Gun prices going down

All irrational fears

Because the bill I've mentioned probably two dozen times in this post is made up. Because Obama and his administration, as well as the current speaker of the house and Senate, don't have horrible voting records when it comes to gun rights.

Nope, 90,000,000 gun owners are irrational KKK members.
puh-lease. You were shown to be a major coward, preferring rape, kidnap, and murder over sovereign citizens being allowed to exercise their natural right to self defense of themselves, family, and property. You further compounded your idiocy by attempting to equate the courage of defending ones self with 3rd world ignorance, that only 'enlightened' and intelligent people are safe and sound by allowing crimes to be committed upon them.

you're a fool now, a fool then, and always will be a coward.

That's OK, Tiny Tears. You live in fear, I'll live in peace. You may call me any names you wish, it shows only that you have no argument. How many homicides in your town/city last year?
BTW. D'you know where your president is today? He's in D-A-N-G-E-R...... he's in RED CHINA ...... OMG, send in the friggin cavalry! Put out more flags. Hold an election. Shoot someone! Anyone!
Bloody fool.
That's OK, Tiny Tears. You live in fear, I'll live in peace.
you don't live in peace, you live in ignorance. by your very own words, you live in complete ignorance. you would rather subject yourself to the possibility of being a kidnap victim, trusting your captors to feed you and keep you safe while your employer pays a ransom than to be a free man and defend yourself. don't even begin to compare our lives, your's falls short every single time.
you don't live in peace, you live in ignorance. by your very own words, you live in complete ignorance. you would rather subject yourself to the possibility of being a kidnap victim, trusting your captors to feed you and keep you safe while your employer pays a ransom than to be a free man and defend yourself. don't even begin to compare our lives, your's falls short every single time.

Yup. I guess you must be right. After all, all brain dead hick yanks are right. Ain't that so?
Big hissy by you to avoid answering a question.

I never dissed where you live, Libby, yet your brethren here disses the South all the time.

Folks, just clik the little arrow icons all the way back to the beginning of this little exchange, and see what a dishonest little cretin Southie is. Bottom line: the little dope has NOTHING on the FACT that gunners got suckered into a buying frenzy based on NRA and gun manufacturer lies about the Obama administration.
Are you talking about the David Duke that started a group in college affiliated with the National Socialist White Peoples Party, ran the KKK between 1974-78, then ran as Democrat for the Louisiana State Senate in 1979, then as Democrat for president in 1988. That David Duke?

It seem that you two have more in common than I do with him, Libby. *shrug*

You dumb people don't have ANYTHING in common with old David's mental diarrhea. And if you can prove such with regards to me...then just link the post...because your opinion isn't worth a damn.

Bottom line: you don't have a damned thing of worth regarding the gunners getting suckered into a buying frenzy.
* Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008)
* Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
* FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
* April 2008: "Bittergate" labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008)
* Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
* Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
* 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
* Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
* Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
* Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
* Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
* Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
* Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

...SO HR1022 wasn't ever proposed?

Again, it's not just Obamas election that caused this, but the overturning to a strong Democrat majority in congress AND the white house that fueled this. Not to mention many of Obama's cabinet members having strong anti gun rights records, as well as the speaker of the house and leader of the Senate. It was ENTIRELY LIKELY that HR1022 would pass.

Once again, you interpret ANY gun reform as "anti-gun. All one has to do is go to this website you site and then click on the full quotes

Yeah, Obama waffles on one issue, but when all is said and done......the DC gun ban was repealed, and to date NO national gun ban is going on. And if you think putting more assault rifles on the street is a good thing, then I suggest you ask LA cops who work the gang units about that.

"Entirely likely" doesn't cut it. It didn't happen, and the supposition and conjecture of the NRA and gunners won't change the facts. Also, for the record:
Folks, just clik the little arrow icons all the way back to the beginning of this little exchange, and see what a dishonest little cretin Southie is. Bottom line: the little dope has NOTHING on the FACT that gunners got suckered into a buying frenzy based on NRA and gun manufacturer lies about the Obama administration.
Or, just click them to get back to the question, still unanswered.
You dumb people don't have ANYTHING in common with old David's mental diarrhea. And if you can prove such with regards to me...then just link the post...because your opinion isn't worth a damn.
You dumb fuck, that's my point. So why do they vote Democrat?
Folks, just clik the little arrow icons all the way back to the beginning of this little exchange, and see what a dishonest little cretin Southie is. Bottom line: the little dope has NOTHING on the FACT that gunners got suckered into a buying frenzy based on NRA and gun manufacturer lies about the Obama administration.

very nice southernbelle BURN:good4u:
I've never claimed to be anything other than a right wing ideologue. If that bothers you then too fucking bad.

LOFL, I would be shocked if anybody not a rush nutsucker would call you anything but.

It's definatly a fault of mind trying to reason with nut cases on either extreme.