Hate Pays


Well I guess I will have to go back to starbucks. I like Dunkin Donuts coffee better, although Starbucks is definitely the place for a latte, DD doesn't even have soy milk. Now I can't even go there for coffee. I mean I just cannot give even one dollar to a bunch of fucking stupid, sniveling, crawling little cowards who would cave into an absolute known lunatic like Michelle Malkin.

Really, this country makes me sick. I'd hate to see what would happen if we were invaded. We are now a people who surrender to the likes of Michelle watch me twist my face Malkin.

I'm so proud.

Rachael Ray's 'Terrorist' Ad Yanked
Posted: 2008-05-28 18:08:31
(May 28) -- Rachael Ray has been called many things -- loud, brash, elementary, and so forth -- but we're pretty sure this is the first time we've heard her name and "terrorist" in the same conversation.

Dunkin Donuts has pulled an ad featuring the Food Network star after concerns grew about a scarf she wears during the commercial, the pattern of which bears resemblance to a keffiyeh, the traditional headdress that Arab men wear. The scarf has enraged conservative Fox News pundit Michelle Malkin and some others.
Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons," Malkin wrote in a column, claiming the keffiyeh "has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad."

Initially playing down the mostly online fervor, Dunkin Donuts eventually pulled the ad from any upcoming airings.

"In a recent online ad, Rachael Ray is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design. It was selected by her stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial," the company said in a statement published on Boston.com

Malkin took the removal of the ad as a chest-thumping victory for herself, and terrorist-hating Americans. "It's refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists."
"Malkin took the removal of the ad as a chest-thumping victory for herself, and terrorist-hating Americans. "It's refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists."

I just had to suppress some vomit.

She's really "doing her bit" for the cause. Keep focusing on scarves & foot baths, Michelle; them's the front lines in this war against the savages...
Jeez, what a joke. Being in the south, I love Krispy Kreme. But I think I would buy Dunkin Donuts if they would've shown a little more spine.
Well I guess I will have to go back to starbucks. I like Dunkin Donuts coffee better, although Starbucks is definitely the place for a latte, DD doesn't even have soy milk. Now I can't even go there for coffee. I mean I just cannot give even one dollar to a bunch of fucking stupid, sniveling, crawling little cowards who would cave into an absolute known lunatic like Michelle Malkin.

#1) Dunkin donut's coffee is weaker then starbucks. tastes like water.
#2) Good riddance to Rachael ray. that commercial was awful and they played it non stop durring every break in the sox games.
#3) Drink espresso. Its the best bang for your buck in terms of caffeine.
#1) Dunkin donut's coffee is weaker then starbucks. tastes like water.
#2) Good riddance to Rachael ray. that commercial was awful and they played it non stop durring every break in the sox games.
#3) Drink espresso. Its the best bang for your buck in terms of caffeine.

Drink Water instead...
water is good 2. I didn't ever have to drink coffee or any caffeine until i was 30. Now I need it in order to make it thru the whole day and then go home work out and not fall asleep at 8pm

I feel like a freak for not drinking coffee. I've had one sip of it in my life and could not stand the taste. For those that need the caffine hit in the morning is there any difference between drinking Coke and Coffee?
I feel like a freak for not drinking coffee. I've had one sip of it in my life and could not stand the taste. For those that need the caffine hit in the morning is there any difference between drinking Coke and Coffee?

Coke oh my god! cawacko id=s talking drugs again.

just kiddin pal.

Green tea is the bomb, I drink a couple of pots a day. Then when it gets to late for tea you ice the leftovers with some fruit juice in it and it tastes great.
#1) Dunkin donut's coffee is weaker then starbucks. tastes like water.
#2) Good riddance to Rachael ray. that commercial was awful and they played it non stop durring every break in the sox games.
#3) Drink espresso. Its the best bang for your buck in terms of caffeine.

I like espresso, but only after dinner and with a shot of sambuca.

I got the pike place roast this morning at Starbucks, and it is slightly less bitter than some of their stuff, so I'm dealing.
I feel like a freak for not drinking coffee. I've had one sip of it in my life and could not stand the taste. For those that need the caffine hit in the morning is there any difference between drinking Coke and Coffee?

That’s a good question, and I have started many a morning with a hit of diet coke, but…I still crave the hot coffee then. I don’t know why.
Hey, ass part yourself pal. What is that stuff?

sweetener that may be dangerous long term. diet coke uses it. Some of the cokes use splenda. You have to look for the sweetened with splenda tag as i dont think they all have it.
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Coffee is nectar of the gods. Weak coffee is nasty. I want something I can taste.

To quote Tarantino, "I buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when I drink it I want to taste it."

I take my grinder and espresso machine on the road fairly often.

As for Cokes, if I drink one after 4 or 5 pm, I am up all night. The caffeine and sugar combo wires me out. But I can have an espresso and still sleep at night.

Yep, water and ground beans are all I need. Keep the cream & sugar for strawberrys.