Greetings Good Posters. Anybody up for Civl Discourse of Politics?

God you are a bloviating prick. Are you this boring on real life? You can still go fuck yourself

I hope you get a glioblastoma like McShamnesty
This is ILA Poli. He’s the troll who single handedly made a joke out of the APP forum. If you ever run out of laxatives this is your go to guy.
Thanks for that, Mott.

I recently had someone say this to me in a post:

"I doubt you're really this obtuse."

That is crossing the line for me. I come here to talk about politics. Sure it's not that horrible a thing to say about somebody, but I have to draw the line somewhere. I draw it right where I become the subject of their comments. That's entering the danger zone.

In my reply I addressed the comment like this:

I am not the subject.

Warning: People who stray from the issue and begin talking about me often end up on my permanent Ignore List. I make it very clear that my rules are more strict than the site rules. Warnings are rare and few. When I say permanent I mean permanent. If you doubt my word just try it out. It's a one way trip. I will have my civil discourse with respectful posters unmarred by personal invective. That is how I enjoy this place, and I mean to filter out anyone who slips below that standard. I'd like to discuss this thread and many more with you, but only on the level I enjoy. If you agree then simply avoid talking about me personally and we can talk about almost anything else. Otherwise I will not hesitate to vanish from your discussions as I will never be reading another word you post. I am not currently angry at you, just letting you know where I am coming from, that I have these high standards, and that I am not kidding about how I maintain them.

I really feel almost spoiled in wanting this. I have a very different experience from most when I visit here. I am not going to read everything here. I don't know who could possibly keep up because so much is posted. I am going to miss some stuff. Since I already know I can't possibly read everything which is posted, I logically seek to read only the highest quality of posts. To me, that means people who have enough respect for one another that they mostly stick to the subject, and don't waste this valuable politics time talking about other posters, especially people they don't even really know and just make things up about.

It is sad that I feel spoiled in wanting this. I shouldn't have to. It says something about us. It says loud and clear that far too many posters completely disregard the feelings and concerns of other people. As if the winner of an argument should not be the person with the best argument, the most complete understanding of the situation, the most rational solution which attempts to be the fairest for all concerns. No, that attitude foolishly clings to the immature belief that the winner of an argument about any subject should be the person who is most adept at insulting others.

No. I refuse to accept that. I refuse to even enter a discussion with people who think they can win debates by changing the rules to make being mean OK or even revered.

If you have a good argument, make your case.

If you think you can win any argument by telling off the other person you have no case.

This has gotten worse since Trump became President because that is how he operates. He has made that popular, not because that makes sense, but because it is contagious.

That is also exactly why Putin wanted him to be our president. Putin wants us to be extremely polarized, wants us to be hating one another. If Putin can get us to fight with one another he doesn't have to fight with us. And it makes his highly corrupt regime look better if the USA is infighting badly. What better way to produce that than by having Trump as President?

I refuse to play into Putin's hands. I refuse to hate anybody. All I do is just keep my distance from stressed out people with bad vibes. I would highly recommend that everyone do this. I love my life. It is a fine way to enjoy life. And really, what does all this pretentiousness accomplish? Do you think it makes your point any more believable if you tell off another poster or use swear words? Ya know what all that sounds like to me? It sounds like a bunch of tween children trying to act cool when they think the adults aren't listening. Believe me. Swearing doesn't make anybody sound intelligent. Being knowledgeable about a subject and open to new ideas does.
Politalker ,

I understand your frustration.

I remember being at the point you are at now.

this type of discussion that happens on the internets requires one to accept that there are evil doers whos whole purpose is to keep people from connecting and discussing rationally.

these bad actors are there in real life too

they are part of the discussion no matter how much you try to ignore them.

they have influence

to ignore their influence is to ignore part of the battle

if you ignore part of the battle you don't win

Its as simple as that

Ignore that the enemy will use weapons you don't like and are nit willing to use is a recipe for failure.

we have to fight all the battles

I understand some posters are not as at home with invective as say I am.

