Greetings Good Posters. Anybody up for Civl Discourse of Politics?

Meh, another brain-dead lib.

Hello and farewell Dark Soul.

*Permanently Ignored*

Anybody else want to tell me off?

Come one, come all. If you are afraid of expressing yourself without the prop of personal attacks, if you can't simply express why your positions might be better than mine, without flames, I want you on my growing Permanent Ignore List. Speak up now. Save us both some time.

I am going to argue on the basis of merit.

I will never tell you off or insult you.

I believe in my positions strongly enough that I am willing to put them out there and let them stand on their own logic.

Wanna have an insult contest? You won't get it here.

Wanna go head to head? I welcome that.

How well informed are you? What motivates your logic?
Welcome, but how is it some were banned from your thread already? I've debated the idea of banning often and feel like unless someone threatens there is no solid reason to ban. I am banned from APP for calling a spade a spade as that is taboo with the self righteous souls. I also don't agree with ignore, but I guess I am old enough to laugh at most things in life. Been there done that and redone that. lol

"In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness." Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Same thing happened to me Mid. Pointed out the Emperor was naked in APP. Got banned. Which is ok as APP now largely consist of ILA having conversations with himself. So much for APP.
Hello and farewell Dark Soul.

*Permanently Ignored*

Anybody else want to tell me off?

Come one, come all. If you are afraid of expressing yourself without the prop of personal attacks, if you can't simply express why your positions might be better than mine, without flames, I want you on my growing Permanent Ignore List. Speak up now. Save us both some time.

I am going to argue on the basis of merit.

I will never tell you off or insult you.

I believe in my positions strongly enough that I am willing to put them out there and let them stand on their own logic.

Wanna have an insult contest? You won't get it here.

Wanna go head to head? I welcome that.

How well informed are you? What motivates your logic?

Good choice. That one was one of the first I threw on ignore. Pretension, using ugly taboo words for no reason, and flaming people is all they got. 3rd time they've changed their name since I've been here. Outside of the mods, it is usually the douche squads that tend to do the frequent name changing in my experience, with a few exceptions. Other will change names, but only once in a blue moon. I left some links earlier so feel free to start up a conversation there.
Good choice. That one was one of the first I threw on ignore. Pretension, using ugly taboo words for no reason, and flaming people is all they got. 3rd time they've changed their name since I've been here. Outside of the mods, it is usually the douche squads that tend to do the frequent name changing in my experience, with a few exceptions. Other will change names, but only once in a blue moon. I left some links earlier so feel free to start up a conversation there.

You constantly flame and troll people. You either have zero self awareness or a huge lying troll.
Hello Ya Ya,

Hello Politalker,

I've in two posts today you have insulted another member.

What gives?

False charge by only you. And quite boring. I am here to discuss Politics, not people.

Makes me think of this idea: 'Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.'

I don't have a lot of patience for boring. But I do have an idea of what might be going on here.

Reminder: I am looking to quickly build a very effective and permanent Ignore List.

Filtration is a wonderful thing -

Once you have your filters properly set.

Out of the benefit of the doubt, I will give you a choice.

a) Back off on the personal attacks. Debate the subjects.


b) Get on my case in any way one more time and get permanently Ignored + Thread-banned.

+ BONUS Test just for you...! :)

Since you are the only poster to mount this false charge personal attack in defense of BodyDouble, whom I placed on Ignore because he failed a simple test for being a human and I now suspect is a bot, I will now require that you pass this similar very simple human test also. Any English-speaking human can do it. Are you ready? Just do your best to pronounce the next section, figure out what it means, and then make the proper response.

pweeeza saulva thuf ollow ing E kwaajun: ate mine-nus ate

Any other response besides the correct response will result in me adding you to my Ignore List, and in that case I will henceforth suspect you of being a bot.

Or you could just save us both some time and go ahead and mouth off to me.
Hello Ya Ya,

False charge by only you. And quite boring. I am here to discuss Politics, not people.

Makes me think of this idea: 'Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.'

I don't have a lot of patience for boring. But I do have an idea of what might be going on here.

Reminder: I am looking to quickly build a very effective and permanent Ignore List.

Filtration is a wonderful thing -

Once you have your filters properly set.

Out of the benefit of the doubt, I will give you a choice.

a) Back off on the personal attacks. Debate the subjects.


b) Get on my case in any way one more time and get permanently Ignored + Thread-banned.

