Greetings Good Posters. Anybody up for Civl Discourse of Politics?

Hello Controlled Opposition,

Thanks for your shared beliefs in civility.

It is never my intent to be condescending. I have mentioned no names, nor stated any inaccuracy to my knowledge.

I have been completely honest in how I approach this.

I do intend to stay here a long time. I understand I can't expect this place to change because I have a different approach. I also understand it won't change unless people speak up. I would like to see it change for the better but that could take time. Ideas take time to change. People take time to change. One thing is certain: change occurs. Nothing stays the same.

Here's to a more relevant, less trashy JPP! :clink:

Your attempts to encourage “civil discourse” is commendable…but doing that here is like looking for peace and quiet by visiting rural Syria.

Ain’t gonna happen, Poli.

I much prefer civil, respectful conversations…and made an attempt at that during my first two months here. It was like blocking punches with my face. The “moderators” not only were not of help in setting a more moderate tone…some of them actually add significant fuel to the fire.

I have a couple of people on IGNORE…but some of the worst, I still engage. I give what I get…and being a charitable individual, I usually give back more.

Continue the lectures if you want, but I’m telling you in no uncertain terms…THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR THAT.
Hello Evmetro,

You can place me on ignore if you like.

I don't enjoy doing that at all. I do it because life is too short for pissing matches.

May I ask why you feel I should do that?

I don't do that just because I disagree with people. It is possible to disagree with respect.
That approach is great, but it doesn't work very well here. I've tried this, but wasted my time. You have tons of right wing haters here, that openly speak their prejudices. They use the c word, and the n word enough to make a saint want them to fuck off. I'm sure some are trolls, but some may well be legit sickos as well. Here's a group of the Stormfront type sickos. Text Drivers Are Killers, Praisekek, Volsrock, hvilleherb, The Ugly Truth, Q-Tip, Ooda, CFM, Rob Larrkin

Look at your 3rd sentence. That statement alone is enough to start a fight. So pussy boy stick to your girlish pictures and recipes threads.
Hello Evmetro,

I don't enjoy doing that at all. I do it because life is too short for pissing matches.

May I ask why you feel I should do that?

I don't do that just because I disagree with people. It is possible to disagree with respect.

I am your political opponent. Don't you want to silence your opposition? According to the lefties of this board, my being a righty automatically qualifies me as a racist and a hater, so doesn't that make you want put me on ignore?
Hello Frank,

Your attempts to encourage “civil discourse” is commendable…but doing that here is like looking for peace and quiet by visiting rural Syria.

Ain’t gonna happen, Poli.

I much prefer civil, respectful conversations…and made an attempt at that during my first two months here. It was like blocking punches with my face. The “moderators” not only were not of help in setting a more moderate tone…some of them actually add significant fuel to the fire.

I have a couple of people on IGNORE…but some of the worst, I still engage. I give what I get…and being a charitable individual, I usually give back more.

Continue the lectures if you want, but I’m telling you in no uncertain terms…THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR THAT.

Looks to me like this forum is whatever we make it. It's a wide open libertarian approach to a political chat room.

What I see is a lot of people who enjoy mouthing off, blowing off steam, unloading on faceless others. And along with all those people are some other people who don't have to do that. Some tolerate the flames, simply don't retaliate, stick to the subject relentlessly. That's cool. I admire that. I represent another way to handle things. I use the Ignore feature extensively.

Most let discussions devolve into the frequent name-calling and insults. That's not cool, no matter how many people are doing it. I want no part of that.

I don't expect the mods to do anything to try to change this place. They do a great job. I don't go running to them for anything. They have a thankless job and don't need any complaints from somebody who doesn't accept the board the way it is. I do accept the board as is and deal with it in my own way with the given tools.

If you don't want to read what I write, then you have the capability to poof me if that's what you want.

I have to stand up for what I believe in.

I think we make a superior argument by simply pointing out why we take the positions we do. I think if we devolve into flame wars then we lose the edge of simply having the better argument. A good argument stands on it's own merit. It does not require to be bolstered with trash-talk. That actually detracts from it.
Hello Evmetro,

I am your political opponent. Don't you want to silence your opposition?

No, not at all. The diversity of views is what makes America great. The more voices heard in a Democratic Republic, the better it operates. Silencing voices actually works against us.

