Guns, Guns and more guns.

How does that make sense? There are more guns than people in the US, Note the mass killings, done by law biding citizens until suddenly they weren't. Same for"I am a responsible gun owner, " until your kid shows up at school with one. Guns get loose. Guns get used in anger. Guns are used for mass killings. Guns are the problem.

There are over 300,000 private, law abiding gun owners in the US. There are less than 10,000 gun related murders per year (closer to 9,000). If every gun murder was committed by a legally owned gun, that would still mean less than 1% of gun owners murdered anyone.

If there must be some sort of ban, then ban the high capacity magazines themselves. I don't believe it will change anything. It certainly didn't before. Before Clinton's assault rifle ban, mass shootings accounted for just under 1% of the gun murders. During the ban, it still amounted to under 1%.
The US is a violent culture. Without guns we still have more deaths by knife or beatings. And given the continuous flow of drugs and illegal immigrants into this country, there is no way we could stop a similar flow of firearms. Except those would all be for criminals, while the law abiding citizen would be defenseless.

Sorry dude, the US enjoys a much lower homicide and crime rate than many other nations. Source:UNODOC, FBI
That lever action you talked about no one wanting to take from you was a military weapon as well. So were muzzle loaders.

But the military M16 was a selective fire weapon, capable of firing at full auto. The AR15 is just another semi-auto rifle. But the appearance disturbs anti-gunners.

It is legal to own an M16 as well.
The discussion, however, is mostly about banning large magazine para-military weapons commonly referred to, correctly or incorrectly, as "assault rifles."
Unconstitutional. The AR-15 isn't even a military weapon. There is no such thing as an 'assault rifle. It is legal to own an M16 as well.
Only the most gun-paranoid extremists even discuss a total abolition of civilian firearms ownership.
So you are talking about Biden.
One doesn't need fifteen rounds to hunt or defend one's home,
You don't have any authority to ban or limit any gun. Unconstitutional.
but they come in real handy if you want to shoot up a school, shopping mall, or concert.
They come in handy if you want to stop people from shooting up a school, shopping mall, or concert, or stop multiple thugs from trying to kill you.
Insisting that one is entitled to own such a weapon is really digging in as a libertarian,
Nope. More than libertarians honor the Constitution, even if YOU don't.
but at the same time, not making oneself part of the discussion
about reasonable legislation. That makes unreasonable legislation more likely.
It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.
It would please me. Guns made America into a shooting gallery. We do not have to live like this. No other nation does. Having children go through active shooter drills, does not bother you? The mass shootings as a daily occurrence do not bother you?

Paranoia. Hoplophobia. America is not a shooting gallery. Many other nations have far worse problems with evil men with guns.
Since you now label every shooting a 'mass shooting', does not bother me. Shoot back.
How does that make sense? There are more guns than people in the US, Note the mass killings, done by law biding citizens until suddenly they weren't. Same for"I am a responsible gun owner, " until your kid shows up at school with one. Guns get loose. Guns get used in anger. Guns are used for mass killings. Guns are the problem.

Murder isn't law abiding, dumbass.
Yes, there are more guns than people in the US. They are NOT being used to shoot up schools, shopping malls, or anything else. Only a very few people do that. Want to stop them?? Shoot back.
I've always been fascinated by the AR-15 and other "assault style" rifles. They are clearly made to LOOK very military. But I have heard as you stated that they are not really related to any military hardware.

But the look of them is what is attracting gun enthusiasts. I grew up around guns and even I think those are cool looking. But I see ZERO need for that kind of armament. What is the point? Why go to such lengths to make it look all menacing and military? I assume that is why gun nuts also like them. They are often mentally deranged and feel a need to be a "big man" but they probably can't get ahold of actual military hardware so they go for this one. It makes them FEEL manlier.

That's the heart of America's gun problem: we have too many people who are stuck in infancy and want the gun to make them feel a certain way. It's not a healthy relationship with ANY tool, let alone one that is engineered to put holes in living things until the living things stop being living things.

Psychoquackery. Hoplophobia. Buzzword fallacies.
There are over 300,000 private, law abiding gun owners in the US. There are less than 10,000 gun related murders per year (closer to 9,000). If every gun murder was committed by a legally owned gun, that would still mean less than 1% of gun owners murdered anyone.

If there must be some sort of ban, then ban the high capacity magazines themselves. I don't believe it will change anything. It certainly didn't before. Before Clinton's assault rifle ban, mass shootings accounted for just under 1% of the gun murders. During the ban, it still amounted to under 1%.

Unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun or any accessory to any gun. You cannot legally limit the size of any magazine.
There are over 300,000 private, law abiding gun owners in the US. There are less than 10,000 gun related murders per year (closer to 9,000). If every gun murder was committed by a legally owned gun, that would still mean less than 1% of gun owners murdered anyone.

If there must be some sort of ban, then ban the high capacity magazines themselves. I don't believe it will change anything. It certainly didn't before. Before Clinton's assault rifle ban, mass shootings accounted for just under 1% of the gun murders. During the ban, it still amounted to under 1%.

As an owner of elegant weaponry, I would be embarrassed to walk around with ugly shit like they gave me in the service.
Is class completely dead in flyover country?
This forum certainly offers evidence of that from time to time.
As an owner of elegant weaponry, I would be embarrassed to walk around with ugly shit like they gave me in the service.
Is class completely dead in flyover country?
This forum certainly offers evidence of that from time to time.

I am a gun owner as well. And while I don't find the AR to be an attractive firearm, beauty is not the only reason I buy a gun. And performance is the important part.

My most elegant firearm is a Ruger No.1 light sporter. It is a beauty, and I think it is the best rifle for hunting whitetail deer in the South.

A number of years ago, I bought an AR. I built it out as a coyote rifle. Longer barrel, better grip, etc. And it worked great. I was able to get 2 "doubles" with that rifle. That is, calling in coyote and nailing 2 before the pack scattered. But I was offered around $500 more than I had in the rifle, so I sold it to a neighbor.

Class is not dead. Yes, there are many classless people around. But that has always been the case.

But class is not based on whether you choose rifle based on looks or performance. It is based on personal behavior.
I am a gun owner as well. And while I don't find the AR to be an attractive firearm, beauty is not the only reason I buy a gun. And performance is the important part.

My most elegant firearm is a Ruger No.1 light sporter. It is a beauty, and I think it is the best rifle for hunting whitetail deer in the South.

A number of years ago, I bought an AR. I built it out as a coyote rifle. Longer barrel, better grip, etc. And it worked great. I was able to get 2 "doubles" with that rifle. That is, calling in coyote and nailing 2 before the pack scattered. But I was offered around $500 more than I had in the rifle, so I sold it to a neighbor.

Class is not dead. Yes, there are many classless people around. But that has always been the case.

But class is not based on whether you choose rifle based on looks or performance. It is based on personal behavior.

I fuck around, and you come back with a serious answer.
That's effective in a way.
I may try it sometime.:thinking:
I fuck around, and you come back with a serious answer.
That's effective in a way.
I may try it sometime.:thinking:

It sounded serious, so I answered in a serious way.

You want to restrict people's 2nd Amendment rights based on rare occurances of school shootings. There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of ARs in private ownership. And yet, 3 or 4 owners commit atrocities in a year and you want to take the gun away from everyone.