Greetings Good Posters. Anybody up for Civl Discourse of Politics?

Hello and greetings Jade Dragon,

Thanks for the hello. My pleasure to 'meet' you. Thanks for the short list. My Ignore List already contains several of those.

I fully understand my stringent standards will filter out most of what is said here. That is my intent. It is pointless to talk to people who are only looking for a target to aim their frustrations at. I hope that by filtering out the garbage I will reduce my time here to the most intellectual posts. I'm sure that won't work well for taking part in most of the posting.

But hey, look. You thought you were alone in this approach. Now there are two of us. I bet there are more. I believe the true waste of time is talking to those who are only looking for a place to vent.

I created this awhile back, but it teetered out before Christmas. Even some of the more respectable posters fall into the drama here, including myself. Especially with my stalkers. Q-Tip (AKA Annieoakley), Yaya (AKA Yurt), Eagle Eye. Teflon Don, and his mocking people behind a wall of bans, or hiding in the conservative troll palace, of the Above Plain Politics forum, is best put on ignore. But he also uses a phone app that bi-passes the ban list. Report him doing that to any mod, besides Rad Dude, as he is lax on his trolling buddy it seems.

I created tons of off topic discussions, and even had to ban people from them, because they had to bring the drama to recipes, and travel pics. I have the rule of no drama in them, and will ask the mods to add those that harass to be added to my lists of banned. It never seems to work as well with friendly politics, as some seem drawn to the drama, and I couldn't get enough participation.

Here's a few of my friendly discussions: : :

I will admit that when participation is down, and dealing with my physical ailments, and pain, I get into the drama. I tend to give a little crap to the racists, and trolls, out of boredom.
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Hello good people at JPP.

I come in peace to discuss the issues facing the USA. I offer manners and respect for you, and a promise that I will never tell you off, or be mean to you.

I respectfully ask for the same in return. Actually I require it. If you share my values this should represent a welcome diversion from the common immaturity seen here.

I am into civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Anyone who flames on me will be placed on my Ignore List. My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT. I never take anyone off Ignore. If you like to call other posters names and you want to blame me, vent on me, etc, please identify yourself by flaming on me promptly so I can add you to my growing Permanent Ignore List.

Anyone can tell me off one time. If I accept that and do nothing I invite more of the same; I become the enabler for this type of unwarranted aggressive behavior. I am not going to do that. I know it is quite common around here, but I am not going to put up with it. I could. I simply choose not to. That's what an Ignore List is for. I feel like if I take part in that kind of tit for tat, that I lower myself to do that.

I fully expect to have a very large Ignore List quite rapidly. This is my strategy for having respectful conversations about our national issues. In order to enjoy what I seek, I must filter out ALL of the trash talk. I don't care what form it comes in. It can be accompanied by a very intelligent post, very articulate. That doesn't matter. If it includes being mean, saying mean things about me, I will add that poster to my Ignore List. I don't say mean things about other people, and I am not going to lower myself to those standards.

Many will not understand this. Some will think I will have nobody to talk to. They are wrong. There are good people with manners who are tired of the trash talking. Not as many as the trash talkers here, but that is not a problem. There is too much activity on this site to keep up with it all anyway. So I am going to build a nice little group of friends here who want to be polite, like they really care about one another. That's what I have in real life, and that is what I will have here. That means I am going to have to make some examples out of some people and show that I mean exactly what I said in my Signature. I refuse to be the target of such venting. Nothing personal at all. I simply choose to remain above that. You can do that too, you know. We all can. I choose to.

Also, it does not escape me that when people are unable to argue their positions solely on points of merit, and feel they must resort to putting down the opposition? When people act like that, it usually means they are not really confident enough in their own position to simply state how they feel and let it be. As if they don't think their own position is strong enough to stand on it's own merit. A position is actually more convincing if you stick to facts, and point out where other posts deviate from facts.

I know there are many on this planet who have a genuine love in their heart for fellow humans. I know they exist because I find examples of it constantly. Sadly, there are also some who are filled with rage and frustration. They are just looking for someone to direct it towards. When we enable one another to do that to us, we perpetuate the grief and hatred. I am not going to do that.

All we have to do is find that love in our hearts for humankind and look for it. It is out there. It is inside all of us. We are intelligent beings, but we are creatures of habit. We Americans have some bad habits. Lately one of them is being mean to others on the internet. Very similar to being mean, dangerous, and overly aggressive as drivers, something which has existed long before the internet, but something which has become worse over time. I have to chuckle when I think that some of our worst posters here post like some of our worst drivers drive, but it's sadly true.

Habits can be changed if you try hard enough. That is a very powerful lesson in life. Do your habits control you? Or do you control your habits... Any habit can be changed or established by simply consciously acting differently for a period of 2-3 weeks. After that time period, it becomes second nature. Then you don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally. It is your new habit. Very powerful for self-improvement.

