Greetings Good Posters. Anybody up for Civl Discourse of Politics?

Hello montgomery,

Yes friend, I'm up to civil discourse. But I suggest you start posting on the APP section of the forum where you won't be harassed and meanmouthed by the usual lowlife. The moderation is strict apparently, as is stated in the rules and you'll have to apply to be let in. But once you're in it will be good. Right now the rabid right has flatlined as their demonstration of giving me the silent treatment. Together we can own the place for discussions with no rude interruptions.

The concept sounds intriguing but nobody posts there. I really liked the premise of it, thought it would be great. I am approved. But I never even bother to check it out. Not even once. The reason? Not enough activity. Fall asleep waiting for the next post. I'd rather participate in a forum that I can't possibly keep up with the volume of posts. That way, any time I feel like discussing politics there is always active discussion going on. And surprise! Even in the free-for-all forum I don't have to put up with abuse. Having a strong PIP is highly effective at eliminating abuse. It works beautifully. Anybody trash-mouths me, (and they will,) they are gone. Poof! That's it. One and done. Everybody else quickly gets the idea. And it's a two way street. They find that when they treat me like somebody they actually care about, that treatment goes both ways. I am not going to take cheap shots or make jabs at personal character. I don't see why discussing politics has to be about insults. We are talking about national subjects, not critiquing character.

Too bad it's not more popular. Every time I ever looked at it, all the threads were by the same person, and that person is already on my Ignore List. I don't ever take anyone off Ignore, so there is nothing in APP for me.

It's a great thought, the APP, and I would totally be there if enough people supported it.
Hello montgomery,

The concept sounds intriguing but nobody posts there. I really liked the premise of it, thought it would be great. I am approved. But I never even bother to check it out. Not even once. The reason? Not enough activity. Fall asleep waiting for the next post. I'd rather participate in a forum that I can't possibly keep up with the volume of posts. That way, any time I feel like discussing politics there is always active discussion going on. And surprise! Even in the free-for-all forum I don't have to put up with abuse. Having a strong PIP is highly effective at eliminating abuse. It works beautifully. Anybody trash-mouths me, (and they will,) they are gone. Poof! That's it. One and done. Everybody else quickly gets the idea. And it's a two way street. They find that when they treat me like somebody they actually care about, that treatment goes both ways. I am not going to take cheap shots or make jabs at personal character. I don't see why discussing politics has to be about insults. We are talking about national subjects, not critiquing character.

Too bad it's not more popular. Every time I ever looked at it, all the threads were by the same person, and that person is already on my Ignore List. I don't ever take anyone off Ignore, so there is nothing in APP for me.

It's a great thought, the APP, and I would totally be there if enough people supported it.

I'm only asking you to give it a try. I have a new topic up on that section you can consider. And it doesn't mean that you can't be posting on this section at the same time.

I have approached the staff on perhaps loosening up the rules slightly so that anybody posting there would have a chance of a warning instead of immediately being banned. I think it's in the staff's interest to give that some consideration. By going there to post on topics we feel deserve a decent discussion, we will be able to escape the ridiculous nonsense of this section that I know you are objecting to yourself. It might grow into something worthwhile, even if only existing alongside this crazy stuff.
"Bringing reform and decency from Canada, one forum at a time."

Respectfully; please consider the possibility that, as a Canadian, no one gives a flying fuck what you think.

Well, I guess we'll see won't we. Right now I own the APP section because the usual spammers are giving me the silent treatment. They'll either snap out of it or I'll continue to own it.

Maybe nobody else cares about your opinion but this is a good place to find out whether anybody cares about either yours or mine!
I'm only asking you to give it a try. I have a new topic up on that section you can consider. And it doesn't mean that you can't be posting on this section at the same time.

I have approached the staff on perhaps loosening up the rules slightly so that anybody posting there would have a chance of a warning instead of immediately being banned. I think it's in the staff's interest to give that some consideration. By going there to post on topics we feel deserve a decent discussion, we will be able to escape the ridiculous nonsense of this section that I know you are objecting to yourself. It might grow into something worthwhile, even if only existing alongside this crazy stuff.

Hello montgomery,

OK, I'll check it out.

Shouldn't take long.

Then I'll be back here.

And yes, no reason I can't check back there once in a while.
Well, I guess we'll see won't we. Right now I own the APP section because the usual spammers are giving me the silent treatment. They'll either snap out of it or I'll continue to own it.

Maybe nobody else cares about your opinion but this is a good place to find out whether anybody cares about either yours or mine!

You can own it? Go for it.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

He also said that assassination should be a viable option. You know Canadians. They like ketchup flavored potato chips.

That's illegal. Illegalities are never a viable option.

If he said 'death penalty' that's a different thing.

If he said 'death penalty' and you made it 'assassination' then you are putting spin on it.

Careful with words. Words have a lot of power. Remember: The pen is mightier than the sword.

Or, to bring that into current context, the keyboard is mightier than the assault rifle.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

That's illegal. Illegalities are never a viable option.

If he said 'death penalty' that's a different thing.

If he said 'death penalty' and you made it 'assassination' then you are putting spin on it.

Careful with words. Words have a lot of power. Remember: The pen is mightier than the sword.

Or, to bring that into current context, the keyboard is mightier than the assault rifle.

His word was, "assassination." EDIT to add: I note that you mentioned assassination being illegal, but said nothing about being immoral.