According to the lefties of this board, my being a righty automatically qualifies me as a racist and a hater, so doesn't that make you want put me on ignore?

No, I don't believe that. I'll make that call and thus far I see no reason to place you on Ignore.

People are going to disagree. That's only being human. We each have unique life experiences which lead us to believe the things we do. I am interested in talking to people who believe differently; and learning why others believe the things they do. It's only if and when I learn that their beliefs are motivated by hatred directed at me over false assumptions that I decide not to listen to that individual any more.

You can believe anything you like. As long as we share a mutual respect I am not going to place you on Ignore. The only caveat to that is that I cannot respect anyone who expresses outright racism here. It's all about treating others fairly with me.

Most of the flamers here should really just agree to disagree and let it be.

I find if I partake in the flames, it affects my life, causes unneeded stress. So I avoid it. I still want to talk about politics.

And, you know, I find a lot of good discussions here where people don't have to go off on one another. I wouldn't be here if it was nothing but flames. I don't accept that thing about: "Well all the other kids are doing it, PLEASE can I do it too?" No. I have to be myself. And so do some others, btw.

And you know this place would be boring anyway if everybody was the same. I don't mind being a little different if it means standing up for what I believe in.
Hello Evmetro,

No, not at all. The diversity of views is what makes America great. The more voices heard in a Democratic Republic, the better it operates. Silencing voices actually works against us.

No, I don't believe that. I'll make that call and thus far I see no reason to place you on Ignore.

People are going to disagree. That's only being human. We each have unique life experiences which lead us to believe the things we do. I am interested in talking to people who believe differently; and learning why others believe the things they do. It's only if and when I learn that their beliefs are motivated by hatred directed at me over false assumptions that I decide not to listen to that individual any more.

You can believe anything you like. As long as we share a mutual respect I am not going to place you on Ignore. The only caveat to that is that I cannot respect anyone who expresses outright racism here. It's all about treating others fairly with me.

Most of the flamers here should really just agree to disagree and let it be.

I find if I partake in the flames, it affects my life, causes unneeded stress. So I avoid it. I still want to talk about politics.

And, you know, I find a lot of good discussions here where people don't have to go off on one another. I wouldn't be here if it was nothing but flames. I don't accept that thing about: "Well all the other kids are doing it, PLEASE can I do it too?" No. I have to be myself. And so do some others, btw.

And you know this place would be boring anyway if everybody was the same. I don't mind being a little different if it means standing up for what I believe in.

Pompous arse, you're so bloody precious.
Blah Blah Blah. Who wants to read all that crap. But I will reply to the title of your thread. Having a civil discourse about politics isn't possible. Unless you like chasing your tail.
Hello fandango,

Blah Blah Blah. Who wants to read all that crap. But I will reply to the title of your thread. Having a civil discourse about politics isn't possible. Unless you like chasing your tail.

Perhaps it is not possible for you, but it is for others.

I know it is possible because I do it on a regular basis.

My approach has worked out beautifully here.

I only talk to people who show respect and are able to conduct civil discourse on politics.

And I can't even keep up with everything being posted respectfully of others.

Yes, as fully expected, I have a large Ignore List. That is by design. Everybody knows politics can bring out the worst in people. But that doesn't always happen, and some people never lose their cool. I always admired that, wanted to be that. Now I have that too. It's wonderful.

I gotta tell ya, fandango, I don't miss all the grief. Who needs it? Nobody.

Once you get past the animosity, a beautiful thing happens. Stress goes way down. It's peaceful on the other side.

Without the stress, expanded thought is possible. Your mind is no longer hung up on tit for tat insult contests. There is so much more beyond that.

But it's hard to get there while you're all hung up with name calling and trolling.
Hello fandango,

Perhaps it is not possible for you, but it is for others.

I know it is possible because I do it on a regular basis.

My approach has worked out beautifully here.

I only talk to people who show respect and are able to conduct civil discourse on politics.

And I can't even keep up with everything being posted respectfully of others.

Yes, as fully expected, I have a large Ignore List. That is by design. Everybody knows politics can bring out the worst in people. But that doesn't always happen, and some people never lose their cool. I always admired that, wanted to be that. Now I have that too. It's wonderful.

