Guess who called for the 1 Billion dollar payoff to Georgia .. Biden

1) I never claimed Russia attacked Georgia first. I stated quite clearly what occured. So quit trying to spin it. I stated that Russia provoked the issue. which they did.

2) There is NOTHING to reconcile. As I stated, Georgia was in the wrong in getting sucked into this by Russia. They should not have used the force that they did in response to the car bomb.

3) the following that you posted.....

"WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Russia's foreign minister says the United States has assured Moscow that Washington will scrap Georgia's NATO aspirations if Tbilisi attacks South Ossetia.

Sergey Lavrov told reporters in Warsaw on Thursday that «high level» U.S. officials have said if Tbilisi undertakes «an armed action against Ossetia, then it will scrap their plans for NATO membership.

He gave no further details. There was no immediate U.S. comment."

....Gives you a very valid reason for Russia to provoke Georgia into this fight.

No matter how big I made the print, I knew you'd miss this ..

War broke out after Georgian forces launched an offensive Aug. 7 to retake breakaway South Ossetia.

You also missed that Georgia was warned not to attack Russia.

Your logic missed that even if Georgia was "provoked" .. how successful did they think they were going to be in attacking Russia. The Georgian president didn't know he was going to lose QUICKLY?

He didn't know many of his own people would be killed in the process?

Did you miss that 99% of South Ossetia citzens voted for liberating themselves from Georgia?

If you don't get it .. that's too bad. It wouldn't be the first time.
A Billion Dollars for Georgia. Payoff?

So in all the tabloid narrative amusement about Sarah Palin and her trailer park scandals, a huge news story is going practically unremarked on Dailykos. The White House just announced that the United States, a nation in recession with a half trillion dollar deficit, is going to give the tiny Republic of Georgia a billion dollars, no strings attached.

Hey, what's a billion here or there amongst friends? Here's the excuse our excuse of a President is using:

“Our additional economic assistance will help the people of Georgia recover from the assault on their country, and continue to build a prosperous and competitive economy.”

NOTE: This is the exact same thing the Obama/Biden/Bush ticket has said.

A prosperous and competitive economy. Gee, wouldn't that be nice? Sure, the state of California is unable to close its budget gap, our infrastructure is crumbling, and New Orleans sits half finished. Sure budget cuts are stinging agencies like the Forest Service and the F.D.A., and our government is having to borrow money at interest to pay its bills. Sure, a cold billion would finance the operations of several American universities for a year, or could be invested in renewable energy research, or used to pay for more officers for the under-manned L.A.P.D., or insure a load of uninsured kids, or, well, you get the point.

Instead we will cut a check to the shady government on the border of Russia, thereby pissing off the Russians (who, on the other hand, could care less about a billion because our oil money is flowing into their coffers) just because, well, why?

A few days ago Prime Minister Putin claimed that Georgia had been goaded into trying to take back South Ossetia by forces in the American government who promised U.S. support, in hopes of ginning up an issue for the election. If that's the case, is it possible that this is, quite simply, our payment for services rendered? Are we sending a billion dollars to Georgia to thank them for being Russia's punching bag, and giving John McCain an issue to act tough about?

Our supposedly Democratic Congress needs to tell George Bush that we won't use taxpayers money to bribe Georgia into taking a dive for the sake of the GOP. End this empire, bring our troops and our dollars home, and let's get to work doing what we need to get this wildly errant country back on track. The focus of our government needs to be on Tuscon or Tampa, not Tbilisi. This imperial bullshit we cannot afford a day longer.
Joe Biden Promises Georgia a Billion Dollars

The Senate fixture from Delaware, Joe Biden, has promised to give your money to the tin horn dictator Saakashvili and Georgia.

“The United States will consider providing $1 billion in emergency aid to Georgia, a top U.S. lawmaker said Monday on his return from a visit to the conflict-torn nation,” reports Dow Jones Newswires. “When Congress reconvenes, I intend to work with the administration to seek Congressional approval for $1 billion in emergency assistance for Georgia,” said Biden. “This money will help the people of Georgia recover from the damage that has been inflicted on their economy and send a clear message that the United States will not abandon this young democracy.”