the fact is MOST Americans are at home with invective

that is just the way life is

I admit I find it pretty funny if used well

George Carlin was a master at it

Richard Pryor too

Your thoughts and ideas are great

just remember when talking to people it requires a bit of accepting their culture

this America culture is very comfortable with invective

comedy makes the politics go down in a most delightful way for most

please be patient with us invectophiles and cut us some slack

the FACTS are not harmed by invective

but it sure helps shame the lairs In a most effective way

I really do love your posts and ideas

even though my way of speaking may harm you sensibilities
not listening to everyone leads to a certain kind of blindness

I insult people because it is incombent on a society to shame publically the people who refuse to accept facts and spew lies

if they are not properly labeled as liars some will believe them

they destroy anything mankind can build
If there were a king (or queen) of liars, you would be it.
Hello good people at JPP.

I come in peace to discuss the issues facing the USA. I offer manners and respect for you, and a promise that I will never tell you off, or be mean to you.

I respectfully ask for the same in return. Actually I require it. If you share my values this should represent a welcome diversion from the common immaturity seen here.

I am into civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Anyone who flames on me will be placed on my Ignore List. My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT. I never take anyone off Ignore. If you like to call other posters names and you want to blame me, vent on me, etc, please identify yourself by flaming on me promptly so I can add you to my growing Permanent Ignore List.

Anyone can tell me off one time. If I accept that and do nothing I invite more of the same; I become the enabler for this type of unwarranted aggressive behavior. I am not going to do that. I know it is quite common around here, but I am not going to put up with it. I could. I simply choose not to. That's what an Ignore List is for. I feel like if I take part in that kind of tit for tat, that I lower myself to do that.

I fully expect to have a very large Ignore List quite rapidly. This is my strategy for having respectful conversations about our national issues. In order to enjoy what I seek, I must filter out ALL of the trash talk. I don't care what form it comes in. It can be accompanied by a very intelligent post, very articulate. That doesn't matter. If it includes being mean, saying mean things about me, I will add that poster to my Ignore List. I don't say mean things about other people, and I am not going to lower myself to those standards.

Many will not understand this. Some will think I will have nobody to talk to. They are wrong. There are good people with manners who are tired of the trash talking. Not as many as the trash talkers here, but that is not a problem. There is too much activity on this site to keep up with it all anyway. So I am going to build a nice little group of friends here who want to be polite, like they really care about one another. That's what I have in real life, and that is what I will have here. That means I am going to have to make some examples out of some people and show that I mean exactly what I said in my Signature. I refuse to be the target of such venting. Nothing personal at all. I simply choose to remain above that. You can do that too, you know. We all can. I choose to.

Also, it does not escape me that when people are unable to argue their positions solely on points of merit, and feel they must resort to putting down the opposition? When people act like that, it usually means they are not really confident enough in their own position to simply state how they feel and let it be. As if they don't think their own position is strong enough to stand on it's own merit. A position is actually more convincing if you stick to facts, and point out where other posts deviate from facts.

I know there are many on this planet who have a genuine love in their heart for fellow humans. I know they exist because I find examples of it constantly. Sadly, there are also some who are filled with rage and frustration. They are just looking for someone to direct it towards. When we enable one another to do that to us, we perpetuate the grief and hatred. I am not going to do that.

All we have to do is find that love in our hearts for humankind and look for it. It is out there. It is inside all of us. We are intelligent beings, but we are creatures of habit. We Americans have some bad habits. Lately one of them is being mean to others on the internet. Very similar to being mean, dangerous, and overly aggressive as drivers, something which has existed long before the internet, but something which has become worse over time. I have to chuckle when I think that some of our worst posters here post like some of our worst drivers drive, but it's sadly true.

Habits can be changed if you try hard enough. That is a very powerful lesson in life. Do your habits control you? Or do you control your habits... Any habit can be changed or established by simply consciously acting differently for a period of 2-3 weeks. After that time period, it becomes second nature. Then you don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally. It is your new habit. Very powerful for self-improvement.

If you are not proud of your habits, and there is a small part of you, a nagging feeling, that it is not right? Listen to that. You can change your habits. Let it begin with enjoying a mutually respectful and long lasting exchange of ideas with me. You never have to worry that I am going to tell you off. I don't do that. I argue on the basis of merit. If you can do that too I believe you will find your credibility will be very high.

Welcome to a new era at JPP. Let that begin with me, and with you. Thanks for listening; thanks for being kind. Be kind to yourself; be kind to others.

Let's have some fun learning, exchanging ideas, and finding out what makes the other side tick as we get better informed and better able to be responsible citizens!


I see another fool has joined. In case you hadn't noticed, that whole "civil" approach isn't working. Also, it has been said that if you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say. But here is another approach that you can't deny. Which is that a pendulum must swing both ways. Otherwise it just doesn't function. So you must learn to take the good with the bad. Or nothing will work.
Hello and goodbye coolzone,

You can call me anything you want, one time. That is my queue to place you on permanent Ignore.

I've made it quite clear I prefer to filter out rude posters, in order to create a refined experience here.

The civil approach totally works. I am enjoying very cordial and cerebral discussions here with some excellent minds. Great discussions. I have zero problem participating in high quality discussions because there are so many people who are able to express themselves bereft of invective. It's a common decency thing.

This approach also works well with socks. You are free to go create another personality and try again. But your new sock only gets one chance to tell me off. Then it, too, will be placed on Ignore. We can play that game as many times as you like. Doesn't matter to me whether some new handle which comes and insults me is the same person or a new one. The response will be the same.

I have found in life that people who use a lot of expletives and insults are not very happy, but those who find no need of such stress are.

The secret of life is enjoying time.

You only have so much time to be alive, so it is logical to seek to enjoy as much of it as possible.

I derive no pleasure from making others feel bad, which is the point of insults. That strikes me as a deplorable sort of pleasure, because it always has to come at someone else's expense. I don't need to make others feel poorly in order for me to be happy. I view that as a shallow and false happiness. Fleeting, for sure. And there is an inner guilt associated with it which must be ignored in order to pretend one is of clear conscience. That is going to cause subconscious stress, whether the individual admits it or not. Almost as if, in order to disrespect someone else, one must first disrespect oneself.

I just don't see the point of inviting that stress into one's life. There will be plenty, despite whatever attempt is made to minimize it. I just don't want to play that game. I enjoy being informed, talking about things that matter, learning what I can do to improve my country. Making America great, one life at a time, one moment at a time.

Putin wants us to be unhappy, angry at one another, hopelessly polarized, unable to unite or get anything meaningful done. So far, he is getting his way.

What we Americans need to do is believe that we are better than that. We need to believe that we can respect one another, that we can be more united, that we can listen to one another even if we disagree. We need to remind ourselves that we determine the course of our nation, we set the bar for what America looks like on the world stage. Not Putin. We do.

We need to guide our nation forward, show the world what we are made of.

I am leading by example. I believe my method is more noble than yours.

My words are not diminished by insults. Instead, they stand out: because of them. My words thus carry more weight than yours. My positions are based on facts, logic and compassion. They show that civility can be maintained even among loyal Americans who disagree. We can disagree and still be united. Too bad you blew it and we can't have any further discussion about this.

Have a nice life.
Hello and goodbye coolzone,

You can call me anything you want, one time. That is my queue to place you on permanent Ignore.

I've made it quite clear I prefer to filter out rude posters, in order to create a refined experience here.

The civil approach totally works. I am enjoying very cordial and cerebral discussions here with some excellent minds. Great discussions. I have zero problem participating in high quality discussions because there are so many people who are able to express themselves bereft of invective. It's a common decency thing.

This approach also works well with socks. You are free to go create another personality and try again. But your new sock only gets one chance to tell me off. Then it, too, will be placed on Ignore. We can play that game as many times as you like. Doesn't matter to me whether some new handle which comes and insults me is the same person or a new one. The response will be the same.

I have found in life that people who use a lot of expletives and insults are not very happy, but those who find no need of such stress are.

The secret of life is enjoying time.

You only have so much time to be alive, so it is logical to seek to enjoy as much of it as possible.