I gotta tell ya, fandango, I don't miss all the grief. Who needs it? Nobody.

Once you get past the animosity, a beautiful thing happens. Stress goes way down. It's peaceful on the other side.

Without the stress, expanded thought is possible. Your mind is no longer hung up on tit for tat insult contests. There is so much more beyond that.

But it's hard to get there while you're all hung up with name calling and trolling.

Nobody gives a toss, you're just a boring shit.
Looks like I am not alone in calling for civil discourse online:

Founder of the web calls for civility:

Tim Berners-Lee has launched a global campaign to save the web from the destructive effects of abuse and discrimination, political manipulation, and other threats that plague the online world.

In a talk at the opening of the Web Summit in Lisbon on Monday, the inventor of the web called on governments, companies and individuals to back a new “Contract for the Web” that aims to protect people’s rights and freedoms on the internet.

The contract outlines central principles that will be built into a full contract and published in May 2019, when half of the world’s population will be able to get online. More than 50 organisations have already signed the contract, which is published by Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web Foundation alongside a report that calls for urgent action.
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“For many years there was a feeling that the wonderful things on the web were going to dominate and we’d have a world with less conflict, more understanding, more and better science, and good democracy,” Berners-Lee told the Guardian. “But people have become disillusioned because of all the things they see in the headlines.”

“Humanity connected by technology on the web is functioning in a dystopian way. We have online abuse, prejudice, bias, polarisation, fake news, there are lots of ways in which it is broken. This is a contract to make the web one which serves humanity, science, knowledge and democracy,” he said.


The contract acknowledges that internet users have their own part to play and calls for people to make web content that is “rich and relevant”; to build communities that respect civil discourse and human dignity; and to fight for an open web that is “a global public resource for people everywhere”.

The Guardian
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Looks like I am not alone in calling for civil discourse online:

Founder of the web calls for civility:

The Guardian

The DANGER lies in keeping distance between "wanting civil discourse"...and mandating adherence to arbitrary standard of what is decency.

I appreciate your position...but I oppose it with all the energy I have.

Ideas must be allowed to be transmitted...NO MATTER HOW REPELLENT THEY MAY SEEM AT CASUAL GLANCE.

I despise what I see posted by some...but there is no way I will ever join with others to prevent it being posted.
Hello Frank, and thanks for your view,

The DANGER lies in keeping distance between "wanting civil discourse"...and mandating adherence to arbitrary standard of what is decency.

I appreciate your position...but I oppose it with all the energy I have.

Ideas must be allowed to be transmitted...NO MATTER HOW REPELLENT THEY MAY SEEM AT CASUAL GLANCE.

I despise what I see posted by some...but there is no way I will ever join with others to prevent it being posted.

There is no idea which cannot be stated in a respectful way in the manner of civil discourse.

Abstaining from vulgarity is absolutely no impediment to discussing politics.

The problem with vulgarity is it turns people off; causes them to become apathetic about politics. Apathy is the death knell of our system of self-government.

Vulgarity is designed to create apathy, to run people off from discussing the issues which are important to all.

I refuse to allow that as long as I live.

I will speak up for civility and the free expression of ideas.

I do not wish to force people to speak a certain way.

Instead, I strive to convince them it is in their better interest.

Trump has ushered in the age of vulgarity. He has capitalized on hatred and nastiness. We can rightly oppose him by speaking up for manners and what is right. His ideas can be rejected by being good people, which he is not.

If we are not good, then we are no better than he.
Hello Frank, and thanks for your view,

There is no idea which cannot be stated in a respectful way in the manner of civil discourse.

Abstaining from vulgarity is absolutely no impediment to discussing politics.

The problem with vulgarity is it turns people off; causes them to become apathetic about politics. Apathy is the death knell of our system of self-government.

Vulgarity is designed to create apathy, to run people off from discussing the issues which are important to all.

I refuse to allow that as long as I live.

I will speak up for civility and the free expression of ideas.

I do not wish to force people to speak a certain way.

Instead, I strive to convince them it is in their better interest.

Trump has ushered in the age of vulgarity. He has capitalized on hatred and nastiness. We can rightly oppose him by speaking up for manners and what is right. His ideas can be rejected by being good people, which he is not.

If we are not good, then we are no better than he.