Actually, Biden has promised to jack the debt up another billion or so. The U.S. debt is well over a $100 trillion, so what’s a mere billion? The government says the debt is only $10 trillion, but the Federal Reserve, as in Federal Express, says it’s closer to $100 trillion, which means it is over that amount.

At any rate, Biden is simply taking orders from the globalists. Biden is head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It might as well be called the Council on Foreign Relations Committee because that’s where the marching orders come from.

Russia punched some pretty big holes in the globalist plan for little Georgia, the NED-CIA created client state, so the American people have to ante up.

Next up, Poland. After Russia takes out Bush’s “missile defense system,” we’ll be called upon to make up the difference.

Yep Obamites .. just ignore the hand behind the curtain.

Just focus on "Yes we can" and other jingoistic bullshit like that.
No matter how big I made the print, I knew you'd miss this ..

War broke out after Georgian forces launched an offensive Aug. 7 to retake breakaway South Ossetia.

You also missed that Georgia was warned not to attack Russia.

Your logic missed that even if Georgia was "provoked" .. how successful did they think they were going to be in attacking Russia. The Georgian president didn't know he was going to lose QUICKLY?

He didn't know many of his own people would be killed in the process?

Did you miss that 99% of South Ossetia citzens voted for liberating themselves from Georgia?

If you don't get it .. that's too bad. It wouldn't be the first time.

1) AGAIN... no matter how many time I print it.... yes, war broke out after Georgia went in... are you really so blinded by your point of view that you cannot see that we agree on that point. Are you so blind that you could not read it was a part of the progression of events I posted from wiki???

2) I have already pointed out the stupidity of Georgia's President for going in, knowing that he would lose given Russia already had forces on the border AND that his best troops were in Iraq.

3) AGAIN, further proof that you did not read what I posted... I posted as part of the progression that Russia had stated they would respond militarily. So please tell me how it is that I "missed" it. I posted it and asked that YOU read it.

So again, AS I STATED.... Georgia was dumb to allow itself to be provoked into this.

1) AGAIN... no matter how many time I print it.... yes, war broke out after Georgia went in... are you really so blinded by your point of view that you cannot see that we agree on that point. Are you so blind that you could not read it was a part of the progression of events I posted from wiki???

2) I have already pointed out the stupidity of Georgia's President for going in, knowing that he would lose given Russia already had forces on the border AND that his best troops were in Iraq.

3) AGAIN, further proof that you did not read what I posted... I posted as part of the progression that Russia had stated they would respond militarily. So please tell me how it is that I "missed" it. I posted it and asked that YOU read it.

So again, AS I STATED.... Georgia was dumb to allow itself to be provoked into this.


I read every word from you as I respect your opinion even if I disagree with your conclusions as I do now.

Your premise is that Georgia was "provoked" which is vastly different than Georgia attacked.

If you agree that Georgia attacked Russia first .. that is the point I was making ..

Why should US taxpayers pay one billion dollars for their idiotic decision to attack a superior force?
I read every word from you as I respect your opinion even if I disagree with your conclusions as I do now.

Your premise is that Georgia was "provoked" which is vastly different than Georgia attacked.

If you agree that Georgia attacked Russia first .. that is the point I was making ..

Why should US taxpayers pay one billion dollars for their idiotic decision to attack a superior force?

Ok.. we are not far off on our positions.... but honestly I find it hard to believe you read that progression of events I posted from Wiki, when you turned around and stated that I had "missed" certain events that were a part of that post that I made.

That said, my position has consistently been that Russia provoked Georgia into action and that the use of mass force was initiated by Georgia.

Where we disagree is on WHO Georgia attacked. They used force to regain control over a part of their country (as recognized by the UN etc...). Though they did break the ceasefire agreement with S.O. They did not however attack Russia.

This is an attempt (my opinion) by Russia to regain control over one of the former Soviet States. One that has been defiant of Russia's oil supremacy in the building of a pipeline. A pipeline that would be in direct competition with Russia. This is why Russia provoked Georgia. Why they had military exercises right across the border. Why those military personel stayed on the border. Why they issued massive quantities of Russian Passports/citizenship to the citizens of Georgia.

This was a setup and Georgia walked right into it.

