Hate Pays

Coffee is nectar of the gods. Weak coffee is nasty. I want something I can taste.

To quote Tarantino, "I buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when I drink it I want to taste it."

I take my grinder and espresso machine on the road fairly often.

As for Cokes, if I drink one after 4 or 5 pm, I am up all night. The caffeine and sugar combo wires me out. But I can have an espresso and still sleep at night.

Yep, water and ground beans are all I need. Keep the cream & sugar for strawberrys.

A man after my own heart (except for the Krispy Kremes that is). :) I grind my beans fresh for every pot, and take my coffee to work. No additives. There's a Starbucks in the hospital cafeteria but frankly I find it weak and tasteless.
No cokes for me.
I have managed to avoid Krispy Kremes with one except.

When that "Hot NOw" sign is flashing its like a magnet. I think it effects the steering on my Yukon.
Well I guess I will have to go back to starbucks. I like Dunkin Donuts coffee better, although Starbucks is definitely the place for a latte, DD doesn't even have soy milk. Now I can't even go there for coffee. I mean I just cannot give even one dollar to a bunch of fucking stupid, sniveling, crawling little cowards who would cave into an absolute known lunatic like Michelle Malkin.

Really, this country makes me sick. I'd hate to see what would happen if we were invaded. We are now a people who surrender to the likes of Michelle watch me twist my face Malkin.

I'm so proud.

Rachael Ray's 'Terrorist' Ad Yanked
Posted: 2008-05-28 18:08:31
(May 28) -- Rachael Ray has been called many things -- loud, brash, elementary, and so forth -- but we're pretty sure this is the first time we've heard her name and "terrorist" in the same conversation.

Dunkin Donuts has pulled an ad featuring the Food Network star after concerns grew about a scarf she wears during the commercial, the pattern of which bears resemblance to a keffiyeh, the traditional headdress that Arab men wear. The scarf has enraged conservative Fox News pundit Michelle Malkin and some others.
Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons," Malkin wrote in a column, claiming the keffiyeh "has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad."

Initially playing down the mostly online fervor, Dunkin Donuts eventually pulled the ad from any upcoming airings.

"In a recent online ad, Rachael Ray is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design. It was selected by her stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial," the company said in a statement published on Boston.com

Malkin took the removal of the ad as a chest-thumping victory for herself, and terrorist-hating Americans. "It's refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists."

I was thinking about this the other day. Do you think rightwing hacks like Malakin and that lgf.com guy know they are full of shit? Know they are lying? And they just do this ridiculous crap to manipulate their less educated base (aka, Meme, battleborne, Jollie).

Or, do you think people like malakin really believe in their own filth?
I feel like a freak for not drinking coffee. I've had one sip of it in my life and could not stand the taste. For those that need the caffine hit in the morning is there any difference between drinking Coke and Coffee?

There's about two to three times the caffeine per a liter of coffee. Energy drinks have even more per a liter.

As much caffeine as a person like me drinks isn't healthy at all, either. But coffee really seems like an acquired taste, sort of like hard liquor. I couldn't stand it at first and when I was a kid I always had to put lots of cream and sugar in it. As I grew I first dropped the sugar, then the cream. Probably because it took to much time to make coffee like that. And I drink like four or more cups a day.

Tiana, you should take it upon yourself to go and slay Malkin for being an embarrasment to women and minorities.

I'd do it but I'd probably look like a bit of a racist.
yeah those slimy Crispy Kremes are embaressing.

Never did find a crispy one either.
A bit of hard sugar on them. Is that the crispy ?


I refuse to eat them. I've never had one. I see hte affects they have on people and I'm staying away. my addition to pasta is all I can handle.
I was thinking about this the other day. Do you think rightwing hacks like Malakin and that lgf.com guy know they are full of shit? Know they are lying? And they just do this ridiculous crap to manipulate their less educated base (aka, Meme, battleborne, Jollie).

Or, do you think people like malakin really believe in their own filth?

Hmm, that’s a good question. Actually, I think they’re lying.
There's about two to three times the caffeine per a liter of coffee. Energy drinks have even more per a liter.

As much caffeine as a person like me drinks isn't healthy at all, either. But coffee really seems like an acquired taste, sort of like hard liquor. I couldn't stand it at first and when I was a kid I always had to put lots of cream and sugar in it. As I grew I first dropped the sugar, then the cream. Probably because it took to much time to make coffee like that. And I drink like four or more cups a day.


That’s exactly like me Water. I used to drink it, as a teen, with tons of sugar and milk. Eventually I used less and less sugar, than none, then very dark, and eventually I went to black, and that is the only way I can drink it now. And I have several cups a day. Quite a few cups on many days in fact. A lot. A lot of coffee.
I think they know what they are doing. Just like the RNC knows what it was doing when it accused Obama of essentially lying about his uncle. They are just a slimy slice of society that has no ethics when it comes to politics and/or their careers. They will sell out the American people and our rights without even blinking an eye if it will benefit them personally.
It is just bizzare how the right fringe has been allowed to run the party for years now.

These people are unhinged and the R party had to cowtow to them to get enought votes to be even close enough to steal the elections. Once we fix our election system they wont get into office for decades.