Head of Hamas government in Gaza eliminated

HAMAS is committed to armed resistance against Israel and to the creation of a Palestinian state, and the group has engaged in several rounds of violent conflict with Israel. The most recent began on 7 October 2023, when HAMAS launched a massive surprise attack against Israel, killing nearly 1,200 people.
The Jews killed hundreds of their own people under their ' Hannibal Directive ' . No evidence of any Palestinian atrocity has ever been produced.
HAMAS is committed to armed resistance against Israel
You demonize an essentially extinct group of Gazan administrators as justification for the genocide perpetrated by militant Zionist terrorists of the Arabs to whom the administrators administer. How can you be proud of your position?

and to the creation of a Palestinian state,
Yes, hence their hopes and dreams of a Palestinian homeland that reaches from the river to the sea, which you absurdly demonize as a "call for eradication of Jews."

and the group has engaged in several rounds of violent conflict with Israel.
One of these days, I'll explain to you the difference between Gaza and Iran.

The most recent began on 7 October 2023, when HAMAS launched a massive surprise attack against Israel, killing nearly 1,200 people.
You aren't rational. There can be no rational discussion with you on this topic.
You demonize an essentially extinct group of Gazan administrators as justification for the genocide perpetrated by militant Zionist terrorists of the Arabs to whom the administrators administer. How can you be proud of your position?

Yes, hence their hopes and dreams of a Palestinian homeland that reaches from the river to the sea, which you absurdly demonize as a "call for eradication of Jews."

One of these days, I'll explain to you the difference between Gaza and Iran.

You aren't rational. There can be no rational discussion with you on this topic.
Yes, Hamas, who beheaded Israeli infants and burned them alive are demons...evil and so are you for defending these barbarians.

One of these days you can take a hike, pendejo/a
You demonize an essentially extinct group of Gazan administrators as justification for the genocide perpetrated by militant Zionist terrorists of the Arabs to whom the administrators administer. How can you be proud of your position?

Yes, hence their hopes and dreams of a Palestinian homeland that reaches from the river to the sea, which you absurdly demonize as a "call for eradication of Jews."

One of these days, I'll explain to you the difference between Gaza and Iran.

You aren't rational. There can be no rational discussion with you on this topic.

Poor Arabs, they only control 99% of the landmass of the Middle East, and the greedy Jews won't give you the last 1% - NO FAIR!
You should apologize to the board in your suicide note for telling such evil lies.
Israel verified.


Apologize to the forum for your scurrilous attempt to subvert history ^ ^
I noticed. You are wise. I imagine you are in the same rough situation. Being a Christian, your "community" goes hard-line in one direction, and that direction is not "let's take a dispassionate view of what the Geneva Conventions have to say" but rather "God's chosen people were attacked again by the Philistines and it's about time Israel vanquishes its [demonized] enemies." I get it. It was the same propaganda on which I was raised and to which my family subscribed.

At one point I was required to study the Geneva Conventions and the "God's chosen people" doctrine ceased to hold sway. Otherwise, I don't support anyone in that region ... except for lawful noncombatants, as the US is supposed to be doing by treaty.

So yes, I feel for you. I understand what you're going through. If you'll recall, I have a family member who got involved in crypto. That same family member is a full-on member of Team Israel as well for similar reasons.
I've silently lurked throughout a number of these Israel/Hamas/Iran threads because I've found both entertainment value and some thought-provoking value in reading through the differing opinions on the topic. I haven't made my own posts about it because I haven't deeply studied the situation for myself and I don't wish to put my ignorance on full display.

Yes, I'm a Christian. Yes, I believe that the people of Israel are "God's chosen people" (they were chosen to be a "separate" people, a people to directly receive God's law, a people to be an example for the other nations, and a people who still have an important and prophetic role to play in present-day "end times" events). No, that doesn't mean that Israel gets a free pass from any/all valid criticisms of their actions. Yes, I believe that Iran is who ultimately needs to be directly addressed in the grand scheme of things.
If you'll recall, he claimed authority based on his brother being an accountant. I was merely referencing his insistence on matters for which he is far from being an expert.
I do vaguely remember some comment of that sort. But yeah, as for myself, I typically take a "listen first, speak later" approach to matters that I know little about and/or haven't researched for myself, such as this whole Israel/Hamas/Iran thing.
Accounting, per the rules of accounting for any certifying body, requires a currency.
Per present-day US laws, regulations, and standards (such as GAAP)? Yes.
Per accounting in and of itself? No.

