Half of gun deaths are suicides

Well said, Soc. I am not worried about some foriegn nation attacking and defeating us, and then taking my freedoms. Our citizens are giving their freedoms up without a fight. That scares me.
Like frogs in a pot on the stove. Turn the heat up slowly and they won't even try to get out. They will let you cook em alive.
Well said, Soc. I am not worried about some foriegn nation attacking and defeating us, and then taking my freedoms. Our citizens are giving their freedoms up without a fight. That scares me.
This is why we need a strong and concentrated moderate movement from voters of both parties in addition to the indpendents who already tend to vote moderate. It is the extremes of both parties/philosophies who find reasons to limit or interfere with freedoms. You will not find many moderates who desire to remove guns from citizens, or listen to their conversations looking for terrorists.
so Now I am a moderate ? A few years ago I was anti American ?
Sheesh, hard to keep up with the political trends .
Jun 30, 9:18 PM EDT

Surprising fact: Half of gun deaths are suicides

AP Medical Writer

ATLANTA (AP) -- The Supreme Court's landmark ruling on gun ownership last week focused on citizens' ability to defend themselves from intruders in their homes. But research shows that surprisingly often, gun owners use the weapons on themselves.

Suicides accounted for 55 percent of the nation's nearly 31,000 firearm deaths in 2005, the most recent year for which statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There was nothing unique about that year - gun-related suicides have outnumbered firearm homicides and accidents for 20 of the last 25 years. In 2005, homicides accounted for 40 percent of gun deaths. Accidents accounted for 3 percent. The remaining 2 percent included legal killings, such as when police do the shooting, and cases that involve undetermined intent.


Just out of curiosity.... what is your point? Or the point in the article that you are trying to convey?

because a person who has set their mind to kill themselves will do so whether they have a gun or not. So that 55% were dead anyway... lets worry about the ones that are still alive because they did have a gun.
Like frogs in a pot on the stove. Turn the heat up slowly and they won't even try to get out. They will let you cook em alive.

LMAO... nice analogy....

Just out of curiosity, do you get a kick out of boiling frogs? Or was this something you saw on jeapordy?
Just out of curiosity.... what is your point? Or the point in the article that you are trying to convey?

because a person who has set their mind to kill themselves will do so whether they have a gun or not. So that 55% were dead anyway... lets worry about the ones that are still alive because they did have a gun.

LOL, finally the question. I was trying to convey nothing, just posting an article that I thought would spawn controversy.

I support the right to suicide btw.
You will pry my gun out of my cold brainsplatterd hand.

LMAO... nice analogy....

Just out of curiosity, do you get a kick out of boiling frogs? Or was this something you saw on jeapordy?
This sir is NONE of your business. What I do with the frogs I catch are my own business. And so is the arousal that comes with it.
SF just can't handle the truth.

That kind of truth.... I don't even want to ATTEMPT to handle.

I thought he would respond with something like... yeah, I like frog legs.... and THAT is why one should be careful asking open ended questions like that. The danger of a response like his is always lurking....

If they did not have a method as easy and as effective as a gun, there would be a lot less suicides. Arguing that the suicides would be displaced only goes so far.
If they did not have a method as easy and as effective as a gun, there would be a lot less suicides. Arguing that the suicides would be displaced only goes so far.

There might be fewer impulsive suicides; I don't know if anyone has ever broken down the statistics in that manner or how accurate they might be. If someone is determined to end his/her life, however, they will do so. Probably for many a firearm is simply the most expedient means to achieve that.

I said many, many years ago, that suicide is the ultimate selfish act, and still believe that. Unfortunately, at the time, I was with a group of friends and one replied, "Interesting that you should say that. My father committed suicide." Gulp. Sometimes the world just doesn't need to hear our opinions on things! :o
Perhaps selfish, perhaps logical. all cannot be grouped together.
But I think it is our right to end our lives if we so choose.
Perhaps selfish, perhaps logical. all cannot be grouped together.
But I think it is our right to end our lives if we so choose.

I agree. I used the term "selfish" as a descriptive term, rather than judgmental, if that makes any sense. It has to be, generally, the loneliest decision an individual ever makes.

Then on the other hand there were farmers during the Great Depression who committed suicide so that their families could get the life insurance proceeds to save the farm. That's so sad it hurts my heart. I believe that this was one of the chief reasons that insurers eventually incorporated the two year suicide clause into new life policies.
Ever watch the movie "Short Time " It is hillarious.

Haven't seen it.

Have you ever seen "The Wall"? (Pink Floyd). The viewer should be in a very healthy state, emotionally, I think, before seeing that film. It's about the central character's (Roger Waters) descent into deep depression. It was excellent.
There might be fewer impulsive suicides; I don't know if anyone has ever broken down the statistics in that manner or how accurate they might be. If someone is determined to end his/her life, however, they will do so. Probably for many a firearm is simply the most expedient means to achieve that.

I said many, many years ago, that suicide is the ultimate selfish act, and still believe that. Unfortunately, at the time, I was with a group of friends and one replied, "Interesting that you should say that. My father committed suicide." Gulp. Sometimes the world just doesn't need to hear our opinions on things! :o

Suicide is complicated.

The thing about trying to pigeonhole a certain action with a single emotion or state is that it rarely works. For every definition you can come up with there's ten different cases that defy it.

A lot of culture's in our society seem to romanticize suicide, but the thing about them is that their suicide rate isn't generally any higher. The only guy I've ever known to commit suicide wasn't an emo; he was a popular athlete at our school who was well loved by the community.
yeah the wall is good, but not too enjoyable to me. I like enjoyable. Short time is one of my all time FAV comedies.

About a cop who thinks he is terminal so decides to out in the line of duty so he can send his kid to college with the increased life insurance payout.

The only Role I liked Dabney Coleman in.
If they did not have a method as easy and as effective as a gun, there would be a lot less suicides. Arguing that the suicides would be displaced only goes so far.

The only way you can know this for sure is to have someone who tried it tell you that it was an impulse attempt.

But anyone who tries to commit suicide with a gun and does not succeed is not trying very hard.

I never liked the concept of an "impulse suicide". It implies that people know when someone started thinking of suicide. There is no way to tell when someone starts thinking or planning a suicide.

How many people have said of a recent suicide "But they are not the type that kills themself" or "But they were always so happy".

Ultimately, no one knows how happy or unhappy someone really is. We only know what they show us or tell us.