It is also a lesson that Ukraine should pay close attention to.
Ok.. we are not far off on our positions.... but honestly I find it hard to believe you read that progression of events I posted from Wiki, when you turned around and stated that I had "missed" certain events that were a part of that post that I made.

That said, my position has consistently been that Russia provoked Georgia into action and that the use of mass force was initiated by Georgia.

Where we disagree is on WHO Georgia attacked. They used force to regain control over a part of their country (as recognized by the UN etc...). Though they did break the ceasefire agreement with S.O. They did not however attack Russia.

This is an attempt (my opinion) by Russia to regain control over one of the former Soviet States. One that has been defiant of Russia's oil supremacy in the building of a pipeline. A pipeline that would be in direct competition with Russia. This is why Russia provoked Georgia. Why they had military exercises right across the border. Why those military personel stayed on the border. Why they issued massive quantities of Russian Passports/citizenship to the citizens of Georgia.

This was a setup and Georgia walked right into it.

It is also a lesson that Ukraine should pay close attention to.

What I think you're missing is why the tiny nation of Georgia is of any consequence at all. Surely you don't think "democracy" has anything to do with it.

Two words, that many, including many on the left, are completely clueless about .. PIPE LINES. That's what this conflict is about and that is why the corporatist ticket of Obama/McCain/Biden/ and what's her name all support walking this dangerous path.

But a more important point, no matter who you think is responsible .. what do you think the US should/can do about it? 99% of the citizens of the separtist states do not want to be governed by Georgia.

If it's ok for the US to put ABMs in Georgia, then surely it's ok for Russia to put ABMs in Cuba .. do you agree?

At what point do we recognize that the US government and military are mere extensions of American corporations?

Why aren't democrats concerned about Obama and Biden continuing the exact same failed foreign policy that brought us Iraq?
What I think you're missing is why the tiny nation of Georgia is of any consequence at all. Surely you don't think "democracy" has anything to do with it.

Two words, that many, including many on the left, are completely clueless about .. PIPE LINES. That's what this conflict is about and that is why the corporatist ticket of Obama/McCain/Biden/ and what's her name all support walking this dangerous path.

But a more important point, no matter who you think is responsible .. what do you think the US should/can do about it? 99% of the citizens of the separtist states do not want to be governed by Georgia.

If it's ok for the US to put ABMs in Georgia, then surely it's ok for Russia to put ABMs in Cuba .. do you agree?

At what point do we recognize that the US government and military are mere extensions of American corporations?

Why aren't democrats concerned about Obama and Biden continuing the exact same failed foreign policy that brought us Iraq?

1) The above again indicates that you have not read my posts. I stated right from the beginning that one of the main contentions between Russia and Georgia is the friggin proposed pipeline connecting the Caspian oil with the Turkish pipelines. As this creates a direct competition with Russia in provided oil to the EU.

2) The other main issue of contention between the two is Georgia becoming a member of NATO, which you mentioned. On that point, no, I do not think it wise to put missles in Georgia... because it invites the Russians to do exactly what you mention... put missles in Cuba or even Venezuela.

3) The industrial/military complex was a big concern of Ike. Rightfully so. The only way it stands a chance of going away is if we quit pretending that money is equal to free speech. As long as we allow lobbyists to bribe politicians (which is exactly what they do) then we are screwed.
1) The above again indicates that you have not read my posts. I stated right from the beginning that one of the main contentions between Russia and Georgia is the friggin proposed pipeline connecting the Caspian oil with the Turkish pipelines. As this creates a direct competition with Russia in provided oil to the EU.

2) The other main issue of contention between the two is Georgia becoming a member of NATO, which you mentioned. On that point, no, I do not think it wise to put missles in Georgia... because it invites the Russians to do exactly what you mention... put missles in Cuba or even Venezuela.

3) The industrial/military complex was a big concern of Ike. Rightfully so. The only way it stands a chance of going away is if we quit pretending that money is equal to free speech. As long as we allow lobbyists to bribe politicians (which is exactly what they do) then we are screwed.

Excuse me but I can't remember where we disagreed .. as we seem to be saying much of the same thing.

Biden's participation in this and Obama's agreeance with him is telling and SHOULD BE disturbing to his supporters.