Accounting has existed long before present-day US laws ever existed, long before GAAP ever existed, and even long before the US itself ever existed.
Net worth has to be measured in some currency,
No it doesn't.
otherwise all you have is bartering and inventory statements.
... and bartering CAN be accounted for (no currency required).
The variables in the accounting equation: Assets - Liabilities = Net_Worth are of some currency as the unit of measure.
Per present-day US laws, regulations, and standards (such as GAAP)? Yes.
Per accounting in and of itself? Not necessarily.
If your assets, liabilities and net worth are all in chickens, then chickens are your currency.
But my assets, liabilities, and net worth aren't all in chickens. The chickens have a coop that they roost in overnight. The chickens also lay eggs. The chickens also need feed. The chickens could also be butchered for meat.
How do you roll up the above equation without a currency? How do you fill out your balance sheet?
BALANCE SHEET (as of 03/27/2025)

1 chicken coop
12 egg-laying boxes
40 chickens
150 eggs
400lbs chicken feed

5 chickens
50 eggs

1 chicken coop
12 egg-laying boxes
35 chickens
100 eggs
400lbs chicken feed

Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth ... Balance Sheet balances ... no currency necessary.

Now, if strictly speaking of following current US laws, rules, regulations, and standardized practices (e.g. GAAP), then yes, a currency (e.g. dollar) has to be involved. (e.g. 1 chicken coop = $2,000.00, 150 eggs = $75.00, etc). This is because of government dictates as well as a general desire for a standardized system.

However, accounting in and of itself doesn't require any sort of currency (such as a dollar or a yen or a euro) to be used. Accounting has a history of existing prior to any widely used currencies.
Yes, Hamas, who beheaded Israeli infants
... yet you won't post any images of these "Hamas fighters" who beheaded the Israeli infants ... because you know that they wouldn't be images of Hamas, but would be images of Iran's militant proxies who are not affiliated with Hamas in any way. You do not post images of these "Hamas fighters" because you know full well that your deliberate refactoring of Iran's attacks on Israel as attacks by broke and unarmed Gazan administrators, strictly to support genocide against unarmed civilian noncombatants would become patently obvious, and that your blatant racism against Arabs would be placed on full display.

So, having said all that, I request you post a few images of these "Hamas fighters" that you insist beheaded Israeli infants.

and burned them alive are demons
For this to be believable, you need to first post a few images of these "Hamas fighters" who did all this.

...evil and so are you for defending these barbarians.
Your argument is summarily dismissed on the basis of a pivot fallacy. I don't support anyone in that region except for unarmed civilian noncombatants, as a human rights thing. I don't subscribe to the IDF's unfettered right to kill whomever they please, and I won't commit your special pleading fallacy that permits the most horrific war crimes as long as Israel is the perpetrator.

By the way, the IDF are the demonic barbarians in this equation ... and you are siding with them and their genocide, against the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide.

Jussayn. You would do well to pause for a moment and reconsider your position.

One of these days you can take a hike, pendejo/a
I will never support a Nazi genocide as you are doing. You should think twice before you cast stones from your glass house.

I've silently lurked throughout a number of these Israel/Hamas/Iran threads because I've found both entertainment value and some thought-provoking value in reading through the differing opinions on the topic.
This is a very wise and respectable approach. You maximize your learning, you don't trigger anyone, and you maximize the openness of your mind. Kudos.

Yes, I believe that Iran is who ultimately needs to be directly addressed in the grand scheme of things.
This is the fulcrum issue. In order to pretend that Israel is somehow the victim and is somehow justified in its ethnic cleansing, one must deny Iran as the attacker on Oct-7 and instead insist Gaza's unarmed administrators somehow caused rockets to magically appear and to launch at Israel while somehow teleporting roughly one hundred hostages to Qatar into the custody of Iranian militants. This is the only way one can plausibly claim that Israel is correct to slaughter unarnmed civilian Arab noncombatants by invading Gaza instead of exacting retribution for the attack by invading Iran.

