Guess who called for the 1 Billion dollar payoff to Georgia .. Biden


The Force is With Me
Biden calls for $1 billion in emergency aid to Georgia

Fresh off a trip to the Republic of Georgia, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden said he will ask for $1 billion in emergency aid for the war torn country.

Biden, who is rumored to be very high on Sen. Barack Obama’s list of running mates, met with Georgia's president and prime minister on the trip, further burnishing his foreign policy credentials ahead of Obama’s decision.

“I left the country convinced that Russia's invasion of Georgia may be the one of the most significant event to occur in Europe since the end of communism,” said Biden.

“When Congress reconvenes, I intend to work with the administration to seek Congressional approval for $1 billion in emergency assistance for Georgia, with a substantial down payment on that aid to be included in the Congress' next supplemental spending bill.”

While the Russian government has claimed that the Georgian military was engaged in a “genocide” in the region of South Ossetia, Biden said he did not see any evidence of it on his trip.

Biden said the $1 billion would "help the people of Georgia to rebuild their country and preserve its democratic institutions."

The senator also issued a terse warning to the former Soviet Union, saying that “Russia’s actions in Georgia will have consequences.”
Biden said the $1 billion would "help the people of Georgia to rebuild their country and preserve its democratic institutions."

Until NO is completely rebuilt, I don't want to read jack $hit about us giving aid to another developed country to build up their infrastructure. Tough t!tt!. You attack a region, $hit happens. We don't need to be involved in this in any way shape or form.
asswhipes all 4 of them
How about some Katrina rebuilting
and some schools in all our big inner cities???
Biden said the $1 billion would "help the people of Georgia to rebuild their country and preserve its democratic institutions."

Until NO is completely rebuilt, I don't want to read jack $hit about us giving aid to another developed country to build up their infrastructure. Tough t!tt!. You attack a region, $hit happens. We don't need to be involved in this in any way shape or form.

That's what Bush and Cheney said as well.

But check this out ...

The White House plans to approach the campaigns of Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain to seek their commitment to continue the assistance after President George W. Bush leaves office on January 20, the sources said.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was scheduled to announce the aid package Georgia and Bush was to issue a statement about it.

The amount of the aid package appears to dovetail with a proposal by Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, who has called for Congress to approve $1 billion in aid to Georgia -- a proposal Obama has endorsed.

Have you heard Obama announce a plan to send a billion dollars to NO?
That's what Bush and Cheney said as well.

But check this out ...

The White House plans to approach the campaigns of Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain to seek their commitment to continue the assistance after President George W. Bush leaves office on January 20, the sources said.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was scheduled to announce the aid package Georgia and Bush was to issue a statement about it.

The amount of the aid package appears to dovetail with a proposal by Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, who has called for Congress to approve $1 billion in aid to Georgia -- a proposal Obama has endorsed.

Have you heard Obama announce a plan to send a billion dollars to NO?

Just out of curiosity, didn’t Bush announce billions for NO? I wonder if it ever got there, something tells me, not.
How about a Marshall plan to rebuild America.

Where's the so-called "change?"

While I can't help but take note of yet another Obama foreign policy being stolen by the Bush adminstration (he really does seem to be already running foreign policy), I agree. I'd much rather see it used here, God knows we need it.
While I can't help but take note of yet another Obama foreign policy being stolen by the Bush adminstration (he really does seem to be already running foreign policy), I agree. I'd much rather see it used here, God knows we need it.

The billion dollars is for Georgia's decision to attack Russia.

It doesn't matter whose policy it is .. it is not in the interests of the American people.

The US military and government are merely extensions of American business.

Biden also had the bright idea ofd dividing up Iraq into there pieces .. ahh .. make that "business communties."
While I can't help but take note of yet another Obama foreign policy being stolen by the Bush adminstration (he really does seem to be already running foreign policy), I agree. I'd much rather see it used here, God knows we need it.

how do you "steal" someone's foreign policy?
how do you "steal" someone's foreign policy?

Well, what you do is, you listen when they talk about what they would do, and then a few days later, or as in the case of Iraq, a few months later, you announce that you are doing exactly what they proposed, but don’t mention them. I will show you using your own posts as examples over the next couple of days. I know you are more of a visual learner.
Isolationism is shitty policy.

Let's see .. paying a foreign government to attack another foreign government .. one much larger and stronger than the one you're paying .. and getting many of their own people killed in the process .. that's good foreign policy in your judgement?

What is truly amazing is listening to democrats defend wiretapping, war, and the same foreign policy that brought us Iraq.
Isolationism is shitty policy.

It is but, I’d like to see what does Georgia need a billion dollars for? If it were for humanitarian relief, that would be one thing. I’d really like to see exactly what it would be used for. I don’t see their leaders as being innocent in the whole affair, though of course, Russia’s response was way disproportionate, and as always, it’s the people who suffered.
He did and some of it got there .. but NO is still a devastated city.

Yeah, I don't see how any dems can support that iniatitive.

a) Given the circumstances of the initial georgian attack
b) given the fact that we really need it here to rebuild after NO and some of these other hurricanes
c) veterans still have substandard medical treatment in a lot of facilities.
