Half of gun deaths are suicides


Villified User
Jun 30, 9:18 PM EDT

Surprising fact: Half of gun deaths are suicides

AP Medical Writer

ATLANTA (AP) -- The Supreme Court's landmark ruling on gun ownership last week focused on citizens' ability to defend themselves from intruders in their homes. But research shows that surprisingly often, gun owners use the weapons on themselves.

Suicides accounted for 55 percent of the nation's nearly 31,000 firearm deaths in 2005, the most recent year for which statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There was nothing unique about that year - gun-related suicides have outnumbered firearm homicides and accidents for 20 of the last 25 years. In 2005, homicides accounted for 40 percent of gun deaths. Accidents accounted for 3 percent. The remaining 2 percent included legal killings, such as when police do the shooting, and cases that involve undetermined intent.

This shouldn't be surprising ,.. this has been going on for as long as gun-love has existed.

This also shouldn't be surprising ...




Where are all the gun freaks who've been posting joyous celebrations about the Supreme Court rulings on guns? :)
Let the racist in WV kill themselves off, we still need to take guns off the streets
Well, one of the "gun freaks who've been posting joyous celebrations" was at lunch with his wife. If anyone is ever on the east side of Atlanta, I wholeheartedly recommend Journey's End for lunch. Delicious southern cuisine.

The number of suicides by gun doesn't really mean anything to our celebrations. If someone wants to commit suicide they are going to commit suicide. The lack of an available gun won't stop them. It might make the suicide less messy, depending on how they do it, but it wouldn't stop them.
So what we are supposed to make guns illegal because people kill THEMSELVES? My right to have a fire arm should not be predicated on any depressed person that doesn't know there is a SHIT LOAD of help out there for them. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for someone that commits suicide. Fuck sakes, I think it is insane that most states make suicide attempts a crime. Someone want to blow off their head, all I would ask is they do it outside so that no one has to clean up after them.
Well, one of the "gun freaks who've been posting joyous celebrations" was at lunch with his wife. If anyone is ever on the east side of Atlanta, I wholeheartedly recommend Journey's End for lunch. Delicious southern cuisine.

The number of suicides by gun doesn't really mean anything to our celebrations. If someone wants to commit suicide they are going to commit suicide. The lack of an available gun won't stop them. It might make the suicide less messy, depending on how they do it, but it wouldn't stop them.

Pretty much. I just hate the ones where they kill their family before blowing their brains out.

Thanks for the dining tip, will check it out on my next trip down south.
Let the racist in WV kill themselves off, we still need to take guns off the streets

I never put my guns on the street. But then, I have pampered guns.

All jokes aside DNC, I'll happily give up my handguns when you can guarantee me that none of the criminals will have guns.
Wait til the gun freaks on the Supreme court get replaced, you won't be laughing then
Every6one remember when we were talking about rights infringed in this war on terror and how most of us agreed that a free society is not exactly a safe society. WHere are all the supporters of this now?
Every6one remember when we were talking about rights infringed in this war on terror and how most of us agreed that a free society is not exactly a safe society. WHere are all the supporters of this now?

LOL, good point. The fear needs refreshed I think to keep to keep that going. A war with Iran would be just the ticket for future mass manipulations.
Wait til the gun freaks on the Supreme court get replaced, you won't be laughing then

You'd be surprised how much I laugh. And replacing the justices may not help you. Even if they don't like it, they may still interpret the 2nd amendment in the same way these justices did.

Or it may be another 70 years before we get a 2nd amendment case before the US Supreme Court.

But even if they do manage to get the ruling changed, they won't remove hunting firearms from the hands of the public. Since I live out in the boonies, its just as easy for me to shoot a burglar with a shotgun. But I'll wait and see how much you laugh when the criminals know the majority of the population is unarmed.
Every6one remember when we were talking about rights infringed in this war on terror and how most of us agreed that a free society is not exactly a safe society. WHere are all the supporters of this now?

Apparently some fears are to be lived with and some fears are to be fixed by the government.

Hard to determine which ones people want the government to fix.
Actually what you will find when new justices get on the court is that they respect Stare Decisis. Only once in a blue moon do they overturn previous court's decisions. Brown v. the Board, the case that declared sodomy laws unconstitution and overturned Bowers v Harwick. The one time I can guarentee it will happen again is when there is one more right winger on the court, then Roe is gone.
Apparently some fears are to be lived with and some fears are to be fixed by the government.

Hard to determine which ones people want the government to fix.
Righties like Nanny government when "national security" is at issue, Lefties like it when guns are an issue. What neither realize is once government begins exercising power over our personal lives the beast gets hungrier. It NEVER gives up the powers already taken and it looks for more to take. REGARDLESS of the ideological bend of the party in control. If Obama wins, the senate will not repeal the Patriot Act no matter how many dems are in the congress. Power once seded is gone.
Righties like Nanny government when "national security" is at issue, Lefties like it when guns are an issue. What neither realize is once government begins exercising power over our personal lives the beast gets hungrier. It NEVER gives up the powers already taken and it looks for more to take. REGARDLESS of the ideological bend of the party in control. If Obama wins, the senate will not repeal the Patriot Act no matter how many dems are in the congress. Power once seded is gone.

Well said, Soc. I am not worried about some foriegn nation attacking and defeating us, and then taking my freedoms. Our citizens are giving their freedoms up without a fight. That scares me.