
If you have an IQ over 115, and watch quality news and investigative reports, FRONTLINE on PBS tonight is doing a report called "Rules of Engagement", which documents what happened on that day in Haditha, Iraq. And it's consequences for Bush's War in Iraq.

Or, you could watch Faux News, and find out which strippers or porn stars Bill O'Reilly is interviewing.

The Marines you democrats called murders where cleared in court. An apology would be nice... Didn't think so.

I'd lay off the IQ attacks their Einstein...
Is it past your bedtime Watermark? If you take my comment with even 1% seriousness then that's on you.

Who cares if you were serious or not? Rape isn't funny, and neither are you or any pig who let's this slide by.

I think that people here, excuse me, men here, are sick of my talking about women's issues. I think some men here hate me, and that you are starting to.

But they would never dare go off at bac in this manner, not because racism isn't there, but because again, as I have been saying, it's not publically acceptable, they are forced to hide it...but hatred of women is publically acceptable.

In other words...the bitch had it coming. The bitch in this case being me, the bitch in Haditha being a 15 year old girl.

The bitch always has it coming. It's why we can have an anti-Hillary 527 group set up called C.U.N.T.

And it's funny, because it's not about women, it's just because it's Hillary, the bitch has it coming. It's not about all women, it's just about Darla, and that bitch has it coming. It's not about all women, it's just about that 15 year old who walks by my station every day and I can tell she wants it from me. The bitch had it coming.

But, no, it's not sexism, I love women, I swear.
Who cares if you were serious or not? Rape isn't funny, and neither are you or any pig who let's this slide by.

I think that people here, excuse me, men here, are sick of my talking about women's issues. I think some men here hate me, and that you are starting to.

But they would never dare go off at bac in this manner, not because racism isn't there, but because again, as I have been saying, it's not publically acceptable, they are forced to hide it...but hatred of women is publically acceptable.

In other words...the bitch had it coming. The bitch in this case being me, the bitch in Haditha being a 15 year old girl.

The bitch always has it coming. It's why we can have an anti-Hillary 527 group set up called C.U.N.T.

And it's funny, because it's not about women, it's just because it's Hillary, the bitch has it coming. It's not about all women, it's just about Darla, and that bitch has it coming. It's not about all women, it's just about that 15 year old who walks by my station every day and I can tell she wants it from me. The bitch had it coming.

But, no, it's not sexism, I love women, I swear.

No I don't hate you Darla. Do I disagree with you a lot of times? Yes.

I have no doubt that you have picked on sentiments of sexism that men here are uanaware of. I also happen to believe that you have oversold it if you will in trying to make your point but that's just my personal opinion.

For political junkies this is a big time of year and passions run high which you see on this board. I've 'known' you for too long to hate you over a political argument. There's something to be said for being able to tell each other to f off and then get up the next day and start discussing issues again.