Hamas Intractability: What Part Does The Biden Team Not Get?

Let's do some math.....

Hamas, with homemade airplanes and (presumably) automatic weapons, executed 1400 Israelis in one day. It was actually a matter of hours, but we'll call it a day.

Israel, with one of the most advanced air forces in the world, and with an actual army and advanced military weapons (when compared to Hamas) has killed, according to the UN, an estimated 35,000 civilians in 226 days. An average of 155/day.

IF Israel killed civilians at the same rate as Hamas, which they easily could given the weapons at their disposal, there would be well over 300,000 dead Palestinians by now.

Israel has killed about 35,000 and that is WITH Hamas intentionally using civilians as human shields. That's WITH Hamas using residential areas, schools and hospitals as military locations.

The claim that Israel is committing genocide is baseless and ridiculous.

@IBDaMann @Blackwater Lunchbreak

As Ben Shapiro would say: Facts don't care about your feelings.
Seems to cheapen the word. But you have your talking points.
It's the correct word. I use the international defintion to which Israel is a signatory. I have posted it before but I'll post it again here:

Article II​

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Yes, Israel is a signatory.
oh I finally get you. you're about expanding the war globally.... yeah fuck that too.
That was totally bizarre. If I hadn't known that it was you posting, I'd be certain that someone posted the wrong response to the wrong post.

However, knowing that it was you, I know that I need to interpret your post as something diametrically opposed to what the words would otherwise lead me to believe.

I got it! You mean to say that water is likely to quench your thirst. Well, now that you put it that way, I see your point.
lol... you are such a troll.
You are calling me a troll for citing the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. That is completely consistent with all your previous dishonesty.

I guess that makes you the troll in all this. Yes, you're a troll. It's all so clear now.
That was totally bizarre. If I hadn't known that it was you posting, I'd be certain that someone posted the wrong response to the wrong post.

However, knowing that it was you, I know that I need to interpret your post as something diametrically opposed to what the words would otherwise lead me to believe.

I got it! You mean to say that water is likely to quench your thirst. Well, now that you put it that way, I see your point.
are you opposed to a war with iran over Israel?
are you opposed to a war with iran over Israel?
I'm opposed to the US getting involved in any of that crap. I have nothing against Iran and Israel going at it.

I have a serious problem with children being slaughtered. It's even worse when the reason is because their "race" merits them a death sentence, i.e. Arab children in this case.

My position is one of accountability. If signatories of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide violate those conventions, the violators should be held accountable and brought to justice.
That was totally bizarre. If I hadn't known that it was you posting, I'd be certain that someone posted the wrong response to the wrong post.

However, knowing that it was you, I know that I need to interpret your post as something diametrically opposed to what the words would otherwise lead me to believe.

I got it! You mean to say that water is likely to quench your thirst. Well, now that you put it that way, I see your point.
why are you talking about twelvers in Iran?
There are civilian casualties in every war
Again, you're trying to equate expected civilian war casualties with genocide. Do you really think there would only be 35,000 causalities if Israel was trying to commit genocide? Is that really what you believe?
if you're bombing the babies, genocide is to be expected.