Gun Murder Facts

i never said they were same. you're now just trolling because you thoroughly embarrassed yourself.

hint: europe consists of more than england and france. look at a map next time groaner.
how many times do i have to remind you we are talking per capita. do you even know what that means?

nevermind...if you're not going to be honest about the discussion, don't bother replying, because i won't reply to your continued trolling.
A local talk show host was talking about the current firearms "debates" and brought up some info that he said was from FBI information, I think from 2010.
It was comparing deaths from firearms to deaths caused by Physician mistakes and he said that a person was 9000 times more likely to die from a Physician's mistake, then from a firearm.

So maybe you can explain to your NRAZI but buddy yurt how that is exponentially lower than our rate!
That is irrelivant, it was even lower before the UK banned guns.

The gun ban in the UK caused an increase in all crime including gun crime, violent crime, sex crime and property crime.

Why do you persistently ignore that?
if gun control laws work...can the dude explain how chicago, which one of, if not the most, strictest gun laws in the nation, has the highest murder count of 500 last year...

can you explain to us how that happened?
if gun control laws work...can the dude explain how chicago, which one of, if not the most, strictest gun laws in the nation, has the highest murder count of 500 last year...

can you explain to us how that happened?
They have too many guns!
I never said any gun laws work!
I said places with way less guns have way less murders!
They have too many guns!
I never said any gun laws work!
I said places with way less guns have way less murders!

this is an interesting clarification. i did not realize you did not believe any gun laws work. so you are for the proposition of taking guns away?

and, i've showed you more than once that less guns do not always equal less murders. kindly stop spouting that falsehood, thanks.
this is an interesting clarification. i did not realize you did not believe any gun laws work. so you are for the proposition of taking guns away?
No anti gun interest are the weakest political interest group

and, i've showed you more than once that less guns do not always equal less murders. kindly stop spouting that falsehood, thanks.
You are very limited