One also has to ask the question "Once it became clear that the hostages aren't in Gaza and that Gaza's administrators (Hamas) obviously did not perpetrate the attack, why hasn't Israel ceased operations (with profuse apologies) and departed?" Why has Israel not only ramped up their rate of killing and destruction, but deliberately violated the cease-fire to which they had previously agreed, just to resume killing unarmed civilian noncombatants?

I do vaguely remember some comment of that sort. But yeah, as for myself, I typically take a "listen first, speak later" approach to matters that I know little about and/or haven't researched for myself, such as this whole Israel/Hamas/Iran thing.
You will never be punished for not saying anything. You always have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the JPP forum. Case in point, I say a lot. I do it as a service. Lurkers can remain silent and see what people say to me.

Per present-day US laws, regulations, and standards (such as GAAP)? Yes.
This really is 95% of our discussion. We are primarily in agreement. Our disagreement is really over one small point that amounts to "What do you mean by 'accounting'?" I totally get your point that people can document their assets/debts and they have the 1st Amendment right to refer to it as their "accounting." I totally grant your point; I do not disagree.

Please note that I always specified reference to "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles." I claim that your error is subtle, and reflected in your mindset. "Accounting" is not something personal, i.e. of each individual, but rather an accepted standard, so that when you and I do business, we do so on a level playing field. The purpose of accounting in society cannot be achieved if you have your own "accounting" and I have mine. We do not have "Generally Accepted Culinary Principles" because what food you decide to eat for lunch is a personal matter for individual determination. We do have "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" because we need for everyone to be operating under the same standards so that, for example, what you owe in taxes is a legitimate concept, and that laws regarding how you amortize you loans mean the same thing to you as it means to me. This is why there are certifications for accounting issued by accounting authorities.

... and bartering CAN be accounted for (no currency required).
It can be documented, yes.

But my assets, liabilities, and net worth aren't all in chickens.
This is an illustration of your error. The equation Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities has only three variables. You must put only one value into each, not seven or twenty or thousands. The only way you can put a single value into each variable is to have a currency that represents the type of those variables.

BALANCE SHEET (as of 03/27/2025)

1 chicken coop
12 egg-laying boxes
40 chickens
150 eggs
400lbs chicken feed

5 chickens
50 eggs

1 chicken coop
12 egg-laying boxes
35 chickens
100 eggs
400lbs chicken feed

Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth ... Balance Sheet balances ... no currency necessary.
Another error is represented above is the idea that you can actually represent your transactions. If today you barter (with no underlying currency) one coop for a dozen eggs (and we are saying that neither eggs nor coops are a currency) ... and tomorrow you barter one coop for ten eggs. In our "accounting" we have twelve eggs equals one coop equals ten eggs, i.e. twelve eggs equals ten eggs. Your net worth of 100 eggs equals a net worth of 120 eggs and simultaneously equals a net worth of 96 eggs. You actually don't have a balance sheet, you don't have a ledger and you don't have accounting; you have an inventory sheet.

Now, if the egg is your currency, then you simply create your ledger and balance sheet in "eggs" and you develop your egg (cash) flow statements. The changing coop values are simply captured in the transaction values with respect to eggs.

However, accounting in and of itself doesn't require any sort of currency
The moment you establish accounting as a standard (to be forthwith adhered by society/multiple people), you have to have a currency to have equality under the accounting.

As long as you view accounting as your own personal documentation under your own rules under a bartering system, you simply have your own inventory sheets.

Team Israel always blames Gazans for Israel's attacks upon them. Team Israel always quips "That was a Hamas command post" or "Hamas always hides behind human shields" even though neither is the case. The IDF is measurably worse than Al Qassam, i.e. they should both be brought to justice.
Israel couldn't wait to break the cease-fire. Israel is focused on one thing and one thing alone, i.e. the ethnic cleansing of Arabs in Gaza.

Do you have any images of Hamas fighters that aren't obviously Iran's proxies? You aren't aware that Hamas are the administrators of Gaza, are you? You don't have a clue as to what is going on; you simply HATE Arabs and don't want to be cheated out of your genocide.