+ BONUS Test just for you...! :)

Since you are the only poster to mount this false charge personal attack in defense of BodyDouble, whom I placed on Ignore because he failed a simple test for being a human and I now suspect is a bot, I will now require that you pass this similar very simple human test also. Any English-speaking human can do it. Are you ready? Just do your best to pronounce the next section, figure out what it means, and then make the proper response.

pweeeza saulva thuf ollow ing E kwaajun: ate mine-nus ate

Any other response besides the correct response will result in me adding you to my Ignore List, and in that case I will henceforth suspect you of being a bot.

Or you could just save us both some time and go ahead and mouth off to me.

Yaya Yurt whines about all sorts of things, but isn't a bot. Pay it no mind. You said you want things a certain way, and now he will pick things apart to whine about. If you get too involved he might get pissed with you, and stalk you around here. Every time I make a discussion he seems to make one mocking it, or copying it.
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Yaya Yurt whines about all sorts of things, but isn't a bot. Pay it no mind. You said you want things a certain way, and now he will pick things apart to whine about. If you get too involved he might get pissed with you, and stalk you around here. Every time I make a discussion they make one mocking it, or copying it.

Why do you follow me around the board and make false accusations and insults against me? I've left you alone but you keep harping on me.

Politalker can make up his own mind without your insulting interference.
Hello good people,

Right on!

My filters become more effective.

Anybody who shows sincere respect for others can enjoy years of mutual respect with me and ongoing civil discourse. I set the bar high so I don't have to waste my time reading drivel from people who simply don't care about me or anybody else. I care about other people and that's kind of people I want to talk to. Mutual respect is not too much to require.

We are people. We are not inanimate objects or playthings. This is just like the way some people drive. They get behind the wheel and they think since they never make eye contact that they can be mean and not have to face whomever they threaten/scare/play-with. Ridiculous.

I merely recognize that since this medium is similar to that one (in that way) that measures must be taken to look out for yourself.

As I said, I come here to have enjoyable and stirring intellectual discussions. That does not include personal attacks of any form. Anybody who seeks the same thing would understand. This has nothing to do with one's political views. I have enjoyed years of discussions with others who hold opposing views but always maintained a strong mutual respect which grew over the years. Call me spoiled but that is what I want out of this place. That way, I can minimize my time here and make the most of my visits.

I gotta say, some of these people here seem to post so much I have to wonder what kind of a life they have besides this place. That's not for me. I want to get in, get the best, and get out. All at my convenience. That way, I am left with more time for the rest of my life to do as I please. Now I ask you: Who would not like to have more time to do whatever they enjoy? That's all I'm doing. This place will never be the end-all be-all for me.

If this sounds good to you, like a higher level of posting, just be nice to me and we can talk heavy politics without all the undertones. I hate that. It's not about who said something. It is about what is said. It's not about the posters. It's about the Topics. I have a life. I have plenty of real life friends. I don't need to make a website my life and my social circle. Take me or leave me, but only on my terms. Terms which are actually quite fair and respectful. More than I can say for some around here.

Ya wanna talk bout other posters? No thanks.

Ya wanna talk about politics? Great! Bring it on.
Hello good people,

I am glad to report that things are working out well for me here. I am enjoying some very respectful discussions with people from all over the political spectrum. There were the expected few who mouthed off to me the first chance they got and they have been eliminated from my discussions.

Recently I had my first entire day here without placing anyone on Ignore.

I also enjoy the thread ban feature. This really cleans up the Topics I originate and makes them easier to follow. I have noticed several posters who flame on others are able to carry on a respectful discussion when asked. I think this is important because after all, we are here to talk about politics. I see the flaming as a distraction.

This style of civil discourse allows people to drop their guard and focus on the subject matter. This leads to better discussions.

I am starting to make friends here. I think I have found a new political chatting home.

Thanks to all who have participated in my threads, and have engaged in respectful discussions.

There is so much more to political discussions than flinging insults and being gruff.

Isn't it nice?
Hello good people,

I am glad to report that things are working out well for me here. I am enjoying some very respectful discussions with people from all over the political spectrum. There were the expected few who mouthed off to me the first chance they got and they have been eliminated from my discussions.

Recently I had my first entire day here without placing anyone on Ignore.

I also enjoy the thread ban feature. This really cleans up the Topics I originate and makes them easier to follow. I have noticed several posters who flame on others are able to carry on a respectful discussion when asked. I think this is important because after all, we are here to talk about politics. I see the flaming as a distraction.

This style of civil discourse allows people to drop their guard and focus on the subject matter. This leads to better discussions.

I am starting to make friends here. I think I have found a new political chatting home.

Thanks to all who have participated in my threads, and have engaged in respectful discussions.

There is so much more to political discussions than flinging insults and being gruff.

Isn't it nice?

God you are a bloviating prick. Are you this boring on real life? You can still go fuck yourself

I hope you get a glioblastoma like McShamnesty