Guess who called for the 1 Billion dollar payoff to Georgia .. Biden

Look at NYC.... a few square blocks and that is still not rebuilt either. Not to say the effort in NO couldn't be improved, but there is no way they were going to rebuild the devastation in that city in three years.

NYC could have and should have been rebuilt by now SF. That is all a bunch of bureaucratic and political bs. It could have been done.
No I don't know if his position has changed at all.

114 billion and still not rebuilt. So obviously you can't conflate this money for Georgia with New Orleans.

I find though, that within the Bush statements on this, there is a lot of talk about sending Russia a message. There is no mention of Georgia's actions. Both were wrong, but the people definitely did suffer, and you know, you're right, I can't begrudge them a billion dollars, that was wrong of me. I just don't want to see the McCain attitude which seemed to strongly imply we should be restarting the cold war and turning it into a hot one, as being echoed with this money.

I'm not conflating anything. I was responding to the poster commenting about NO and this in particular:

Have you heard Obama announce a plan to send a billion dollars to NO?

And, to be clear, I don't think that Georgia should get any military aid whatsoever. That's McCain's position. He wants to give the Georgian government military aid and weapons systems to "protect against Russian aggression." That's stupid and wrong on a whole host of levels.

Giving immediate humanitarian aid in the wake of a conflict isn't close to restarting the cold war.
Losing patience, US demands Russia quit Georgia

WASHINGTON (AP) — An irritated Bush administration accused Russia on Wednesday of trying to find excuses to keep thousands of troops in Georgia in violation of a cease-fire Russia signed with the former Soviet republic last month.

Using unusually blunt language, the State Department said it was well past time for Russia to withdraw most of its soldiers from Georgia's separatist areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. A spokesman demanded that Russia do so now.

"These guys are at every turn trying to wiggle out of a commitment they made and that their president put his name to," spokesman Sean McCormack said. "We've seen it since August and it continues. They need to get out of Georgia and they to stop finding excuses (not) to do that."

He said statements from Russian officials that Moscow intends to keep 3,800 troops in Abkhazia and 3,800 in South Ossetia were "quite concerning."

"That, of course, would be a violation of the cease-fire that they signed in August," McCormack said. "Russia and their government and troops need to abide by their commitments, bottom line." He said the presence of Russian troops in such numbers would also violate previous agreements that allowed Russia a maximum of only 1,500 peacekeepers in each region.

Russian forces continue to occupy its neighbor's territory weeks after last month's five-day war despite the French-brokered cease-fire signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. Since then Russia has recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent nations over international condemnation.

Under a deal reached by French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday, Russia pledged to withdraw its forces from those zones within a month, after unarmed European Union observers are deployed. But Russia said it would maintain 7,600 troops in South Ossetia and Abkhazia for the future.

Russia has made its withdrawal pledges contingent on guarantees that Georgia will not use force to try to regain control of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Obama and Biden speak with the exact same tongue as George Bush, McCain, and Dick Cheney.

Where's the fucking "change?"
But we do send aid to Africa, and Bush has increased the amount we send.

after how many years of prodding and begging?

I can't think of any conflicts in a country in africa where congress members from both sides of the aisle were ready to send off $1billion and calling on the US to step in right away.
We are already have to deal with our leaders stupidity. See: Iraq.
WE DON'T HAVE THE FUNDS TO GIVE THEM. It will be at the expense of those in need here and lack of infrastructure on our roads. Not mention we're already in debt. We should not have a policy that takes on rebuilding developed countries' infrastructure. It should stop at humanitarian relief.

You're an isolationist. I get it. We don't see eye to eye on this one. I'm content to leave it at that.

And Georgia isn't necessarily a "developed country."
The idiots in DC tossing billions around doesn't equate to having the manpower, materials and equipment to get the job done.

Good point.

Perhaps if LA didn't have its National Guard hauled off to iraq, a lot more could have been done. We can blame that one on Bush.
NYC could have and should have been rebuilt by now SF. That is all a bunch of bureaucratic and political bs. It could have been done.

I agree, it SHOULD have been done by now. But it isn't. NO could not have been done by now. There was too much damage. There was not enough manpower, materials and equipment to rebuild that entire city within three years. Again, like NYC, they could have certainly done better than they did. But no way in hell was it all going to be done.
Look at NYC.... a few square blocks and that is still not rebuilt either. Not to say the effort in NO couldn't be improved, but there is no way they were going to rebuild the devastation in that city in three years.

