Harris Sees Her First 538 National Polling Lead

Show the class one single instance of that

I know that they sold the American franchise and democracy to special interests, large companies, and wealthy individuals.
2020 Democratic Party Platform said:
Our government and our elections are supposed to reflect the interests of the American people, not only the wealthiest few and the biggest corporations.

Then of course we have

I see that your slave-masters have you believing that the US is a "democracy" and not a republic. I feel sorry for you.
That became a popular conservative talking point because you assholes despise democracy. Representative or direct, you don't want your political opponents to have any rights or power. You all are the worst the US has to offer.

... and the word "democracy" never appears in the Constitution which guarantees a republican form of government, while the word "republic" never appears in the 2020 Democratic Party Platform that refers to the US "democracy" 28 times.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

That's what the alt right wants you to believe,
There is no "alt right" nor any "Santa Claus" nor any "Bigfoot" nor "Chupacabra" nor "space aliens being studied at Area 51." This is why only stupid people are recruited to be leftists, i.e. they are gullible and will believe anything and everything they are ordered to believe.

Do you always tell strangers what their political beliefs are? How about their race? Gender? Where they can live? Who can they marry? Who owns their uterus?

Your unearned privilege is dissolving before your eyes,
Do you always declare strangers as having special privileges? I take it that the privilege you are assigning to me dissolves. Next time, could you give me one that is a little more durable. Dissolved privileges don't really do me any good.

... which is why you and your kind are in full-blown meltdown mode
@gfm7175 - in this case, I am not "unhinged", I am in "full-blown meltdown mode." This apparently works on leftists, and they, in turn, think this will work on everybody.

@Diesel - I'd like to advise you that the above only works on the extremely gullible; it's not going to have the same effect on me that it had on you. That's why you were told "your mileage will vary."

This current temper tantrum of straight, white snowflakes will end. And not in your favor.
You just pivoted. What is this "tantrum" of which you speak? All snowflakes are leftists so I have no idea what you are talking about. Conservatives do not need safe spaces. You seem very confused.
It doesn't matter. You mouth-breathing fat asses would have done the same thing. Go cry to someone else.
you are simply projecting your own shit stain behavior and trying to defend it by saying I would do the same. you are a liar over and over

Then of course we have

... and the word "democracy" never appears in the Constitution which guarantees a republican form of government, while the word "republic" never appears in the 2020 Democratic Party Platform that refers to the US "democracy" 28 times.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

There is no "alt right" nor any "Santa Claus" nor any "Bigfoot" nor "Chupacabra" nor "space aliens being studied at Area 51." This is why only stupid people are recruited to be leftists, i.e. they are gullible and will believe anything and everything they are ordered to believe.


Do you always declare strangers as having special privileges? I take it that the privilege you are assigning to me dissolves. Next time, could you give me one that is a little more durable. Dissolved privileges don't really do me any good.

@gfm7175 - in this case, I am not "unhinged", I am in "full-blown meltdown mode." This apparently works on leftists, and they, in turn, think this will work on everybody.

@Diesel - I'd like to advise you that the above only works on the extremely gullible; it's not going to have the same effect on me that it had on you. That's why you were told "your mileage will vary."

You just pivoted. What is this "tantrum" of which you speak? All snowflakes are leftists so I have no idea what you are talking about. Conservatives do not need safe spaces. You seem very confused.
Mmhmm. So you haven't proven I'm a Democrat. I'm not. You can check every one of my posts for the past 4 years for confirmation.

I declare that straight, white people, especially cisgender men, claimed for themselves privilege that was never granted to them. As that dissolves, you all are flailing with your hair on fire and seeking a savior in the form of the worst person alive in American politics.
you are simply projecting your own shit stain behavior and trying to defend it by saying I would do the same. you are a liar over and over
So if Trump was no longer the Republican nominee, the party just wouldn't put one on the ballot? :ROFLMAO: Shut the fuck up.
Mmhmm. So you haven't proven I'm a Democrat. I'm not.
I'm not presuming you're a Democrat. I pegged you for a Marxist. You, nonetheless, OBEY the DNC because you must. Only you know why you pledged your undying OBEDIENCE to a political party that would be happy to see you dead in the gutter.

I declare that straight, white people, especially cisgender men, claimed for themselves privilege that was never granted to them.
This is all WOKE gibberish. No rational adult spews this crap from reasoned contemplation; it is all regurgitated from the current DNC narratives. You're doing a great job, by the way.

Why does any of this raving of yours matter? You never did say. How does it affect the price of rice in China, how does it lead to privileges (whatever those are) and why should any rational adult become concerned about whether or not there are any dissolving privileges out there somewhere?

Let's take my children, for example. How does one verify if they have any of these privileges, and if so, how can they leverage them?

