Health Bill Includes Abortion Coverage

You admitted bias against my two sources and any information they provide. If you are NOT willing to discuss the information presented by the source, you're claim is but a fart in the wind. Anyone can accuse someone of being a liar....PROVING IT is a whole other smoke. Discuss the information within, and you might have some credibility here.
I didn't reject your other source, I pointed out that the issue you raised didn't legitimize Christie's false I stated earlier, the fact that Guttmacher has different data than the CDC doesn't change the fact that the data Christie submitted as CDC data wasn't CDC data.....even then the Guttmacher data doesn't support Christie's claim either.....even Bruce's data didn't support Christie's are the one who's never presented an argument......and by providing the true CDC data, I DID prove Christie a liar....the only smoke here is the screen you are trying to erect about bias....
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I didn't reject your other source, I pointed out that the issue you raised didn't legitimize Christie's false I stated earlier, the fact that Guttmacher has different data than the CDC doesn't change the fact that the data Christie submitted as CDC data wasn't CDC data.....even then the Guttmacher data doesn't support Christie's claim either.....even Bruce's data didn't support Christie's are the one who's never presented an argument......and by providing the true CDC data, I DID prove Christie a liar....the only smoke here is the screen you are trying to erect about bias....

Round and round we DID NOT discuss the Guttmacher info in detail comparison to the CDC rejected out of hand the other source material. Remember, Christies source sighted the the CDC as ONE of it's reference materials......along two others. I admitted that it was vague in and of itself, and proceded to try and identify what other source materials were relevant. When a comparison is done, I concluded that Christies source material was indeed flawed, but NOT totally incorrect. Again, when one does a comparison to the two sources you provide and what I provide, neither side somes out as absolute. Christie wasn't a liar....her source material is however, vague at best....... If you had been paying attention instead of keeping a stubborn chip on your shoulder, you would have noticed my direction in the dicsussion. BUT, as you have admitted bias to such sources as Planned Parenthood and the like, you cannot progress your argument beyond the CDC 2005 (which readily admits it's own margins of error). So unless you're willing to examine, compare and discuss ALL relevent sources to the issue, I'd say we're done here, and you can repeat your accusations and previously addressed statements/claims.