I derive no pleasure from making others feel bad, which is the point of insults. That strikes me as a deplorable sort of pleasure, because it always has to come at someone else's expense. I don't need to make others feel poorly in order for me to be happy. I view that as a shallow and false happiness. Fleeting, for sure. And there is an inner guilt associated with it which must be ignored in order to pretend one is of clear conscience. That is going to cause subconscious stress, whether the individual admits it or not. Almost as if, in order to disrespect someone else, one must first disrespect oneself.

I just don't see the point of inviting that stress into one's life. There will be plenty, despite whatever attempt is made to minimize it. I just don't want to play that game. I enjoy being informed, talking about things that matter, learning what I can do to improve my country. Making America great, one life at a time, one moment at a time.

Putin wants us to be unhappy, angry at one another, hopelessly polarized, unable to unite or get anything meaningful done. So far, he is getting his way.

What we Americans need to do is believe that we are better than that. We need to believe that we can respect one another, that we can be more united, that we can listen to one another even if we disagree. We need to remind ourselves that we determine the course of our nation, we set the bar for what America looks like on the world stage. Not Putin. We do.

We need to guide our nation forward, show the world what we are made of.

I am leading by example. I believe my method is more noble than yours.

My words are not diminished by insults. Instead, they stand out: because of them. My words thus carry more weight than yours. My positions are based on facts, logic and compassion. They show that civility can be maintained even among loyal Americans who disagree. We can disagree and still be united. Too bad you blew it and we can't have any further discussion about this.

Have a nice life.

Sorry. I would do anything for love but I can't do that. I'm a full blown attention whore and rwnut stalker/trawler/troller.
Hello and goodbye coolzone,

You can call me anything you want, one time. That is my queue to place you on permanent Ignore.

I've made it quite clear I prefer to filter out rude posters, in order to create a refined experience here.

The civil approach totally works. I am enjoying very cordial and cerebral discussions here with some excellent minds. Great discussions. I have zero problem participating in high quality discussions because there are so many people who are able to express themselves bereft of invective. It's a common decency thing.

This approach also works well with socks. You are free to go create another personality and try again. But your new sock only gets one chance to tell me off. Then it, too, will be placed on Ignore. We can play that game as many times as you like. Doesn't matter to me whether some new handle which comes and insults me is the same person or a new one. The response will be the same.

I have found in life that people who use a lot of expletives and insults are not very happy, but those who find no need of such stress are.

The secret of life is enjoying time.

You only have so much time to be alive, so it is logical to seek to enjoy as much of it as possible.

I derive no pleasure from making others feel bad, which is the point of insults. That strikes me as a deplorable sort of pleasure, because it always has to come at someone else's expense. I don't need to make others feel poorly in order for me to be happy. I view that as a shallow and false happiness. Fleeting, for sure. And there is an inner guilt associated with it which must be ignored in order to pretend one is of clear conscience. That is going to cause subconscious stress, whether the individual admits it or not. Almost as if, in order to disrespect someone else, one must first disrespect oneself.

I just don't see the point of inviting that stress into one's life. There will be plenty, despite whatever attempt is made to minimize it. I just don't want to play that game. I enjoy being informed, talking about things that matter, learning what I can do to improve my country. Making America great, one life at a time, one moment at a time.

Putin wants us to be unhappy, angry at one another, hopelessly polarized, unable to unite or get anything meaningful done. So far, he is getting his way.

What we Americans need to do is believe that we are better than that. We need to believe that we can respect one another, that we can be more united, that we can listen to one another even if we disagree. We need to remind ourselves that we determine the course of our nation, we set the bar for what America looks like on the world stage. Not Putin. We do.

We need to guide our nation forward, show the world what we are made of.

I am leading by example. I believe my method is more noble than yours.

My words are not diminished by insults. Instead, they stand out: because of them. My words thus carry more weight than yours. My positions are based on facts, logic and compassion. They show that civility can be maintained even among loyal Americans who disagree. We can disagree and still be united. Too bad you blew it and we can't have any further discussion about this.

Have a nice life.

What would you do if I posted a video? Would you stand up and walk out on me? I am a music head. every word reminds me of a song.