If you are not proud of your habits, and there is a small part of you, a nagging feeling, that it is not right? Listen to that. You can change your habits. Let it begin with enjoying a mutually respectful and long lasting exchange of ideas with me. You never have to worry that I am going to tell you off. I don't do that. I argue on the basis of merit. If you can do that too I believe you will find your credibility will be very high.

Welcome to a new era at JPP. Let that begin with me, and with you. Thanks for listening; thanks for being kind. Be kind to yourself; be kind to others.

Let's have some fun learning, exchanging ideas, and finding out what makes the other side tick as we get better informed and better able to be responsible citizens!


For the love of all that is holy put me on ignore you overly verbose self important fuck stick

BTW consider yourself on my thread ban list. Don’t need you tarding up the place
Hello good people at JPP.

I come in peace to discuss the issues facing the USA. I offer manners and respect for you, and a promise that I will never tell you off, or be mean to you.

I respectfully ask for the same in return. Actually I require it. If you share my values this should represent a welcome diversion from the common immaturity seen here.

I am into civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Anyone who flames on me will be placed on my Ignore List. My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT. I never take anyone off Ignore. If you like to call other posters names and you want to blame me, vent on me, etc, please identify yourself by flaming on me promptly so I can add you to my growing Permanent Ignore List.

Anyone can tell me off one time. If I accept that and do nothing I invite more of the same; I become the enabler for this type of unwarranted aggressive behavior. I am not going to do that. I know it is quite common around here, but I am not going to put up with it. I could. I simply choose not to. That's what an Ignore List is for. I feel like if I take part in that kind of tit for tat, that I lower myself to do that.

I fully expect to have a very large Ignore List quite rapidly. This is my strategy for having respectful conversations about our national issues. In order to enjoy what I seek, I must filter out ALL of the trash talk. I don't care what form it comes in. It can be accompanied by a very intelligent post, very articulate. That doesn't matter. If it includes being mean, saying mean things about me, I will add that poster to my Ignore List. I don't say mean things about other people, and I am not going to lower myself to those standards.

Many will not understand this. Some will think I will have nobody to talk to. They are wrong. There are good people with manners who are tired of the trash talking. Not as many as the trash talkers here, but that is not a problem. There is too much activity on this site to keep up with it all anyway. So I am going to build a nice little group of friends here who want to be polite, like they really care about one another. That's what I have in real life, and that is what I will have here. That means I am going to have to make some examples out of some people and show that I mean exactly what I said in my Signature. I refuse to be the target of such venting. Nothing personal at all. I simply choose to remain above that. You can do that too, you know. We all can. I choose to.

Also, it does not escape me that when people are unable to argue their positions solely on points of merit, and feel they must resort to putting down the opposition? When people act like that, it usually means they are not really confident enough in their own position to simply state how they feel and let it be. As if they don't think their own position is strong enough to stand on it's own merit. A position is actually more convincing if you stick to facts, and point out where other posts deviate from facts.

I know there are many on this planet who have a genuine love in their heart for fellow humans. I know they exist because I find examples of it constantly. Sadly, there are also some who are filled with rage and frustration. They are just looking for someone to direct it towards. When we enable one another to do that to us, we perpetuate the grief and hatred. I am not going to do that.

All we have to do is find that love in our hearts for humankind and look for it. It is out there. It is inside all of us. We are intelligent beings, but we are creatures of habit. We Americans have some bad habits. Lately one of them is being mean to others on the internet. Very similar to being mean, dangerous, and overly aggressive as drivers, something which has existed long before the internet, but something which has become worse over time. I have to chuckle when I think that some of our worst posters here post like some of our worst drivers drive, but it's sadly true.

Habits can be changed if you try hard enough. That is a very powerful lesson in life. Do your habits control you? Or do you control your habits... Any habit can be changed or established by simply consciously acting differently for a period of 2-3 weeks. After that time period, it becomes second nature. Then you don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally. It is your new habit. Very powerful for self-improvement.

If you are not proud of your habits, and there is a small part of you, a nagging feeling, that it is not right? Listen to that. You can change your habits. Let it begin with enjoying a mutually respectful and long lasting exchange of ideas with me. You never have to worry that I am going to tell you off. I don't do that. I argue on the basis of merit. If you can do that too I believe you will find your credibility will be very high.

Welcome to a new era at JPP. Let that begin with me, and with you. Thanks for listening; thanks for being kind. Be kind to yourself; be kind to others.

Let's have some fun learning, exchanging ideas, and finding out what makes the other side tick as we get better informed and better able to be responsible citizens!


