Grounds to strike down Prop 8

It is like slavery, segregation and mixed marriages, some day people will be enlightened enough to understand the issue! Those of us who believe homosexuals should be allowed to marry or have civil unions have to keep educating the rest of the masses.

The Supreme Court needs to step in and make it a federal law that they have the right to a union, much like hetro couples.

The majority is not always right, see issues above again for reference!
Yes, marriage is religious institution. But that's not what we're talking about. What we are talking about is the secular institution of marriage as defined by the several states. The states can decide to define marriage any way they deem fit, provided, of course, that the definition does not violate the state or federal constitution.

If marriage is a religious institution, how can government pass law to abridge the free exercise thereof? This violates the First Amendment. Upholding the religious institution of marriage, does not violate the Constitution or anyone's rights under the Constitution. Instead, it protects the free exercise of religion.
If marriage is a religious institution, how can government pass law to abridge the free exercise thereof? This violates the First Amendment. Upholding the religious institution of marriage, does not violate the Constitution or anyone's rights under the Constitution. Instead, it protects the free exercise of religion.

Civil marriage is not a religious institution.

And there are many religions that marry gay couples. What about their free exercise? Nobody will be forcing the Baptists to marry gays. Why are you forcing the Unitarians to NOT marry them? You are really screwed up in the head.