SF, we are involved in funding the WTC site with Larry Silverstein. I can tell you it is a beauracratic mess that is holding up reconstruction.
after how many years of prodding and begging?

I can't think of any conflicts in a country in africa where congress members from both sides of the aisle were ready to send off $1billion and calling on the US to step in right away.

Post-conflict or during?

On country that immediately comes to mind is Egypt after its war with Israel.
after how many years of prodding and begging?

I can't think of any conflicts in a country in africa where congress members from both sides of the aisle were ready to send off $1billion and calling on the US to step in right away.

Our govt finally figured out Africa has oil.
I'm not conflating anything. I was responding to the poster commenting about NO and this in particular:

And, to be clear, I don't think that Georgia should get any military aid whatsoever. That's McCain's position. He wants to give the Georgian government military aid and weapons systems to "protect against Russian aggression." That's stupid and wrong on a whole host of levels.

Giving immediate humanitarian aid in the wake of a conflict isn't close to restarting the cold war.

AND, I still ask the same question ..

Forgetting New Orleans

"My mom is a hard-core Barack Obama supporter who wants to hear him say at Denver's Invesco Field "We're going to rebuild New Orleans, at whatever cost, whatever it takes."

Yet in recent months Obama has been publicly silent about one of the gravest tragedies in American history. Perhaps that silence can be attributed to concern about being associated with a catastrophe that was cast in racially polarizing terms. But his silence is a missed opportunity. There is no better platform than New Orleans to execute many of the social-mobility policies Obama has vigorously promoted in other places like rural Pennsylvania, Iowa and Montana. Simply expressing sentiment over New Orleans isn't enough. We have had enough of platitudes. Any Obama statement must reflect a plan for resurrecting New Orleans.",8599,1837105,00.html
SF, we are involved in funding the WTC site with Larry Silverstein. I can tell you it is a beauracratic mess that is holding up reconstruction.

Yes, I know. My point was that it wasn't done almost seven years later. Yes, it is because of the bureaucratic mess. THAT is the problem you face when you get politicians mucking around in things.
It isn't just NO .. American infrastructure is crumbling everywhere .. and you can trust that Georgia is going to get more than just one billion for their treachery.

I just want to ask you something that I asked Desh when we were talking about this. And I am in no way naïve to how McCain used this, and personally considering his campaign advisor’s lobbying for Georgia, and both of their personal relationships with the President of Georgia, I by no means discount the possibility that they actually provoked the President of Georgia into this. But, what we saw was an act of aggression on the part of Georgia, countered by a hugely destructive and very deadly (to a bunch of poor peasants from the looks of them) counter-attack, that was extremely Israel-like in its disproportionateness. We on the left are very able to see the wrongness of Israel’s actions, and sometimes, reactions, and those on the right are always claiming “but Palestine through firecracker at a tank” or whatever. I have seen those positions reversed in this situation, to some extent. Do we agree that Russia was out of line in its deadly reaction?
You're an isolationist. I get it. We don't see eye to eye on this one. I'm content to leave it at that.

And Georgia isn't necessarily a "developed country."

I'm actually not isolationist. When there's a clear case of genocide of any peoples, I think we have a moral obligation to step in. I have a problem with our uneven distribution of aid throughout the world. Humanitarian aid in emergencies is fine, stepping in politically and taking sides on an issue that both parties share blame is another.

its a lose lose lose situation for us. We gain an enemy, our infrastructure remains $hitty, and we lose more money.
Good point.

Perhaps if LA didn't have its National Guard hauled off to iraq, a lot more could have been done. We can blame that one on Bush.

Yes, the national guard could have been called in greater force had they been there for some of the clean up efforts. But they are not construction workers. They also do not have the materials or equipment that is needed.
You're an isolationist. I get it. We don't see eye to eye on this one. I'm content to leave it at that.

And Georgia isn't necessarily a "developed country."

You're hiding behind semantics .. "isolationist"

Why did the Georgia president START the conflict with Russia and attack and kill peacekeepers who have been there for 15 years under agreement?
I'm not conflating anything. I was responding to the poster commenting about NO and this in particular:

And, to be clear, I don't think that Georgia should get any military aid whatsoever. That's McCain's position. He wants to give the Georgian government military aid and weapons systems to "protect against Russian aggression." That's stupid and wrong on a whole host of levels.

Giving immediate humanitarian aid in the wake of a conflict isn't close to restarting the cold war.

No, I meant that others can't conflate the two, not you. That, in other words, New Orleans doesn't belong in this discussion at all.