Hamas Intractability: What Part Does The Biden Team Not Get?

Al-Qassam IS the military arm of Hamas.

The al Qassem Brigades are the military component of Hamas and the means by which Hamas seeks to destroy the Israeli state and form an Islamic state in Palestine.

Only a complete idiot, oblivious fool, or supporter of Palestinian terrorism would say differently.
No shit, sherlock. The catch is that (a) Yahoo initially supported Hamas to counteract the PLO. Now the chickens have come home to roost. (b) Get a map and then tell us all where there is a major stretch of land between the Palestinian ghetto created by Israel where there are NO civilian enclaves and the IDF & Hamas can go at it. (3) All Palestinians are not members of Hamas or voted for them or currently support them. (4) Explain how the IDF says "hey civilians, move to area A because we're going to bomb where you're at now" .... then they later bomb the crap out of area A, and that's not an attempt at extermination or genocide light. (5) the IDF actions seem to deem Israeli hostages as "collateral damage".
Your myopia is preventing you from seeing the big picture:

Israel has 173,000 active troops, 465,000 reservist. Reports of a mobilized 360,000 troops all round. They have a very active air force (the bombings are daily reported occurrences) and a navy. They have tanks, artillery, bombers, etc.

Hamas has an est. 30 to 50K troops. They rely mostly on rpg's, surface to surface missles, handguns, auto & semi-auto rifles, bomb laden drones.

This is why the IDF can herd and bomb ALL Palestinians into removal from Gaza and the West Bank or just a war of attrition. There is no "battlefield" to meet HAMAS on, as the ghetto like conditions created by Israel in the area won't permit it.

Yes, Hamas should suffer the consequences of Oct. 7th. That the Mossad and the IDF can't do this without trying to wipe out all Palestinians is dubious at best.
Then, Hamas shouldn't have started a war with Israel they can't win.
Then, Hamas shouldn't have started a war with Israel they can't win.
My good man, Hama would not exist if not for Yahoo's backing them against the PLO back in the day (LOOK IT UP). He stupidly thought that they would accept the apartheid conditions foisted on them by Israel. He was mistaken.

Killing civilians to win a war is a standard tactic for ANY military conflict....it isn't right when anyone does it. That's why when Russia does it to the Ukranian, or the massacres in Rwanda, or what Nazi Germany did to any country it invaded, the rest of the world cries foul. But it was okay to go from napalming Japan into the stone age to dropping 2 nukes. It is what it is.
While normally I am loathe to agree with a RightWinger, the reliance on the word "genocide" in this case is overhyped and not accurate.

It's a case of rhetorical inflation. The need to find the most JARRING and HORRIFYING word and characterize it thusly. I remember some comedy skit somewhere where someone was complaining about not being able to get a milkshake for a restaurant and complaing that the people in Auschwitz didn't get treated that badly. It's overhyped for effect.

As someone else noted: if Israel ACTUALLY wanted a genocide it would be little effort for them. They are armed to the teeth with the most advanced weaponry the world can supply (especially the US).

Now, that being said: I do NOT agree with Israel hitting population centers as hard as they have. But then Hamas is 100% to blame for that because THEY are using the Gazans as human shields.

It truly is one of those cases like in the movies where the clearly superior fighter holds back because they have a moral code that limits their responses especially when innocent people (the vast majority of Gazans) are in harms way.

What is the actual answer? Fuck if I know. This is easily the most confounding conflict anywhere on the globe and it doesn't seem like it will ever end despite the world's best efforts.
Hmm, interesting take. Here' my view supported by the Cambridge Dictionary: genocide - the crime of intentionally destroying part or all of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, by killing people or by other methods: