Guns Save Lives

Listen, since you think you know my position, but you don’t know anything, let me tell you were I stand on guns. It can be said in two words: Don’t Care.

Darwin’s law. All of you fools will eventually shoot each other in the faces on hunting trips, or kill yourselves cleaning them, or shoot your wives when they come in late and you think she’s a criminal.

I don’t live with a person who has a gun, I never have lived with a person who has a gun, and I never will live with a person who has a gun. Who you shoot with your gun is a matter of supreme indifference to me. I don’t care. Have at it.

Yes, I mean, there's only two kinds of people guns are killing, conservatives and conservatives. More guns = less conservatives, and in that manner, we can abolish conservatism.
John Stossel is an asshole. I had the great pleasure of personally screwing that bastard over about a month ago. And this is not one of my “I’m f’ing Paul Krugman” wild claims. This is true, I swear. And, I smiled the entire time. I would confide the details to Damo, and only to Damo, (who knows half of them already because of previous knowledge), if anyone wants to call bullshit on this.

I f’d over John Stossel, and I’m not even making it up this time! Maybe I should do a video.
LOL. Video evidence? Cool.
He did indeed..........

Didn't Alec Baldwin say something like that about Darryl Hannah in their remake of "Attack of the 50-foot Woman"?

however this is a old saying/cut going back to the late fiftees early sixtees!

the writer plagerized from a old school saying/cut session!
you are quite welcome to duhla...don't forget your car keys and you can find your way and drive backout!;)
You are such a fucking hack. You have to resort to personal attacks and demean people because they disagree with you. You ALWAYS start the insult war and you never let up. I would say that you should be glad that Damo is the owner operator of this concern cause if it was me I would ban your ass and NEVER let you back. Time for you to go back on IA and I would encourgage everyone else to do it to and maybe when no one talks to him he will go away.
Kiss my ass..........

You are such a fucking hack. You have to resort to personal attacks and demean people because they disagree with you. You ALWAYS start the insult war and you never let up. I would say that you should be glad that Damo is the owner operator of this concern cause if it was me I would ban your ass and NEVER let you back. Time for you to go back on IA and I would encourgage everyone else to do it to and maybe when no one talks to him he will go away.

Mr. False outrage...I started nothing but did respond to darla,DD and Lady T in kind...why don't you go away?:readit:
Darla is 'Code Pink'...two steps below 'Air Force Army'...duhla only does druggies and Military deserters...and of course JPP's own DD...the 'shit eater'...:cof1:

This board is just too damn funny!
I'd like to get you all together for a barbecue....What a gas that would be!
Only if.............

This board is just too damn funny!
I'd like to get you all together for a barbecue....What a gas that would be!

we can BBQ socrotease the ambulance chaser and feed him to your nasty rotweiler...and maybe gas darla and put her out back with that hoard of cats Joanie has!:cof1:
leaning right did you go to college???
Take a look at country's with almost no guns, England , Japan.
you won't find it hard to prove that they have wayyyyy less than 18,000 ANNUAL MURDERS.
leaning right did you go to college???
Take a look at country's with almost no guns, England , Japan.
you won't find it hard to prove that they have wayyyyy less than 18,000 ANNUAL MURDERS.

And look at Switzerland, Canada... it doesn't necessarily have to do with the amount of guns.
leaning right did you go to college???
Take a look at country's with almost no guns, England , Japan.
you won't find it hard to prove that they have wayyyyy less than 18,000 ANNUAL MURDERS.

Yes Topper, and I would also point out that those are hardly free societies.
Japan and England are free societies. Japan is probably the only real liberal democracy in all of Asia. Japan thinks differently but it's a good place generally.