“He will surely require that you violate basic principles of American democracy.”

Yes, but Gore had an alternate set - which Marxists say is illegal for Trump, but was fine and dandy for Gore, since he had a (D) after his name.
In the end, only the Florida State legislature has any authority to choose it's electors. The popular vote is only an advisory vote. That is true for all States, and outlined in Article II of the Constitution of the United States. In other words, only the State legislature has the authority to certify the popular vote for President of the United States in that State, not any election office or any other executive branch of the government of that State.

During the 'hanging chad' fiasco, the Supreme Court basically ruled enough is enough. The Florida State legislature then chose the electors as is their right and authority.
Now your subservience to tyhe establishment is showing. Rule ? Government is about management, dumbass.
Rule ? You poor sap.

Haw, haw.................................haw.
You are showing your inability to read and understand English again, Moonbat. I will try again, though you will not understand it (I post this mostly for the benefit of others).

The word 'government' first appeared in the English lexicon about the 14th century, stemming from the Latin 'gubernare', meaning 'rule' or to 'pilot' or 'steer'. A 'governor' can be an office, or a device in a vehicle to rule, pilot, or steer some aspect of that vehicle (such as the governor on an engine limiting engine power to some preset limit), or as a device to guide an autopilot.

A 'government' is therefore a system of rule...to 'pilot', or 'steer' a society.

Common forms of government are:

DEMOCRACY - or government by popular vote. It has no representatives and no constitution. It is literally mob rule.
REPUBLIC - or government by law (a constitution). It has both a constitution and representatives defined by that constitution.
DICTATORSHIP - or government by a single person (the dictator). Kings and any other monarch are dictators. There is no constitution.
OLIGARCHY - or government by committee. This is essentially a dictatorship by committee (the 'elite'). There is no constitution.

A so-called 'Constitutional Monarchy' is not a republic. It is a dictatorship trying to masquerade as a republic.
A so-called 'Theocracy' is not a republic. It is a dictatorship or oligarchy, using a god or gods as justification for The Elite.
A so-called 'Anarchy' is actually an attempt at a democracy, or mob rule (the Anarchists are the Mob).

If there is a Constitution, it has owners. They created it. Only they can modify it. Only they can delete it and thus dissolve the government it created. The government created by a Constitution has no authority over the constitution that created it.
Into the Night-soil, it's no surprise that you do not understand government FOR the people BY the people.
You are a slave to corporate ruler-ship enforced by the military. Your brainwashing has been evident for some considerable time.
Take a holiday.........with your sock.
Into the Night-soil, it's no surprise that you do not understand government FOR the people BY the people.
You are describing yourself.
You are a slave to corporate ruler-ship enforced by the military.
Corporations don't have military. They aren't the government either.
Your brainwashing has been evident for some considerable time.
Take a holiday.........with your sock.
You are describing yourself again.

You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else.
A democracy is government by popular vote. There are no representatives, and there is no constitution.
Nothing in a democracy means "popular" vote. A democracy is a form of govt where the leader is elected by the people. A constitutional republic is a democracy.
What 'accountability'? What has that got to do with ANY form of government??
The majority of governance was handed over to the swamp/blob....unelected bureaucrats unaccountable to the people...who have decided to use that power to enslave the masses.

Buckle Up.
The majority of governance was handed over to the swamp/blob....unelected bureaucrats unaccountable to the people...who have decided to use that power to enslave the masses.

Buckle Up.
Okay, so what do you do about it? What would you do as President about it?
Okay, so what do you do about it? What would you do as President about it?
Go back to Constitutional order ....which will not happen.....the American people will continue to refuse to demand this much less launch a revolution to throw out the current fascists.....they are ignorant sheep.
Go back to Constitutional order ....which will not happen.....the American people will continue to refuse to demand this much less launch a revolution to throw out the current fascists.....they are ignorant sheep.
That's just a platitude and vague statement. It doesn't address or solve the problem. I know what I'd do about it.