He knows you will fall for it!

Trump has no media, Comrade.

From the NY Times to CNN, from WaPo to NBC, from the Guardian to CBS, from Axios to ABC - the media is nothing more of less than the propaganda corps for the DNC.

And it isn't just the fake news - Hollywood is 100% in the bag for the party as well.

You'll claim Biden performed well no matter what he does - as will the little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps.
Can “copy and paste” really be that drunk on the Kool Aid?

Ah, let’s see, with just with a quick thought, all of Murdoch’s entities including Fox, NYP and everything else the News Corp owns, all the right wing infotainment channels, Sinclair channels, umpteen journals and websites, and majority of what comes over Twitter

“Trump has no media,” classic, and calls others “morons”
I see Biden objectively every day.

Anyone who says that Biden is clear headed and does not have signs of dementia and Parkinson's is lying.

"Frozen (masked faces, diminished arm swing, less frequent blinking, etc) likely due to a central neurological disorder like Parkinson's.”

Do you really, really believe that the right is as dumb and uninformed as you?

Why won't the J/D release the video tapes of Biden's interview with the Special Counsel?

What are they hiding...release the tapes. Allow the American people to decide whether Slow Joe is a turnip.

I honestly don't think the board Marxists are lying per se' - they simply aren't sentient. The party tells them what they see, hear, and think.

If @Jarod or one of the other board Marxists swears he saw Joe Biden fly and save a billion people from an alien attacking the earth, it isn't that he is just lying - it's that the party told him he saw that - which overrides reality for him, and other board Marxists. That party is the only reality they have. The experience of his eyes and ears mean nothing - only the party exists for him.
That's all they have left now, deny the evidence that is in front of the American people.

Why won't the J/D release the video tapes of Biden's interview with the Special Counsel?

Because they destroyed it.

What are they hiding...release the tapes.

They destroyed the tapes. Obstruction is job #1 for the Garland Gang.

Allow the American people to decide whether Slow Joe is a turnip.

That is what they feared.
Turd sure appears to be. Then next week Trump will go back to saying he is brain dead.

Anyone who thinks Biden isn't brain dead is either a liar, a moron or a desperate partisan hack. :palm:

Traditionally candidates do prepare for a week, but Trump does not need to be up on any issues, he gets a pass on being wrong about facts, because his devotees simply pretend what he said was true.

Ironic coming from a douche who gives a serial liar like Biden a pass. Leftists have zero self-awareness.
It's the high expectations game.

Not really very high...we expect the leader of the free world to not need help getting off the stage, read and speak coherently, and not act as if he has Parkinson's disease or dementia.
You just disqualified Trump
So, what do you think they will inject Trump with?

Irony. Trump proves almost every day he can speak without a prompter and think on his feet. Brandon can't even read a prompter without garbling and certainly cannot find his way off of a stage.

They had to bring in the kiddie stairs on AF one. :laugh:
Is it opposites day? You have them confused. Trump lost his teleprompter and talked about his fear of sharks and lied about batteries. It’s getting sad to watch him.

Whenever you emote, we know the bovine manure is going to get deep, so we don our hip waders.

Trump who is corrupt and stupid, has been slamming Biden for a long time on age and capacity. The problem is Biden has spoken intelligently many times. The Trumpys know Donnis is low-level in intelligence and corrupt as hell. So as usual. they said it is Biden who is those things. Trump has 34 felonies on his resume and many more to come. His speeches are jokes wrapped in a conman blanket. They are repulsive. Trumpys may believe he is being treated worse than Lincoln was. Abe only got shot in the head, Trump has survived so much worse than that.
The Repubs have spent millions in tax money investigating Biden. They have found NOTHING.

Translation: Trump makes me cry so I pound my tiny little fists on the table and lie.
You may actually believe that. The problem is you, not Biden. I suppose you think we need the "late great Hannibal Lecter" to determine the debate winner. Of toss them both into the water with sharks and batteries. Trump says he suffered worse than Lincoln. Lincoln only got shot in the head. Trump has suffered so much worse than that.
The edited videos have convinced you. You apparently cannot get past the Red lies.
After Joe finuishes the debate as a poised and reasonable man, you will find some insane conspiracy to bolster your poorly thought-out beliefs.

So they were lying their asses off about Biden supposedly being a dementia riddled fool who can't talk without a teleprompter.

No, the Democrats are lying their ass's off pretending Biden isn't a confused, addled, serial lying, incompetent piece of shit.
You may be that stupid. Biden has been on the stage many times and done well. Trump is a blustering goofball . I suppose you think we should toss them both in the ocean and see if sharks kill one or the batteries, do, then we can declare the survivor president. You are quite stupid.

You have fallen for it, you make up stories to explain why your pretend reality does not add up. That rabbit hole is deep.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Can “copy and paste” really be that drunk on the Kool Aid?

No idea Comrade. I author my material, though I recognize that a lot of people crib it. (Ann Coulter used to lift my stuff on Coultervakia fairly regularly.)

Ah, let’s see, with just with a quick thought, all of Murdoch’s entities including Fox, NYP and everything else the News Corp owns,

So even if your claim were true - you have three versus literally thousands of party controlled sources.

And of course it is nowhere near true. The Post does expose the party, as well as the Republicans on a fairly routine basis.

That's how real journalism works - report the facts regardless of who is exposed. You just can't stand that they don't run cover for the party.

all the right wing infotainment channels, Sinclair channels, umpteen journals and websites, and majority of what comes over Twitter


Losing the censorship on Twitter just kills you. You have the media - 99% party controlled - you have Hollywood - 100% party controlled; but Twitter exposes you for what you are. And that burns you, because it's real people who don't buy the lies from your party post on Twitter.

“Trump has no media,” classic, and calls others “morons”

Trump has no media, not even Fox.

Remember, last debate in 2020 - Fox and Joe debated against Trump.

This time you have Fake Jake and Dana on Team Joe.