This is exactly what I am talking about, Poly.

"Vulgarity" is like "beauty"...something manufactured by a human.

Is there any vulgarity in the word "cuff?"

It is a sound.

But say it backwards...and suddenly it becomes a "vulgar" sound.

Why is the word "vagina" any less "vulgar" than "cunt?" Why "intercourse" less vulgar than "fuck." Why is "he performed fellatio" less vulgar than "he sucked that guy's cock?"

Humans have arbitrarily decided to make certain sounds, words, and phrases be considered vulgar FOR NO REASON EXCEPT TO WANT THEM TO BE CONSIDERED VULGAR.

The notion that you...or several you's...can arbitrarily designate certain words or phonetic constructs as "vulgar" is an absurdity...and the notion that reasonable discourse cannot be had unless those arbitrarily designated sensibilities be even more absurd.

In fact, to my way of thinking (if I wanted it to prevail, which I do not)...the notion of being offended by certain words is like a kid crying to momma, "He's saying na, na, na, na, no" to me."

With all the respect in the world...I ask you to get off your high horse...and give up the notion that it is in my better interests to speak as do you. I do this in consideration of YOUR self-interests.
Hello good people at JPP.

I come in peace to discuss the issues facing the USA. I offer manners and respect for you, and a promise that I will never tell you off, or be mean to you.

I respectfully ask for the same in return. Actually I require it. If you share my values this should represent a welcome diversion from the common immaturity seen here.

I am into civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Anyone who flames on me will be placed on my Ignore List. My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT. I never take anyone off Ignore. If you like to call other posters names and you want to blame me, vent on me, etc, please identify yourself by flaming on me promptly so I can add you to my growing Permanent Ignore List.

Anyone can tell me off one time. If I accept that and do nothing I invite more of the same; I become the enabler for this type of unwarranted aggressive behavior. I am not going to do that. I know it is quite common around here, but I am not going to put up with it. I could. I simply choose not to. That's what an Ignore List is for. I feel like if I take part in that kind of tit for tat, that I lower myself to do that.

I fully expect to have a very large Ignore List quite rapidly. This is my strategy for having respectful conversations about our national issues. In order to enjoy what I seek, I must filter out ALL of the trash talk. I don't care what form it comes in. It can be accompanied by a very intelligent post, very articulate. That doesn't matter. If it includes being mean, saying mean things about me, I will add that poster to my Ignore List. I don't say mean things about other people, and I am not going to lower myself to those standards.

Many will not understand this. Some will think I will have nobody to talk to. They are wrong. There are good people with manners who are tired of the trash talking. Not as many as the trash talkers here, but that is not a problem. There is too much activity on this site to keep up with it all anyway. So I am going to build a nice little group of friends here who want to be polite, like they really care about one another. That's what I have in real life, and that is what I will have here. That means I am going to have to make some examples out of some people and show that I mean exactly what I said in my Signature. I refuse to be the target of such venting. Nothing personal at all. I simply choose to remain above that. You can do that too, you know. We all can. I choose to.

Also, it does not escape me that when people are unable to argue their positions solely on points of merit, and feel they must resort to putting down the opposition? When people act like that, it usually means they are not really confident enough in their own position to simply state how they feel and let it be. As if they don't think their own position is strong enough to stand on it's own merit. A position is actually more convincing if you stick to facts, and point out where other posts deviate from facts.

I know there are many on this planet who have a genuine love in their heart for fellow humans. I know they exist because I find examples of it constantly. Sadly, there are also some who are filled with rage and frustration. They are just looking for someone to direct it towards. When we enable one another to do that to us, we perpetuate the grief and hatred. I am not going to do that.

All we have to do is find that love in our hearts for humankind and look for it. It is out there. It is inside all of us. We are intelligent beings, but we are creatures of habit. We Americans have some bad habits. Lately one of them is being mean to others on the internet. Very similar to being mean, dangerous, and overly aggressive as drivers, something which has existed long before the internet, but something which has become worse over time. I have to chuckle when I think that some of our worst posters here post like some of our worst drivers drive, but it's sadly true.

