GUN ban Leads to Revolution?

Also, did you miss my post that proved even the colonial militias were unable to fight the government?
I do recall the leftards saying we had 'lost the war' in Afghanistan. Couldn't be won, they said. Now if you believe a rag-tag band of ragamuffins cannot defeat the US military, you should damn well know that 2 million soldiers do not stand a chance against hundreds of millions of armed citizens.

So which is it?
I do recall the leftards saying we had 'lost the war' in Afghanistan. Couldn't be won, they said. Now if you believe a rag-tag band of ragamuffins cannot defeat the US military, you should damn well know that 2 million soldiers do not stand a chance against hundreds of millions of armed citizens.

So which is it?

When did I say we lost in Afghanistan? I said we shouldn't be in a country that doesn't want us there. And, yes again, it's been shown the militias were unable to rise against a government. Care to disprove that?
you are calling me the taliban, I point out that it's a false equivalency that anybody can do and call you hitler not because I think you are hitler but to illustrate your ridiculous position. Are you too stupid to not understand the irony at all?

Well gee, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck and it revels in the blood of others flowing through the streets like a TALIBAN duck then...

the blood of the traitor gun grabbers flowing through the streets will bring me so much joy. Death is the only solution for these treasonous un-American enemies of ours.

You...calling for and reveling in the deaths of your fellow Americans for simply having a different opinion.

That doesn't sound at all like the Taliban.

"Death is the only solution..." how delightfully 13th century.
No wonder the US has been at war longer then they have been at peace, Any one that disagrees with them has to be killed.. Who needs dialogue and sanity when you have gun's? Really should learn to change your tune before the US does descend into a civil war and every other nation you have screwed other flips you off..


And it's not just outsiders from other the wackos want the streets running red with the blood of their fellow Americans.
When did I say we lost in Afghanistan? I said we shouldn't be in a country that doesn't want us there. And, yes again, it's been shown the militias were unable to rise against a government. Care to disprove that?
Well I didn't say you did, did I? I do recall some libtard politicians like Harry Reid saying the war was lost.

How in the hell can the US military 'lose' to a bunch of dumb, backwards rag-tag terrorists -- yet hundreds of millions of armed Americans don't stand a chance?

I think you know the answer. These despot wannabes know very well they don't stand a chance with this many citizens being armed.
Well I didn't say you did, did I? I do recall some libtard politicians like Harry Reid saying the war was lost.

How in the hell can the US military 'lose' to a bunch of dumb, backwards rag-tag terrorists -- yet hundreds of millions of armed Americans don't stand a chance?

I think you know the answer. These despot wannabes know very well they don't stand a chance with this many citizens being armed.

Since I don't think we've lost in Afghanistan, your question is a moot point.

What I do know is that we should have never gone into Afghanistan when the government and the people of the country obviously don't want us there. They're happy with their terrorists and the money they make off selling opium throughout the world, so why should we care?

It was the same thing with Vietnam. We tried to fight a war in Vietnam to "protect" a citizenry who didn't want protection and were happy under Communist rule.
Well gee, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck and it revels in the blood of others flowing through the streets like a TALIBAN duck then...

You...calling for and reveling in the deaths of your fellow Americans for simply having a different opinion.

That doesn't sound at all like the Taliban.

"Death is the only solution..." how delightfully 13th century.
you should probably shut the fuck up, because you and your fellow statists are doing the very same thing. the only difference is that you're too cowardly to do it yourself, so you'll 'order' others to do what you can't
Since I don't think we've lost in Afghanistan, your question is a moot point.

It was the same thing with Vietnam. We tried to fight a war in Vietnam to "protect" a citizenry who didn't want protection and were happy under Communist rule.
Do you feel that the American People want to be governed by a bunch of Commies, I get that impression from your posts? Your last statement that the Vietnam People were happy under Communism makes me very suspicious of you since that is such a big lie. Watch the movie "The Killing Fields" and tell me what you think about Cambodia, were those people also happy under Communism? Why don't you come out and instead of admitting that you are gay, tell US that you are a Communist? Also, tell US how many other posters on here are also Commies?
No wonder the US has been at war longer then they have been at peace, Any one that disagrees with them has to be killed.. Who needs dialogue and sanity when you have gun's? Really should learn to change your tune before the US does descend into a civil war and every other nation you have screwed other flips you off..

He does this or much needed attention, a game of Werewolf would help.

Wish there was a way I could throw some Taco Bell at him.