Two things that will never be discussed in a civil manner between people of opposite beliefs is Religion and Politics. But it's a nice thought. I am willing to bet as a liberal you couldn't go through one discussion about Trump without some kind of insult. Just my opinion.
trust me poli I have done this for over a decade

tried not insulting people

it gained the debate NOTHING

people still insulted me non stop

its silly to come to an open site and then refuse to talk to most of the people there

its like watching only fox news

Hello evince,

I don't think I'm missing that much, really. So much is repeated on these forums. There is merit to the theory that those who cannot express themselves without profanity might just be just making up for a lack of being truly informed. As if they don't want to let their guard down, (insecure?) or are afraid to go head to head and find out who has the better grasp of facts. I see plenty of fake news being passed off as 'fact.' I simply don't believe a good argument has to include aggression. That's Trump's style, but it's not the only way to argue.

You're free to argue any way you like. I know it is unrealistic to expect everyone to change because I want it to be different. I don't expect that at all. I'm simply using the tools given to me to personalize my experience here.

Much is said that you or I will never hear. It is impossible to hear everything, watch every news show. I take in information from a variety of sources. I do my own research online. I read investigative journalism. I really don't care what the trash-mouths are saying.

I know there are people who are saying things about me. That was part of the trick of learning strong Ignore Feature use. You have to get over caring what they say about you. You know, people talk about other people in every walk of life. Coworkers talk about each other when the worker is not around. Social friends talk about one another not in the presence of the subject. Family does that. Oh, does family ever do that. You can't control that. I took a while to realize that. It took probably a month or so after I began to try it this way before I got over wondering what others were saying about me. Eventually I got to the point where I just don't care. And let me tell you. That is total freedom. That is complete security in my own strength and my own positions.

I can take it, no problem. Been chatting online for decades. Whatever I am missing is not hurting my ability to stay well informed. Please go ahead and do it your way (unless you are curious) and I will do it my way. It takes two for harassment to occur. There is the harasser and the harassed. If one refuses to take part there is no harassment. Anybody can say something mean to somebody else one time. That's not an established harassment problem. But if the harassed allows it to continue that is when it becomes one. Most here have accepted that as business as usual. I don't. Call me weird. I don't care. I really don't care at all what anybody calls me because they can only do it once. After that I am not listening to it.

And you notice that often when I place a poster on ignore, I say 'let this be your last endorphin rush off me.' That's because I am breaking a cycle. An internet troll gets an endorphin rush if they get any response out of someone they have provoked in this way. I deny them that endorphin rush. What fun is it to insult somebody if they never even hear it? Many will simply give up and go for easier enablers who will give them the feedback they are looking for. I find that game boring. I don't come here for that. I just want to discuss politics. And that is supposed to be the reason we all came here.
Hello evince,

I don't think I'm missing that much, really. So much is repeated on these forums. There is merit to the theory that those who cannot express themselves without profanity might just be just making up for a lack of being truly informed. As if they don't want to let their guard down, (insecure?) or are afraid to go head to head and find out who has the better grasp of facts. I see plenty of fake news being passed off as 'fact.' I simply don't believe a good argument has to include aggression. That's Trump's style, but it's not the only way to argue.

You're free to argue any way you like. I know it is unrealistic to expect everyone to change because I want it to be different. I don't expect that at all. I'm simply using the tools given to me to personalize my experience here.

Much is said that you or I will never hear. It is impossible to hear everything, watch every news show. I take in information from a variety of sources. I do my own research online. I read investigative journalism. I really don't care what the trash-mouths are saying.

I know there are people who are saying things about me. That was part of the trick of learning strong Ignore Feature use. You have to get over caring what they say about you. You know, people talk about other people in every walk of life. Coworkers talk about each other when the worker is not around. Social friends talk about one another not in the presence of the subject. Family does that. Oh, does family ever do that. You can't control that.

I can take it, no problem. Been chatting online for decades. Whatever I am missing is not hurting my ability to stay well informed. Please go ahead and do it your way (unless you are curious) and I will do it my way. It takes two for harassment to occur. There is the harasser and the harassed. If one refuses to take part there is no harassment. Anybody can say something mean to somebody else one time. That's not an established harassment problem. But if the harassed allows it to continue that is when it becomes one. Most here have accepted that as business as usual. I don't. Call me weird. I don't care. I really don't care at all what anybody calls me because they can only do it once. After that I am not listening to it.

And you notice that often when I place a poster on ignore, I say 'let this be your last endorphin rush off me.' That's because I am breaking a cycle. An internet troll gets an endorphin rush if they get any response out of someone they have provoked in this way. I deny them that endorphin rush. What fun is it to insult somebody if they never even hear it? Many will simply give up and go for easier enablers who will give them the feedback they are looking for. I find that game boring. I don't come here for that. I just want to discuss politics. And that is supposed to be the reason we all came here.

