here's a group of the Stormfront type sickos. Text Drivers Are Killers, Praisekek, Volsrock, hvilleherb, The Ugly Truth, Q-Tip, Ooda, CFM, Rob Larrkin

they MUST be faced down

people read these sites and DONT post

I know its hard to believe but its true

these type sites are a gold mine of information about what Americans think

they have to be shamed

there is only one way to do it

with all the tools of mankind

that includes invective and humor
Hello evince,

not listening to everyone leads to a certain kind of blindness

Perhaps, but I am willing to accept that. I don't believe the effect is any kind of detriment to my positions.

I put up with trash talking posts for a very long time. After a while, they begin to sound alike. I got tired of reading endless variations on ways to make a put-down. It's so petty. Remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said? "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people"

Eleanor Roosevelt

A few years back I realized I could save a lot of time by filtering all that stuff out. I was right! When I visit, I don't waste any time reading trash talk. Everything I read is posted on the merit of a good argument.

I insult people because it is incombent on a society to shame publically the people who refuse to accept facts and spew lies

We'll just have to disagree on this. I think a better way is to simply point out where they are wrong and state what is correct. Sticking to the merit of an argument is far more effective. There need be nothing personal about it. Merit-based arguing is indisputably more credible.

if they are not properly labeled as liars some will believe them

That's true, but they probably would anyway if that's their mindset.

they destroy anything mankind can build

That is not true. To be more precise, it is a complete exaggeration.
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I keep a pretty steady and relaxed tone, and am not into calling people names. I prefer to rely on the merits of my posts instead of countering arguments with foul language. I do not use the ignore feature, since I can sift through the trash just fine on my own. I put a lot of value into seeing my most disgusting political opponents express themselves freely. Politics is an ugly sport, so members of political boards should not be surprised at just how ugly it gets.

I am your political opponent, so maybe you should put me on ignore right away. Since I am your political opponent, whatever I have to say is going to sound like trolling to you, so go ahead and shield your sensitive eyes before you end up reading an opposing political opinion.
Hello evince,

Perhaps, but I am willing to accept that. I don't believe the effect is any kind of detriment to my positions.

I put up with trash talking posts for a very long time. After a while, they begin to sound alike. I got tired of reading endless variations on ways to make a put-down. A few years back I realized I could save a lot of time by filtering all that stuff out. I was right! When I visit, I don't wast any time reading trash talk. Everything I read is posted on the merit of a good argument.

We'll just have to disagree on this. I think a better way is to simply point out where they are wrong and state what is correct. Sticking to the merit of an argument is far more effective. There need be nothing personal about it. Merit-based arguing is indisputably more credible.

That's true, but they probably would anyway if that's their mindset.

That is not true. To be more precise, it is a complete exaggeration.

I'm not trying to insult you I'm trying to speak plainly

This is not about YOU

this is about killing lies

people read these pages

their lies stand unchallenged when you ignore these people

not when you are dealing with humans

people will be highly more likely to read and retain things when they are formatted in a certain way the brain finds easy to retain

entertaining brings eyes

I get your point

I have tried many ways to engauge people on these foremats

the way I post is tailored just for that purpose

human minds are human minds no matter how we want to pretend they are something other than that

I make people laugh and trounce the liars while giving facts


trust me it works the best of all

voters are not who you wish they are

they are who they are

yes lies destroy anything mankind can build
trust me poli I have done this for over a decade

tried not insulting people

it gained the debate NOTHING

people still insulted me non stop

its silly to come to an open site and then refuse to talk to most of the people there

its like watching only fox news
Hey, Poli.

I'm here to discuss anything you want to discuss...and I promise I will do it with taste and class.

I was enjoying the "what are we gonna do when earning a living is no longer feasible" discussion.

As for putting people on IGNORE...

...I have participated in over a dozen forums during the last 20 years. Started on ABUZZ...the New York Time/Boston Globe (now defunct) forum.

During those 20 years...I put only one person on IGNORE.

I've got three on IGNORE in this forum...and I've only been here a couple of months. Lots of really bad actors here.

Looking forward to decent discussions with you on a variety of subjects.