As that dissolves,
Snap out of your delusion for just a moment. This privilege of which you speak has to actually exist and be real for it to then dissolve; but it really only exists in your mind, so as you imagine it melting, I can only remain unaffected because there isn't any such thing in reality. Your problem is your delusion, which exists because you allow others to do your thinking for you. I really do feel sorry for you.

you all are flailing with your hair on fire
I have no hair, at least not enough to catch afire.

and seeking a savior in the form of the worst person alive in American politics.
Since when do you imagine that I ever turned to Hillary Clinton to solve any problems in American politics?

By the way, shouldn't you be pissed at the people who brought you Kamala Harris (zero delegates) and who kicked Bernie Sanders (boatloads of delegates and a solid chance) in the groin, rather than direct your ire at the people who simply don't want Kamala Harris either?
I'm not presuming you're a Democrat. I pegged you for a Marxist. You, nonetheless, OBEY the DNC because you must. Only you know why you pledged your undying OBEDIENCE to a political party that would be happy to see you dead in the gutter.

This is all WOKE gibberish. No rational adult spews this crap from reasoned contemplation; it is all regurgitated from the current DNC narratives. You're doing a great job, by the way.

Why does any of this raving of yours matter? You never did say. How does it affect the price of rice in China, how does it lead to privileges (whatever those are) and why should any rational adult become concerned about whether or not there are any dissolving privileges out there somewhere?

Let's take my children, for example. How does one verify if they have any of these privileges, and if so, how can they leverage them?

Snap out of your delusion for just a moment. This privilege of which you speak has to actually exist and be real for it to then dissolve; but it really only exists in your mind, so as you imagine it melting, I can only remain unaffected because there isn't any such thing in reality. Your problem is your delusion, which exists because you allow others to do your thinking for you. I really do feel sorry for you.

I have no hair, at least not enough to catch afire.

Since when do you imagine that I ever turned to Hillary Clinton to solve any problems in American politics?

By the way, shouldn't you be pissed at the people who brought you Kamala Harris (zero delegates) and who kicked Bernie Sanders (boatloads of delegates and a solid chance) in the groin, rather than direct your ire at the people who simply don't want Kamala Harris either?
I don't even blink twice when I read white propaganda like this. You don't perceive the privilege because you've never been without it. You have never been the victim of meaningful discrimination. That's as intelligent as you saying that this mysterious "Antarctica" doesn't exist because you've never been there. Believe me: I feel more sorry for you and your ignorant, dying co-conspirators than you feel for me.
I don't even blink twice when I read white propaganda like this.
Let's be clear, you don't even read it. What is "white propaganda" anyway? You like to use undefined terms that therefore have no meaning.

You don't perceive the privilege because you've never been without it.
... or more likely, I've never had it. I'm guessing that I would be aware of such a "privilege" if I had such. You still haven't explained what this "privilege" is supposed to be, and you need to do that because otherwise nobody can read your mind and know what you are imagining.

You have never been the victim of meaningful discrimination.
Sure I have. Why do you pretend to declare otherwise?

That's as intelligent as you saying that this mysterious "Antarctica" doesn't exist because you've never been there.
What makes you think I haven't been there?

Believe me:
Nope. That's asking a little too much. You speak in undefined gibberish and it appears to be intentional.

I'll give you my read on the matter.

You are a self-loather because you see yourself as a loser for some reason. You don't see others as having any sort of advantage but just as being normal, with you suffering from some issue you can't fix ... so you decide to lash out with blame at others. You are including me in that blame, right? You think that I am likely one of the "normal" people who is to blame for your disadvantage for which nobody had any part in creating.

Please, continue telling me how much you are a victim and how much I am victimizing you.

I feel more sorry for you and your ignorant, dying co-conspirators than you feel for me.
Nope. You HATE me and blame me for whatever problem you are facing.

The stupid part of your outlook is that you decided to sell yourself into slavery over it. I assure you, I genuinely pity you. Whatever problems I face, I'll breeze through them by doing my own thinking, and by never allowing others to do my thinking for me. You, on the other hand, are not free to think for yourself. You must support Kamoolah Harris because you have no choice; it has been so ordered and you have to OBEY.

I am so very tempted to invite you over to my side of the fence, to empower yourself to break away from your mindless collective and to just be free from all that ... but you'd only scoff at that, wouldn't you?

Well, I'll do it anyway. Join me over here on the free-thinker side of the fence, where no political parties are allowed. Fuck them all. I'll cure your TDS, guaranteed.
I haven't a side. I won't be voting for Trump. What my point was (and what I said that you quoted) is this: Things she said while running for President are what she believes, 4 years later they have "changed" without explanation. If those who want Trump to win cannot get that to matter (get that elephant in the room angry) then it will continue to be ignored by a complacent and co-conspiratorial leftist mainstream media.

You carry right wing propaganda all the time

Stop pretending
Such a Performance Artist.
Blows all that "Kamala momentum" shit out of the fucking water. But we all knew that there is no Kamala momentum. Nobody will be voting for Kackle-amala. Wow, the DNC strongarmed a thousand people to attend Kamoochie's rambling incoherence, probably having to pay them all as well.
