Guns Save Lives


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Stossel nails it.

How long will it be before legislators realize that their laws to "control guns" work about as well as their laws to "control illegal drugs"?


Guns Save Lives

By John Stossel
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's all too predictable. A day after a gunman killed six people and wounded 18 others at Northern Illinois University, The New York Times criticized the U.S. Interior Department for preparing to rethink its ban on guns in national parks.

The editorial board wants "the 51 senators who like the thought of guns in the parks -- and everywhere else, it seems -- to realize that the innocence of Americans is better protected by carefully controlling guns than it is by arming everyone to the teeth."

As usual, the Times editors seem unaware of how silly their argument is. To them, the choice is between "carefully controlling guns" and "arming everyone to the teeth." But no one favors "arming everyone to the teeth" (whatever that means). Instead, gun advocates favor freedom, choice and self-responsibility. If someone wishes to be prepared to defend himself, he should be free to do so. No one has the right to deprive others of the means of effective self-defense, like a handgun.

As for the first option, "carefully controlling guns," how many shootings at schools or malls will it take before we understand that people who intend to kill are not deterred by gun laws? Last I checked, murder is against the law everywhere. No one intent on murder will be stopped by the prospect of committing a lesser crime like illegal possession of a firearm. The intellectuals and politicians who make pious declarations about controlling guns should explain how their gunless utopia is to be realized.

While they search for -- excuse me -- their magic bullet, innocent people are dying defenseless.

That's because laws that make it difficult or impossible to carry a concealed handgun do deter one group of people: law-abiding citizens who might have used a gun to stop crime. Gun laws are laws against self-defense.
Stossel has held this opinion for quite some time and he is spot on. Unless the government conducts house to house searches, without a warrant, and seizes every gun in the country they are not going to deter the man with murder on his mind. And they will, as an unintended consequence, get many of us killed.

"If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government --and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws."

-- Edward Abbey
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John Stossel is an asshole. I had the great pleasure of personally screwing that bastard over about a month ago. And this is not one of my “I’m f’ing Paul Krugman” wild claims. This is true, I swear. And, I smiled the entire time. I would confide the details to Damo, and only to Damo, (who knows half of them already because of previous knowledge), if anyone wants to call bullshit on this.

I f’d over John Stossel, and I’m not even making it up this time! Maybe I should do a video.
John Stossel is an asshole. I had the great pleasure of personally screwing that bastard over about a month ago. And this is not one of my “I’m f’ing Paul Krugman” wild claims. This is true, I swear. And, I smiled the entire time. I would confide the details to Damo, and only to Damo, (who knows half of them already because of previous knowledge), if anyone wants to call bullshit on this.

I f’d over John Stossel, and I’m not even making it up this time! Maybe I should do a video.

That's awesome. I hate John Stossel. Can't stand him really. I'd argue against universal heathcare if Stossel supported it.
Do That Video!

John Stossel is an asshole. I had the great pleasure of personally screwing that bastard over about a month ago. And this is not one of my “I’m f’ing Paul Krugman” wild claims. This is true, I swear. And, I smiled the entire time. I would confide the details to Damo, and only to Damo, (who knows half of them already because of previous knowledge), if anyone wants to call bullshit on this.

I f’d over John Stossel, and I’m not even making it up this time! Maybe I should do a video.
Are you Air Force Amy?
Stossel has held this opinion for quite some time and he is spot on. Unless the government conducts house to house searches, without a warrant, and seizes every gun in the country they are not going to deter the man with murder on his mind. And they will, as an unintended consequence, get many of us killed.

"If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government --and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws."

-- Edward Abbey

Agree completely.
18,000 murders per year in the US, increase the number of guns you increase the number of murders.
OK morons, attack just don't shoot.
John Stossel is an asshole. I had the great pleasure of personally screwing that bastard over about a month ago. And this is not one of my “I’m f’ing Paul Krugman” wild claims. This is true, I swear. And, I smiled the entire time. I would confide the details to Damo, and only to Damo, (who knows half of them already because of previous knowledge), if anyone wants to call bullshit on this.

I f’d over John Stossel, and I’m not even making it up this time! Maybe I should do a video.

In other words, you can't dispute anything he said in his article, and can do nothing except call him names, use profanity, and make hysterical claims of somehow having "screwed" him while carefully not giving any facts about it?

Seems to fit your usual pattern when you're wrong, I guess. (yawn)
In other words, you can't dispute anything he said in his article, and can do nothing except call him names, use profanity, and make hysterical claims of somehow having "screwed" him while carefully not giving any facts about it?

Seems to fit your usual pattern when you're wrong, I guess. (yawn)

Oh gosh, I didn't read the article. Why on earth would I? John Stossel wrote it.
In other words, you can't dispute anything he said in his article, and can do nothing except call him names, use profanity, and make hysterical claims of somehow having "screwed" him while carefully not giving any facts about it?

Seems to fit your usual pattern when you're wrong, I guess. (yawn)

There's really nothing to dispute. He provides no facts to support his argument. It's just bare, naked opinion.
Oh gosh, I didn't read the article. Why on earth would I? John Stossel wrote it.

Look in the dictionary under "circular logic", and you'll find darla's picture, in full regalia with blinders wrapped completely around her head.

I just checked, it's there! :lolup:

And these people think they are the one who should be running our country..... :eek:
18,000 murders per year in the US, increase the number of guns you increase the number of murders.
OK morons, attack just don't shoot.

You are wrong here topper. Make my day laws are successful and concealed carrying by lawful citizens would help.
Look in the dictionary under "circular logic", and you'll find darla's picture, in full regalia with blinders wrapped completely around her head.

I just checked, it's there! :lolup:

And these people think they are the one who should be running our country..... :eek:

Listen, since you think you know my position, but you don’t know anything, let me tell you were I stand on guns. It can be said in two words: Don’t Care.

Darwin’s law. All of you fools will eventually shoot each other in the faces on hunting trips, or kill yourselves cleaning them, or shoot your wives when they come in late and you think she’s a criminal.

I don’t live with a person who has a gun, I never have lived with a person who has a gun, and I never will live with a person who has a gun. Who you shoot with your gun is a matter of supreme indifference to me. I don’t care. Have at it.