Oh make my day you pompous windbag.
Hello evince,

I don't think I'm missing that much, really. So much is repeated on these forums. There is merit to the theory that those who cannot express themselves without profanity might just be just making up for a lack of being truly informed. As if they don't want to let their guard down, (insecure?) or are afraid to go head to head and find out who has the better grasp of facts. I see plenty of fake news being passed off as 'fact.' I simply don't believe a good argument has to include aggression. That's Trump's style, but it's not the only way to argue.

You're free to argue any way you like. I know it is unrealistic to expect everyone to change because I want it to be different. I don't expect that at all. I'm simply using the tools given to me to personalize my experience here.

Much is said that you or I will never hear. It is impossible to hear everything, watch every news show. I take in information from a variety of sources. I do my own research online. I read investigative journalism. I really don't care what the trash-mouths are saying.

I know there are people who are saying things about me. That was part of the trick of learning strong Ignore Feature use. You have to get over caring what they say about you. You know, people talk about other people in every walk of life. Coworkers talk about each other when the worker is not around. Social friends talk about one another not in the presence of the subject. Family does that. Oh, does family ever do that. You can't control that. I took a while to realize that. It took probably a month or so after I began to try it this way before I got over wondering what others were saying about me. Eventually I got to the point where I just don't care. And let me tell you. That is total freedom. That is complete security in my own strength and my own positions.

I can take it, no problem. Been chatting online for decades. Whatever I am missing is not hurting my ability to stay well informed. Please go ahead and do it your way (unless you are curious) and I will do it my way. It takes two for harassment to occur. There is the harasser and the harassed. If one refuses to take part there is no harassment. Anybody can say something mean to somebody else one time. That's not an established harassment problem. But if the harassed allows it to continue that is when it becomes one. Most here have accepted that as business as usual. I don't. Call me weird. I don't care. I really don't care at all what anybody calls me because they can only do it once. After that I am not listening to it.

And you notice that often when I place a poster on ignore, I say 'let this be your last endorphin rush off me.' That's because I am breaking a cycle. An internet troll gets an endorphin rush if they get any response out of someone they have provoked in this way. I deny them that endorphin rush. What fun is it to insult somebody if they never even hear it? Many will simply give up and go for easier enablers who will give them the feedback they are looking for. I find that game boring. I don't come here for that. I just want to discuss politics. And that is supposed to be the reason we all came here.

There's your first contradiction. evince is one of the most hateful, foul mouthed posters here.
Just a heads up, you can't ignore mods. Software limitation. Sorry in advance bud.

Hello and greetings Quetzalcoatl,

Pleased to make your acquaintance. Nice place ya got here. I like the features.

Thanks for the heads-up, but I never considered doing that. And it makes sense mods need to be able to read all posts.

I only place people on Ignore if they are rude to me.

There's your first contradiction. evince is one of the most hateful, foul mouthed posters here.

Hello RB 60,

I've seen what he writes about other posters. I have zero qualms about placing anybody on Ignore who mouths off to me like that. He acknowledges my approach and treats me accordingly. No big deal. It's all I ask. Anybody can be nice if they really want to. We're just here talking about the things that affect our lives and the world. None of use likely have much power over much of that. There'e no reason to become angry at somebody because they posted something we disagree with. Simply point out the errors if you can find them and state what you believe is correct. If you can't do that then swearing is a pretty poor substitute for good debate. Basically, there's a lot of bad debating doing on around here and I'm not interested in it. I just want the good stuff.
Hello RB 60,

I've seen what he writes about other posters. I have zero qualms about placing anybody on Ignore who mouths off to me like that. He acknowledges my approach and treats me accordingly. No big deal. It's all I ask. Anybody can be nice if they really want to. We're just here talking about the things that affect our lives and the world. None of use likely have much power over much of that. There'e no reason to become angry at somebody because they posted something we disagree with. Simply point out the errors if you can find them and state what you believe is correct. If you can't do that then swearing is a pretty poor substitute for good debate. Basically, there's a lot of bad debating doing on around here and I'm not interested in it. I just want the good stuff.

It was an arid dessert this morning here. I swore some had to be hungover, or something. Hvilleherb had 7 different obnoxious discussions, Q-Tip was trying to flame, and troll people with several discussions, etc. Hopefully it's better tomorrow, because it doesn't help ignoring people, when all the other posters get caught up in their nonsense.
Hello and greetings Quetzalcoatl,

Pleased to make your acquaintance. Nice place ya got here. I like the features.

Thanks for the heads-up, but I never considered doing that. And it makes sense mods need to be able to read all posts.

I only place people on Ignore if they are rude to me.


Well you're likely to find me and Grind very, very rude. So I'm letting you know in advance.