Habits can be changed if you try hard enough. That is a very powerful lesson in life. Do your habits control you? Or do you control your habits... Any habit can be changed or established by simply consciously acting differently for a period of 2-3 weeks. After that time period, it becomes second nature. Then you don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally. It is your new habit. Very powerful for self-improvement.

If you are not proud of your habits, and there is a small part of you, a nagging feeling, that it is not right? Listen to that. You can change your habits. Let it begin with enjoying a mutually respectful and long lasting exchange of ideas with me. You never have to worry that I am going to tell you off. I don't do that. I argue on the basis of merit. If you can do that too I believe you will find your credibility will be very high.

Welcome to a new era at JPP. Let that begin with me, and with you. Thanks for listening; thanks for being kind. Be kind to yourself; be kind to others.

Let's have some fun learning, exchanging ideas, and finding out what makes the other side tick as we get better informed and better able to be responsible citizens!


Shut up asswipe, you don't come in peace and you're really stupid too and we all know it.
Hello Frank,

"The notion that you...or several you's...can arbitrarily designate certain words or phonetic constructs as "vulgar" is an absurdity...and the notion that reasonable discourse cannot be had unless those arbitrarily designated sensibilities be even more absurd."

Call it what you like, that's the case. The main stream news needs to be family friendly. All societies have things they consider abhorrent. You want to toss out those traditions, I don't. We're going to disagree. MLK didn't need to talk like that and he did a pretty darn good job of communicating quite a bit. And it isn't allowed on public broadcasts.

Trash talk is not acceptable in society.

I bet people who think it is - hold their tongue when the apply for a job; or a loan.

Or if they get pulled over.

Unless they want the less desirable consequences.


And I do thank you for checking your language in our conversations. I appreciate that.

It's nice. I'd like to see more of that in life.
PoliTalker lives! (Haven't been posting for a bit.)

Didja miss me?

Have YOU BEEN CIVIL without me?

Just been going crazy with real life stuff. Too busy to spend time chatting politics. (So nice to have a very full life...)

Getting ready for the holidays, going to holiday parties, etc. Watching NFL football...

Life is good!

I'll try to squeeze in a few choice political comments when I can. With all due respect, naturally.

I hope your holidays are going well.

Hello Evmetro,

No, not at all. The diversity of views is what makes America great. The more voices heard in a Democratic Republic, the better it operates. Silencing voices actually works against us.

No, I don't believe that. I'll make that call and thus far I see no reason to place you on Ignore.

People are going to disagree. That's only being human. We each have unique life experiences which lead us to believe the things we do. I am interested in talking to people who believe differently; and learning why others believe the things they do. It's only if and when I learn that their beliefs are motivated by hatred directed at me over false assumptions that I decide not to listen to that individual any more.

You can believe anything you like. As long as we share a mutual respect I am not going to place you on Ignore. The only caveat to that is that I cannot respect anyone who expresses outright racism here. It's all about treating others fairly with me.

Most of the flamers here should really just agree to disagree and let it be.

I find if I partake in the flames, it affects my life, causes unneeded stress. So I avoid it. I still want to talk about politics.

And, you know, I find a lot of good discussions here where people don't have to go off on one another. I wouldn't be here if it was nothing but flames. I don't accept that thing about: "Well all the other kids are doing it, PLEASE can I do it too?" No. I have to be myself. And so do some others, btw.

And you know this place would be boring anyway if everybody was the same. I don't mind being a little different if it means standing up for what I believe in.

Yes friend, I'm up to civil discourse. But I suggest you start posting on the APP section of the forum where you won't be harassed and meanmouthed by the usual lowlife. The moderation is strict apparently, as is stated in the rules and you'll have to apply to be let in. But once you're in it will be good. Right now the rabid right has flatlined as their demonstration of giving me the silent treatment. Together we can own the place for discussions with no rude interruptions.
Yes friend, I'm up to civil discourse. But I suggest you start posting on the APP section of the forum where you won't be harassed and meanmouthed by the usual lowlife. The moderation is strict apparently, as is stated in the rules and you'll have to apply to be let in. But once you're in it will be good. Right now the rabid right has flatlined as their demonstration of giving me the silent treatment. Together we can own the place for discussions with no rude interruptions.

"Bringing reform and decency from Canada, one forum at a time."

Respectfully; please consider the possibility that, as a Canadian, no one gives a flying fuck what you think.