“He will surely require that you violate basic principles of American democracy.”

It is no exaggeration to say that Trump has thoroughly debased the GOP, which even before his leadership had more than its fair share of racists, lunatics, dimwits, sadists and actual criminals.
You can't blame the problems of Democrats on Trump or anybody else.
The most recent Republican president before Trump, after all, was a man who also lost the popular vote
The President is not elected by popular vote.
but was awarded the presidency by a nakedly partisan Supreme Court,
The Supreme Court has no authority to decide elections.
only to launch a war using bogus claims of weapons of mass destruction that destabilised an entire region,
Destabilized the Middle East????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What planet are YOU from???
There is only two paths for Trump's VP, should they get in power again.

Path 1 is fulfill Trumps demands and commit criminal acts, to allow him to maintain distance and deniability, while you face indictment later.


Path 2, as Pence did, refuse to do the criminal acts and end up being exiled from the party, hated by they right, and your political career ruined.

So those who will take this job willingly deserve what they get.
There is only two paths for Trump's VP, should they get in power again.

Path 1 is fulfill Trumps demands and commit criminal acts, to allow him to maintain distance and deniability, while you face indictment later.
What criminal acts? You are describing Biden.

Path 2, as Pence did, refuse to do the criminal acts and end up being exiled from the party, hated by they right, and your political career ruined.

So those who will take this job willingly deserve what they get.
Pence broke the law. He had no authority to choose the electors for any State, yet he chose electors for seven States.
It's funny how leftists can't seem to fathom that
It's because they are trying to call the oligarchy or dictatorship they want a 'democracy'.
A 'democracy' by the 'elite' is, of course, NOT a democracy. That's an oligarchy.

Whatever they call it, Democrats deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
It's because they are trying to call the oligarchy or dictatorship they want a 'democracy'.
A 'democracy' by the 'elite' is, of course, NOT a democracy. That's an oligarchy.

Whatever they call it, Democrats deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
They do like playing with the meaning of words
A system of rule.

Sorry you don't read and speak English or Latin. Your problem. I suggest you at least learn English.
Now your subservience to tyhe establishment is showing. Rule ? Government is about management, dumbass.
Rule ? You poor sap.

Haw, haw.................................haw.
Yes, and to distinguish from legitimate democracy I call it "duhmobcracy."
Fine, but I call it what it is...an oligarchy (dictatorship by committee...or by the 'elite').

Your play on the word 'democracy' is actually pretty accurate, and why one should abhor a democracy.

As stated before, a democracy is government by popular vote. There are no representatives, and there is no constitution.

This form of government is unstable. Sooner or later (usually sooner!) one faction will gain control and vote itself more and more power. The democracy collapses, to be replaced by the Mob, now ruling as an oligarchy. Often, that oligarchy has a strong leader that becomes a king (or dictator).

Athens dissolved into a dictatorship. CHAZ dissolved into a brutal oligarchy within mere weeks.

Each State in the United States is a republic, or government by law (a constitution). That constitution defines and declares the government and creates representatives (offices) of that government and how they are to be elected and what power they have and how long they may serve. The Constitution of each State is created and owned by the people of that State. Only they may modify it, and only they may delete it (and thus dissolve the State government and the State). The government so created by that Constitution has no power over that Constitution. It cannot interpret, change, or delete that Constitution. Only the people that own that Constitution can do that, and only through the methods outlined in that State Constitution.

The United States is itself a republic made up of the States (which are also republics). This makes the United States a federated republic. The Constitution of the United States is created and owned by the States. Only the States can modify it, and only the States can delete it, and thus dissolve the federal government. The federal government as NO power over the Constitution (that includes the Supreme Court!). It cannot interpret, modify or delete it. Only the States have that power, and only through the methods outlined in the Constitution of the United States.

When a republic goes 'rogue', it is because it no longer recognizes the Constitution that created it and defines it. Under such conditions, it is no longer a republic.
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