(By the way...if some of the childish ones become a can get them banned from your threads.)
its silly to come to an open site and then refuse to talk to most of the people there

its like watching only fox news

Rock solid! I can't believe this is coming out of a lefty! Lets put it to the test though... is it also like watching only lefty MSM?
Rock solid! I can't believe this is coming out of a lefty! Lets put it to the test though... is it also like watching only lefty MSM?

left leaning people don't idiot

we watch all news

its your idiot channel that tells their duped viewers that ALL OTHER NEWS LIES
I keep a pretty steady and relaxed tone, and am not into calling people names. I prefer to rely on the merits of my posts instead of countering arguments with foul language. I do not use the ignore feature, since I can sift through the trash just fine on my own. I put a lot of value into seeing my most disgusting political opponents express themselves freely. Politics is an ugly sport, so members of political boards should not be surprised at just how ugly it gets.

I am your political opponent, so maybe you should put me on ignore right away. Since I am your political opponent, whatever I have to say is going to sound like trolling to you, so go ahead and shield your sensitive eyes before you end up reading an opposing political opinion.

Hello Evmetro,

No, it's not about views at all. We could fall on opposite sides of every issue and have nothing but the utmost of respect for one another. I already respect that you argue on the basis of merit. Looks like we are on the same side of that one.

This isn't my first time at a rodeo. I read all the garbage for years. Many years. I know exactly what I am missing. And until I build my Ignore list, I am seeing quite a bit of it here. It simply doesn't interest me. It is logical to filter it out and make the best use of my time here by focusing only on merit-based debate.
Hey, Poli.

I'm here to discuss anything you want to discuss...and I promise I will do it with taste and class.

I was enjoying the "what are we gonna do when earning a living is no longer feasible" discussion.

As for putting people on IGNORE...

...I have participated in over a dozen forums during the last 20 years. Started on ABUZZ...the New York Time/Boston Globe (now defunct) forum.

During those 20 years...I put only one person on IGNORE.

I've got three on IGNORE in this forum...and I've only been here a couple of months. Lots of really bad actors here.

Looking forward to decent discussions with you on a variety of subjects.

(By the way...if some of the childish ones become a can get them banned from your threads.)

that is a good discussion

I would like to participate

I would be invective free to you guys

but I would like to reserve my right to slam the detractors

I have only banned one person from anything in my over a decade on the internets

I banned myself from a thread as a joke protest when they first implemented the ban thingy here
that is a good discussion

I would like to participate

I would be invective free to you guys

but I would like to reserve my right to slam the detractors

I have only banned one person from anything in my over a decade on the internets

I banned myself from a thread as a joke protest when they first implemented the ban thingy here

I have never neg repped anyone ever

I do that with words
Hello evince,

I'm not trying to insult you I'm trying to speak plainly

This is not about YOU

How I choose to have my settings is about me.

this is about killing lies

people read these pages

their lies stand unchallenged when you ignore these people

Actually, not many people read these pages. Politics is highly unpopular in the USA. Most people don't even know who their own representatives are. Americans, on the whole, are not very well informed. IF they were, the country would not be experiencing so many difficulties. We have made SNAFU into profitable entertainment.

not when you are dealing with humans

people will be highly more likely to read and retain things when they are formatted in a certain way the brain finds easy to retain

entertaining brings eyes

I get your point

I have tried many ways to engauge people on these foremats

the way I post is tailored just for that purpose

human minds are human minds no matter how we want to pretend they are something other than that

I make people laugh and trounce the liars while giving facts


trust me it works the best of all

I know you believe this, but I do believe otherwise.

voters are not who you wish they are

they are who they are

I doubt many votes get changed here. Most who come here are fairly strongly opinionated. And I remain unconvinced that the way to change opinions is by telling people off. I believe it is more effective to present a more convincing argument.

yes lies destroy anything mankind can build

But that doesn't always happen. Look at the entirety of mankind. From crude tools and caves until now. Humans have built quite a lot, changed how the planet looks from space. Lies have taken their toll on some of that, but the rest remains. And it continues to be expanded upon. Lies should be countered with truths, not hostility. Sort of a 'speak softly, but say the right thing' approach. Around here, that makes such a posting style an attention-getting stand-out, memorable.