Greta’s Handlers

No one hates the child including the president. He tweeted that she has anger problems and with her affliction he is absolutely correct.
Do you honestly think it's right to use this child in this manner?

Other than the say-so of snowflakes on the right, there is absolutely no evidence that anyone is "using" Ms. Thunberg. That's just a fond wish of everyone who finds her message disquieting. It's shameful to attack her by weaponizing her diagnosis. And that's what is really behind all this faux concern for her by the RWers. She makes you all feel uneasy and guilty. You attack her with platitudes about her "condition" and "terrible parenting" -- instead of addressing her message. It's a classic case of kill the messenger so we don't have to hear the message.
No one hates the child including the president. He tweeted that she has anger problems and with her affliction he is absolutely correct.

Do you honestly think it's right to use this child in this manner?

I call bullshit,Trump was obviously mocking her yet again.
For a guy who claimed not to like Trump,you have goose stepped in line with the rest of the Orange Kool-Aid guzzlers!
"“We can’t just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow,” she says, tugging on the sleeve of her blue sweatshirt. “That is all we are saying.”

"It’s a simple truth, delivered by a teenage girl in a fateful moment. The sailboat, La Vagabonde, will shepherd Thunberg to the Port of Lisbon, and from there she will travel to Madrid, where the United Nations is hosting this year’s climate conference. It is the last such summit before nations commit to new plans to meet a major deadline set by the Paris Agreement. Unless they agree on transformative action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the world’s temperature rise since the Industrial Revolution will hit the 1.5°C mark—an eventuality that scientists warn will expose some 350 million additional people to drought and push roughly 120 million people into extreme poverty by 2030. For every fraction of a degree that temperatures increase, these problems will worsen. This is not fearmongering; this is science. For decades, researchers and activists have struggled to get world leaders to take the climate threat seriously. But this year, an unlikely teenager somehow got the world’s attention."

Refute this, rather than attacking the person who captured the world's attention.

(Source: )
Sad how a kid can trigger ignorant old white males

abused ? you are a fucking idiot

The kid has a mental disorder and you idiots parade her around like she is a prize Bull at the fair. She needs help not exploiting you fucking dirt bag.
Other than the say-so of snowflakes on the right, there is absolutely no evidence that anyone is "using" Ms. Thunberg. That's just a fond wish of everyone who finds her message disquieting. It's shameful to attack her by weaponizing her diagnosis. And that's what is really behind all this faux concern for her by the RWers. She makes you all feel uneasy and guilty. You attack her with platitudes about her "condition" and "terrible parenting" -- instead of addressing her message. It's a classic case of kill the messenger so we don't have to hear the message.

So you're telling me that a 16 year old arranged all this by herself without prodding from anyone. Owl you know damn well the child is being exploited! The only reason you disagree with me is you support what she is parroting. I am sure there is money involved and the parents are the executors of all funds coming in.
More from my Time link, above:

"On Aug. 20, 2018, Thunberg arrived in front of the Swedish Parliament, wearing a blue hoodie and carrying her homemade school-strike sign. She had no institutional support, no formal backing and nobody to keep her company. But doing something—making a stand, even if she was by herself—felt better than doing nothing. “Learning about climate change triggered my depression in the first place,” she says. “But it was also what got me out of my depression, because there were things I could do to improve the situation. I don’t have time to be depressed anymore.” Her father said that after she began striking, it was as if she “came back to life."

"On the first day of her climate strike, Thunberg was alone. She sat slumped on the ground, seeming barely bigger than her backpack. It was an unusually chilly August day. She posted about her strike on social media, and a few journalists came by to talk to her, but most of the day she was on her own. She ate her packed lunch of bean pasta with salt, and at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when she’d normally leave school, her father picked her up and they biked home.

"On the second day, a stranger joined her. “That was a big step, from one to two,” she recalls. “This is not about me striking; this is now us striking from school.” A few days later, a handful more came. A Greenpeace activist brought vegan pad thai, which Thunberg tried for the first time. They were suddenly a group: one person refusing to accept the status quo had become two, then eight, then 40, then hundreds. Then thousands."

And now millions.
So you're telling me that a 16 year old arranged all this by herself without prodding from anyone. Owl you know damn well the child is being exploited! The only reason you disagree with me is you support what she is parroting. I am sure there is money involved and the parents are the executors of all funds coming in.

Please read the link from Time that I posted. Thanks.
I call bullshit,Trump was obviously mocking her yet again.
For a guy who claimed not to like Trump,you have goose stepped in line with the rest of the Orange Kool-Aid guzzlers!

I don't like Trump the person. But that doesn't mean I will not throw the bullshit flag when called for.
And using your standard everyone of you who support her is guilty of supporting her exploitation. You can't use such a wide brush without getting paint on yourself.

She is a young girl...fighting a fight she deems worth fighting.

Trump...and his minions...ought to simply ignore her if they disagree with what she is fighting for.

Instead, they are reacting in a childish way...that to me seems to be the result of fear.
Think I will just leave this here. This is the face of RWers across the planet. Nice going, guys.

"So many people have made death threats against her family that she is now often protected by police when she travels. But for the most part, she sees the global backlash as evidence that the climate strikers have hit a nerve. “I think that it’s a good sign actually,” she says. “Because that shows we are actually making a difference and they see us as a threat.”"
This guy is even more triggered by Greta than our RW friends here are. Climate change deniers, keeping it classy. Not.

She's on her way home.... while she decompresses, I think she would enjoy watching this..:)

Please read the link from Time that I posted. Thanks.

I read it people with her syndrome obsess on subjects. Is she wrong? No we all know there is climate change the argument is how bad it really is and how much is caused by man. Even the worlds best climatologists can't agree on the causes and degree. I just disagree that using a child is wrong no matter what the cause.
I read it people with her syndrome obsess on subjects. Is she wrong? No we all know there is climate change the argument is how bad it really is and how much is caused by man. Even the worlds best climatologists can't agree on the causes and degree. I just disagree that using a child is wrong no matter what the cause.

I agree that using children is wrong as well. However, as I stated earlier there is zero proof that anyone is using Ms. Thunberg. Yes, her parents are involved in her mission; one or both of them travel with her. Of course this doesn't mean that she's being used by them, or by anyone else.

It doesn't matter whether climate change is caused by human kind or not, at this point. The best we can do now is make changes in how we do things, to try to curb its growth and its effects on both the planet and on our species. Anyone who doesn't agree with this has their head in the sand.