You never answered my question about how many dead Arab children you are hoping have to be fished out of rubble due to illegal Israeli airstrikes.

Shut the fuck up troll!! We already have one Hamas Humper, namely McMoonshi'ite, and don't need anymore, fuck off!!
If Israel is committing genocide, it's the sloppiest, worst, execution of one in history, and Jan 6 was a 3-hour riot.

Now if you want to a real genocide look no further than the mullah murderers and their proxy war in Yemen. Nearly a million killed over the last decade, many by mines provided by Iranians which have killed many women and children, not that cunts like Goat, IBDaMann and McMoonshi'ite care to even acknowledge that fact.
I've silently lurked throughout a number of these Israel/Hamas/Iran threads because I've found both entertainment value and some thought-provoking value in reading through the differing opinions on the topic. I haven't made my own posts about it because I haven't deeply studied the situation for myself and I don't wish to put my ignorance on full display.

Yes, I'm a Christian. Yes, I believe that the people of Israel are "God's chosen people" (they were chosen to be a "separate" people, a people to directly receive God's law, a people to be an example for the other nations, and a people who still have an important and prophetic role to play in present-day "end times" events). No, that doesn't mean that Israel gets a free pass from any/all valid criticisms of their actions. Yes, I believe that Iran is who ultimately needs to be directly addressed in the grand scheme of things.
You're evidently out of your skull.

Read this and re-educate yourself into the 21st century ;

' This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells. '

Now if you want to a real genocide look no further than the mullah murderers and their proxy war in Yemen. Nearly a million killed over the last decade, many by mines provided by Iranians which have killed many women and children, not that cunts like Goat, IBDaMann and McMoonshi'ite care to even acknowledge that fact.
Those insufferable pricks will never acknowledge that Hamas broke the ceasefire and murdered nearly 1000 Israeli citizens, including infants and took hostages, a violation of the Geneva Conventions (Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits the taking of hostages.)

There is video of this that numerous American officials and the media have seen and infants were beheaded.

Hamas’s October 7 Attack: Visualizing the Data​

Photo: FADEL SENNA/AFP via Getty Images

Photo: FADEL SENNA/AFP via Getty Images

"The Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, will go down as one of the worst terrorist attacks in history. Recognizing its impact, however, involves understanding the many dimensions of the attack, its consequences for a small state like Israel and a small area like the Gaza Strip, and its global ramifications.

In this commentary, CSIS researchers in the Transnational Threats Project present 10 figures to illustrate different dimensions of the attack. These include comparisons of the attack’s fatalities and the hostages taken with other such terrorist operations in other countries, comparisons between October 7 and past attacks on Israel, and images of Hamas’s tactics on October 7. Taken together, these visualizations and images can help illustrate why Israeli leaders felt compelled to launch a devastating response to the October 7 attacks, how the casualties Israel inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza compares with past operations, and the difficulties Israel faces regarding the hostages taken and other challenges."

Nor will these defenders of terrorists admit that Hamas placed military assets in hospitals and schools, in hopes of maximizing collateral damage ((photo ops showing dead infants). They used the lives of their own infants for photo propaganda.

Their support of terrorists and terrorism, in the long view, is a moot issue. Israel, like any other country, will not allow barbarians to live alongside their country. Hamas has already declared that they will repeat Oct. 7...again and again and again.

Hamas official vows to repeat attacks on Israel 'again and ...

https://www.msnbc.com › morning-joe › watch › hama...
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This is the real Muslim world not the one dressed up for Western consumption. Progressive Americans especially have never been to Islamic countries and have very little idea of what is really happening.

I grew up watching my uncle beat my mother like she was property. I watched him do the same to his sister and his wife.

I watched a neighbor beat his wife in broad daylight.

I watched another neighbor murder his sister in the name of “honor.”

I was 14 when I broke my own sister’s shoulder.

Because that’s what I was taught: that women are beneath us, that they’re ours to control.

View: https://x.com/DanBurmawy/status/1904918850333786546?t=ehtcIc6dd10dcttmUauaQA&s=19