Hamas Intractability: What Part Does The Biden Team Not Get?

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
We were dismayed by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement at the World Economic Forum held in the Saudi capital Riyadh last week that he was “hopeful” that Hamas would accept Israel’s latest truce proposal which he described as “extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of Israel.”

The Israeli proposal was said to entail in part, a deal to accept the release of 40 of the roughly 130 hostages believed to be still held in exchange for freeing a number of Palestinian security prisoners and a second phase of a truce consisting of a “period of sustained calm” – Israel’s apparent compromise of Hamas’ demand for a permanent ceasefire and an official end to the war.

Dream on Mr. Secretary, et al.
Israel cannot accept a situation in which Hamas’ battalions leave their tunnels, reestablish control over the Gaza Strip, rebuild their military industries and go back to threatening the citizens of Israel in the communities of the Western Negev, the cities of the south and throughout the country.

Israel, if they are smart, will make a temporary agreement to get hostages back, then resume their attack on Hamas.

A belief that Hamas/Palestinian Muslims have any interest in peace is ignorant and foolish. Every attempted agreement, including when Bill Clinton offered Palestine "the world" has broken down because so many Muslims/terrorists /extremists care only about killing Jews. This was true before Israel built the wall. It was true before Israel uprooted 9k Israelis and washed their hands of Gaza and it will be true long after this current war has wrapped up.
We were dismayed by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement at the World Economic Forum held in the Saudi capital Riyadh last week that he was “hopeful” that Hamas would accept Israel’s latest truce proposal which he described as “extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of Israel.”
Hamas are all dead. Israel isn't attacking Al Qassam. Israel isn't invading Iran.

I'm imagining WWII Nazis announcing dismay that the Jews didn't accept an extraordinarily generous truce proposal.
Israel, if they are smart, will make a temporary agreement to get hostages back, then resume their attack on Hamas.
Why on Hamas? It was Iran who attacked Israel, through its proxy Al Qassam. Hamas is was a political party with no military and no weapons ... and they're now already dead. What are you hoping to accomplish?

Oh, I know. You want more Arab children slaughtered because you can't get enough of that. I see from where you come.

A belief that Hamas/Palestinian Muslims have any interest in peace is ignorant and foolish.
Why do you say this? This makes me think you are not only a total moron (I learned that from discussing your ZANY Global Warming religion) and totally dishonest (I learned that from your stolen-election denial propaganda) but now I see that you are a complete bigot who HATES Arabs and wants to see them slaughtered.

You don't want Israel to attack Iran for having attacked Israel, you want Israel to commit genocide against Arabs. That makes you the consumate shitty person.
Why on Hamas? It was Iran who attacked Israel, through its proxy Al Qassam. Hamas is was a political party with no military and no weapons ... and they're now already dead. What are you hoping to accomplish?

Oh, I know. You want more Arab children slaughtered because you can't get enough of that. I see from where you come.

Why do you say this? This makes me think you are not only a total moron (I learned that from discussing your ZANY Global Warming religion) and totally dishonest (I learned that from your stolen-election denial propaganda) but now I see that you are a complete bigot who HATES Arabs and wants to see them slaughtered.

You don't want Israel to attack Iran for having attacked Israel, you want Israel to commit genocide against Arabs. That makes you the consumate shitty person.
Why on Hamas? It was Iran who attacked Israel, through its proxy Al Qassam. Hamas is was a political party with no military and no weapons ... and they're now already dead. What are you hoping to accomplish?
Hamas has "no military?"



Looks like Hamas has a military to me...
Then who are they? Who's headband are they wearing?
Don't you think you should have found that out first before you posted?

Hamas has no military. Hamas is a political party who HATES Jews. Al Qassam is the militant terrorist group that regularly attacks Israel at the behest of Iran. Try to see the difference there.

Al Qassam headbands:


